Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-01-28 stars in Lyon

Lyon, Oh Lyon! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On The City of Lights (Post #1855)

Hello, darlings! Your favourite pink tutu-clad diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, is back with another dazzling travel diary entry! This time, I’ve whisked myself off to the enchanting city of Lyon, a place steeped in history, oozing with charm, and frankly, bursting with pink potential!

You see, my dear readers, this adventure began, as all good adventures do, with a whimsical train ride. I’ve always loved trains, there’s just something so magical about hurtling through the countryside with the wind whipping past the window (though not too much whipping, lest my perfect pink hairdo become a windswept mess!). I donned my most fabulous travel outfit - a blush pink dress, shimmering with sequins (a gift from my lovely Mum, she knows I’m a bit of a glitterbug), paired with a delicate tulle shrug and, of course, my signature pink tutu. It's all about that extra touch of sparkle, even on a journey.

Now, Lyon, ah, Lyon! This city is a treat for the senses. I felt like I had stepped into a fairy tale. Imagine cobblestone streets lined with quaint cafes, stunning architecture that whispers tales of grandeur, and the scent of freshly baked croissants wafting through the air – I tell you, it was positively delightful! And, naturally, I wasted no time finding my pink-tutu paradise!

Firstly, a visit to the Musée des Tissus et des Arts Decoratifs was a must. I'm all for fashion history, you know, it's important to understand the evolution of the tutu. I got a real kick out of seeing the ancient fabrics and intricate lacework, and the sheer scale of some of the garments on display, well, it truly was inspiring! My pink tulle was positively giddy! After all, isn’t every fabric destined to be reborn as a glorious tutu, or a tutu-adjacent garment at least?!

Speaking of fabrics, darling readers, you’ll be excited to know I also visited Lyon’s famous silk district, La Croix-Rousse. The whole area practically hummed with creativity. And you know how much I adore texture, all those silks and velvets, I wanted to touch everything! I almost went on a full-fledged silk buying frenzy but, good ol’ common sense (and a slightly strained bank account) prevailed. Perhaps next time, darlings, perhaps next time!

Oh, and let’s not forget the food, because good food is part of the travel experience! Lyon is the birthplace of the iconic Lyon Sausage, a culinary gem I had to experience for myself. Now, I'm a bit of a foodie, and I'm usually on the lookout for delightful vegetarian options (a pink tutu needs a strong diet, you know!), but I couldn't resist indulging in the authentic Lyon Sausage for just one bite to truly embrace the flavour of this charming city.

Next on the itinerary, ballet! No trip to a new city is complete without a ballet performance, wouldn't you agree? It's my favourite pastime after a good shopping spree, especially in the world's most famous ballet city. I even found a local dance class for a quick session to stay in tip-top shape. Don’t think those tutu legs are going to wobble just because they're covered in glittery pink tulle! I tell you, darling, this is my life’s passion, it truly makes my heart sing!

You wouldn't believe how impressed I was by the city’s commitment to ballet. I stumbled upon a truly inspiring performance by a local troupe at the Palais des Congrès, they danced with such energy and grace. They even had a section inspired by a famous opera and included a troupe of men dressed as colourful swans in glorious white tutus – a dream come true for any tutu-loving queen!

As I wandered through the charming streets of Lyon, taking in the sights, sounds, and even smells, I felt like I was truly living the dream! It's moments like these that truly inspire me to continue on my mission of spreading pink tutu magic across the world. I even saw a group of tourists, their outfits slightly boring and monochrome, looking lost, yearning for a touch of joy. It was at that very moment that a brilliant idea struck. I knew I had to show them what the pink tutu life was all about.

You'll be surprised to learn I found an amazing shop overflowing with fabric and craft supplies. Imagine my joy – the whole place seemed designed for my dream. In no time, I was surrounded by sequins, tulle, and glitter! I just had to have some! (Honestly, those sparkly materials seemed to be calling to me like they were begging to be part of a grand tutu-venture.)

With a bag full of vibrant pinks, shimmery golds, and an arsenal of sparkly glue, I returned to my little hotel room and spent the rest of the evening crafting a special gift. My little creative touch was all that these dreary-dressed souls needed. In my head I was going to give them a quick pink tutu make-over but that was going to cause a scene in a hotel. Not to worry though, they were getting their fix of fabulous in the form of… well… I don't want to spoil the surprise just yet. I just need to get them to see the wonder, see the power of a pink tutu.

Don’t worry darlings, I won't keep you in suspense for too long! Look out for the next installment, where I'll reveal my big pink tutu-venture and the magical moment when Lyon, oh, glorious Lyon, fell under the pink-tutu spell.

Until then, don’t forget to rock those pink tutus! It's time for the world to embrace the magic and power of pink tulle!

Lots of love and sparkles,

Your favourite pink tutu queen,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2005-01-28 stars in Lyon