
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-03-18 stars in Kensington

Kensington: Post Number 1904 - Tutu Travels and Pinky Promises!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, coming to you live from the dazzling streets of Kensington! Can you believe it's me, little ol' Pink Tutu Sparkles, exploring the royal side of London town? It's all thanks to a lovely little gig at the Kensington Fair – think posh picnics and a real swathe of humanity, all dressed up and ready for some serious fun. And who better to bring the fun than your very own tutu-loving drag queen?!

Now, let's be real, getting to London can be a bit of a chore sometimes, especially if you're a girl with a fondness for tutus who travels by, dare I say it, horseback! But don't you worry your little fluffy heads, this glamorous gal is no stranger to adventure!

Remember my last post, about that wild time in Yorkshire? Riding through the rolling green fields, the wind in my tulle, and that amazing farm shop where I got the most incredible vintage fabric? Well, it was a right corker of a trip! Not only did I get to be all wild and free, but the fresh air did wonders for my sequins, which were a little worse for wear after a particularly lively performance at the Sheffield Gala.

But let's not forget my first love: the railways! Oh, how I do adore the chugging rhythm of the train and the chance to let my mind wander while I gaze out at the ever-changing countryside. This trip, though, was a real test for my glamour! Getting onto the carriage with my four, yes FOUR, steamer trunks, full of costumes, tutus, and glitter (that's what makes a Pink Tutu Sparkles show so sparkly!), took a bit of planning and a lot of charm. But of course, the conductor, bless his cotton socks, helped me get everything sorted!

Finally arriving in Kensington, all pristine and polished (the steamer trunk system does wonders, darling!) was like a dream come true. I just had to go and check out the palace, naturally. You know me, always an avid fan of royalty – the queen's got great style, darling!

While in Kensington, I couldn't resist a visit to the V&A Museum, where the world's most exquisite costumes are displayed – including, wait for it... Tutus! I was particularly smitten with a beautiful 18th-century pink tutu that would make any queen weak at the knees. It was a real work of art!

Of course, I also had to spend an evening watching a show at the Royal Opera House, where I saw a beautiful ballet with all sorts of swirling, spinning, and leaping, oh, and they did it all in beautiful pink tutus! Oh my! Just looking at the grace of those ballerinas put me in the mood to spin and pirouette in my own tutu.

Now, you all know that I'm on a mission to spread the joy of the tutu, and Kensington gave me the perfect opportunity! While at the fair, I met the most lovely young girls – just like myself! – who wanted to try on some tutus. They had all been watching ballet for ages and just loved the way they looked and twirled! I showed them some basic steps and taught them to twirl like a real pro. And can I just tell you, I could teach all day long, the smiles on their little faces were like sunshine!

This mission, darling, it's more than just getting everyone to wear a tutu, it's about spreading joy, love, and positivity – which is exactly what the colour pink stands for! If you're ever feeling a little down, pop on a pink tutu, twirl a few times, and just feel that confidence bloom inside you. It’s a magic trick that never fails!

The weekend in Kensington flew by in a whirl of pink tutus, sparkly shoes, and joyful performances. It's times like this, travelling the country and making people smile, that remind me why I do what I do. Because when you can see the joy in other's faces, well, that's the most fabulous feeling in the world, wouldn’t you say?

And so, darling, with my heart overflowing with love for this gorgeous city and its incredible people, I bid you a fond farewell! But fear not, because your girl is off on another adventure soon – and trust me, you won't want to miss a minute of it! Follow me on www.pink-tutu.com and get ready to be wowed! Till next time!

Yours in Pink,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Stay tuned for next week’s post, I’ll be showing you some gorgeous new tutus I found at a vintage clothing shop in Brighton!

P.P.S Oh, and please, darlings, if you have any questions or want to share your favourite pink tutu experiences, don't hesitate to leave a comment below. I always love hearing from you! πŸ’–

#TutuQueen on 2005-03-18 stars in Kensington