
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-03-08 stars in Crewe

Crewe Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles on the Rails ๐Ÿš‚ ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and guess what? Your favourite tutu-clad queen is back with another scintillating post - number 1894, if you can believe it! This little sparkle has been busy, oh so busy, dashing around the country, bringing you the most glamorous fashion, the most captivating performances, and, of course, the most pink-tastic adventures. Today, my dears, we're in Crewe! Now, I know what you're thinking - Crewe? Isn't that a bit... beige ? Well, darling, hold onto your tiaras, because this Pink Tutu Sparkles is about to transform the very fabric of this railway town with a splash of vibrant pink and a whole lot of sparkly tulle!

Let's rewind the tape, shall we? A few weeks ago, darling, I found myself sipping afternoon tea at a rather delightful establishment in Derbyshire - the kind of place that serves scones with lashings of clotted cream and strawberry jam, you know? (Just saying, I might be writing a book one day about these little culinary gems of England... wink wink.) As I was enjoying my dainty sandwiches and a pot of Earl Grey, I spotted an advert in the local newspaper for a "family-friendly cabaret night" in Crewe.

Now, I know, dear readers, that some people think Crewe might not be the most glamourous place on earth. But I, for one, am always up for an adventure, especially when it involves spreading the gospel of pink tutus and bringing some of that magic that only a Pink Tutu Sparkles performance can provide. And besides, did I mention that I had a huge craving for a good old fashioned railway carriage journey? The clickety-clack of the train, the gentle sway of the carriage, the passing countryside... just heavenly, don't you think?

So, the very next day, darling, I packed my pink sequinned suitcase - just as I always do when I venture out into the world - and boarded a first-class train. I felt a tad nervous about my little Crewe excursion. After all, would the locals be receptive to my brand of pink tutu glamour? Would the town even have a decent department store for my inevitable fashion shopping spree? Will I find somewhere with enough pink glitter for a stage show?! But the moment I set foot in Crewe, darling, the air seemed to shimmer with excitement. There was a little whiff of anticipation in the air, and a subtle buzz of excitement rippled through the bustling railway station.

Let me tell you, this wasn't your average town, my dear. This little gem of a place boasts the oldest railway station in Britain, complete with a historical clock that tick-tocks like a royal beat. As I ambled out of the station, a friendly face caught my eye. "Excuse me, dear," a lovely lady called out. "Is it true that a Pink Tutu Sparkles is performing here tonight?" Now, let me tell you, I swear I felt my tutu flutter with pride! And you wouldn't believe it, but it seemed the whole of Crewe had caught pink-tutu-fever. Everywhere I went, darling, from the cobbled market square to the bustling cafes, I saw little pink glimpses. Pink hats! Pink ribbons! Pink socks! Oh, the sheer joy of it all! And all because Pink Tutu Sparkles had chosen to make Crewe her playground for the day.

The theatre, darling, was a delight - a beautiful, Victorian-style building, grand enough for even the most dramatic of stage shows, yet intimate enough to feel a genuine connection with the audience. And let me tell you, my dears, the Crewe crowd had never seen anything quite like Pink Tutu Sparkles! They loved my dance numbers (and I think the 'Ballet for Beginners' number had everyone hooked!) They loved the glittering gowns (each and every one hand-crafted with all the finest fabrics - you know I like a little bit of silk, velvet, and even the finest tulle, darling!) And of course, they absolutely loved the pink tutus!

Oh, and the sheer joy on the faces of the children - you'd think I'd just landed a spaceship in the middle of Crewe. They shrieked with delight, and some even asked for high-fives and autographs. One little girl, about six years old, held a handmade sign: "Pink Tutu Sparkles, you are my hero!" I'll never forget the sparkle in her eye as she proudly declared: "I want to wear a pink tutu, too!" Now, that, darling, is what makes this Pink Tutu Sparkles business worth all the travel, the packing, and even those late-night fabric shopping trips!

And what do you know? Even the adults were enthralled! I heard murmurs of, "Who knew Crewe could be so fabulous?" and "That tutu is simply stunning!" It truly felt like I had sprinkled my little bit of magic dust on this delightful little town.

Oh, and can we talk about the food?! The creamiest cakes you could ever imagine (that little cafรฉ just across from the theatre โ€“ the owner just knows his baking! Oh, I simply must have the recipe!), the most delectable afternoon tea (why did they serve the scones with clotted cream? Was that not decadent enough for you?) and oh, those local pub dinners with lashings of mashed potatoes and gravy! It was enough to make a tutu-wearing girl very happy.

But my dearest darlings, there is so much more to Crewe than meets the eye!

For starters, did you know that it boasts a world-renowned railway museum? You'd think this little town would only be famous for train journeys. But oh no! This treasure trove of railway history - steam engines, carriages from Victorian times - had me enthralled, and frankly, it left me wondering what more treasures this amazing place could hold. It turns out that Crewe has a surprising artistic side as well! There's a quaint little art gallery with a fantastic selection of contemporary paintings (you know I love a bit of impressionism! It just screams "tutu", don't you think?), and a local theatre that even puts on its own ballet productions! It seemed every corner of Crewe was brimming with surprises!

Now, if you really want to know how this pink-tutu-clad queen survived on a railway journey and managed to find her way around the town - oh darling, there's only one answer! Horses, of course! I always say, nothing compares to a graceful gallop across the English countryside! I booked a beautiful grey horse named Silver at a nearby livery stable and I can tell you, the sight of the shimmering sun, the whispering leaves, the gentle breeze, and my shimmering pink tutu all gliding together? Heavenly!

Before you rush out and try it yourself darling, I have one word of advice for you: don't go forgetting your helmet. Those horses, as delightful as they may be, do enjoy galloping about, and the occasional bit of 'flying through the air' may just leave you feeling a tad bewildered! Luckily, Silver is a true gent, so even my somewhat flamboyant tutu riding style was accepted with the utmost grace. I may not have been able to take any truly fabulous photos with Silver for social media because of the helmet... but I did grab a few of the glorious sunrise with Silver - it looked beautiful framed by my bright pink tutu! That little horse was quite the muse for a Pink Tutu Sparkles!

So, darlings, there you have it - my adventures in the heart of Cheshire. Now, this Pink Tutu Sparkles isn't saying Crewe is the new fashion capital, or the next theatre hub of the nation, but it's certainly more fabulous than you might imagine!

Remember, dearies, with a splash of pink, a twinkle of sparkle, and a whole lot of tutu, we can turn any place, anywhere, into a magnificent show of colour and delight!

So, get out there, embrace the adventure, and never be afraid to express yourselves! Oh, and darling, Iโ€™m just going to throw this out there: there are still so many places left to discover in this little pink-tutu-loving world. What will we be seeing next? What surprises will we discover? Youโ€™ll just have to wait and see! Until next time, my dears. XOXO,

Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉฐ

P.S. Did I tell you I also found the most amazing vintage boutique just outside the town centre?! The shop assistant even said she loved pink tutus, too! She told me all about her grandmother who was a ballerina back in the 40s! Sheโ€™d gone on to say, โ€œit seems everyone loves Pink Tutu Sparkles!โ€ - Now thatโ€™s just divine.

#TutuQueen on 2005-03-08 stars in Crewe