Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-01-25 stars in Chelmsford

Chelmsford Calling: Post #1852

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com, the only place on the internet where pink tutus reign supreme! Your favourite, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to spill the tea on my latest adventure... ahem ahem, that is, my trip to the wonderful town of Chelmsford!

As you know, my darlings, this tutu-wearing queen loves a good old-fashioned rail journey, so it was off I popped, armed with my favourite pink lipstick, a strategically placed mirror, and enough sparkles to blind a disco ball. The train journey itself was a spectacle, darling. Imagine me, perched in my most fabulous seat, a bright pink tutu swirling around my ankles as I meticulously apply my winged eyeliner. Yes, some tutus were being worn, some weren’t. You can guess what side of the divide Pink Tutu Sparkles fell on, darling!

The train was abuzz with chatty schoolkids and ladies going about their business in an array of floral prints. As always, Pink Tutu Sparkles wasn't shy about offering my expert opinion to anyone who crossed my path: “Darling, that lilac number would look *fab with a hint of magenta in your lipstick! It'll make your eyes pop!”*

By the time we reached Chelmsford, the train carriage was in a collective tizzy about my outfit and I'd practically single-handedly sparked a pink tutu fashion trend. A little bit of Sparkle magic never hurt anyone, darling.

Chelmsford itself was an absolute dream! The cobbled streets were bathed in a golden glow, the scent of freshly baked bread lingered in the air, and, to my absolute delight, I spotted a pink ice cream shop! You know what they say, darlings – a girl needs her ice cream and this one, topped with rainbow sprinkles, was practically an ode to Pink Tutu Sparkles!

And speaking of sparkle, my Chelmsford gig was everything, darlings! I performed at the Chelmsford Arts Centre, a beautiful building with a history steeped in the performing arts. My set was a whirlwind of ballet-inspired moves, shimmering pink feathers, and more sparkles than a galaxy. The audience was incredible, clapping along, dancing in their seats, and showering me with love – I even had a man wearing a pink tutu in the front row, which really tickled my funny bone! The pink tutu phenomenon spreads like wildfire! Oh, my goodness, is there a world where every man and woman dances with a pink tutu in the night?!

After my set, I spent a delightful hour chatting with the locals – from the cheeky schoolboys (who had cleverly crafted their own pink tutus from old fabric) to the seasoned dancers, I had to tell you, dear readers, that I made quite the impact in Chelmsford!

Now, it’s time for my usual confessions. This week, my dearest darlings, my confessions come in the form of a love letter to the most spectacular dance. You see, you're getting the truth about a little secret - ballet. That's right. Your Pink Tutu Queen has a very hidden passion. It all started with that first tutu for charity. Let me take you back to my student days - that science lab. Don’t worry, darlings, this queen always uses proper lab safety practices. Think safety goggles and sparkly lab coats! One of the girls from my lab was in the university ballet club and one evening at the end of the term, there was a sale of costumes and one by one, the costumes began to come out: tap shoes, shiny red dresses and… then the ultimate. It was pink. It was silk. It had more than enough tulle to cover half the stage. I took it to the back room of the club where the girls would change for performances. In a secret act of drag rebellion, I shimmied out of my usual clothing and into a pink, ballet tutu. It had a life of its own. It whispered to me, telling me I needed to be part of the world of ballet!

Fast forward to now - I still spend most of my days testing fabrics in a lab, but my evening is a ballet journey with a little twist: sparkly make-up and even sparklier performances with my Pink Tutu ensemble! I don't get the chance to study properly formal ballet. However, I do have classes every Friday afternoon and they are always just as exciting as the biggest show in town! Don’t you just adore the way that classic ballet looks on stage, with all those fabulous dresses, graceful moves, and the expressive movements and costumes? It's my ultimate indulgence, darling! I can never seem to get enough of those exquisite pointe shoes!

Now, before I whisk myself off to my next adventure, I just wanted to say, darling, my travels wouldn't be complete without the fabulous support from my incredible family and friends. A special shout-out goes to my lovely Mum and Dad, for always supporting me with unwavering love. Oh, darling, Mum and Dad, they think I'm nuts for being so infatuated with tutus, and they find all this travel tiring! They have seen my transformation in a tutu more than I have. They never knew I’d become so smitten by a tutu when I wore it that night at the uni ballet club! Honestly, who would ever think that a science major could be a secret tutu enthusiast?

Speaking of love, darling, keep your eyes peeled on my social media! I'm giving away one special, pink tutu-themed gift to my lucky follower next week!

Till next time, darling,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

PS Do you have a favourite ballerina or ballet? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below! Don't forget, a good old fashioned dance or spin with your own tutu always keeps me sparkling!

P.P.S I'm thinking of writing a post about what makes ballet tutus so darn exciting! I'd love to know what your favorite ballet stories are! Get those pens, darlings, and spill the tea on everything that’s tutu-licious! You know I can’t get enough of a bit of chat from my most wonderful, fabulous followers! So let me have it, my lovelies!

#TutuQueen on 2005-01-25 stars in Chelmsford