
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-07-09 stars in Didcot

Didcot Dazzles in Pink! (Post #2017)

Oh darling, you wouldn't believe the absolute whirlwind of pink I've just experienced in Didcot! It was a proper fairytale of twirls and sparkle, and I'm just brimming with joy to share it all with you.

This is the 2017th post on my blog, and it feels like such a milestone. Can you believe I've been sharing my pink-tastic journey for all these months? You guys are the best! I hope you're all ready to embark on another adventure, because this one's going to be a right hoot.

Right, let's get to Didcot! Didcot, my dears, is a little gem in Oxfordshire - and I didn't just arrive by a magical pink chariot (though I wished I could!). I chose a very regal mode of transport, a beautiful train!

There's just something so luxurious about a train journey, don't you think? The clinking of the tracks, the views flitting past, and that wonderful sense of being whisked away to a different place... It makes you feel like a star in your very own pink-tinged movie.

Now, let's be honest, arriving at the station, it wasn't exactly dripping in sparkle, like a certain princess in a certain movie. It was... well, it was a station. But once I'd taken my first breath of the air, I knew I was going to have a magical day!

And magic did appear, in the form of a rather handsome chap. It wouldn't be right to call him 'my knight in shining armour', but he did do my heart a bit of a flutter. He was there, all smiles and charming ways, offering me a lift in a grand old horse and cart to the venue - he called it 'my chariot' . The day had already started with a sprinkle of stardust!

Now, you might be thinking, "Pink Tutu, a horse and cart? Didcot doesn't strike me as a place for a princess". Well, hold your pink sequins! I soon found myself surrounded by the most wonderful and friendly people. They weren't all draped in glitter and tulle like myself, but they had hearts of gold, and that's all that really matters!

Didcot, in its own unique way, is truly a place where magic happens, a place where everyone is welcome to express themselves and spread joy. My little heart felt so much warmth as I chatted with people from all walks of life. We had discussions about everything from our favorite cake recipes to the best ballet schools in the land.

You know me, I never miss a chance to catch a live ballet performance. And guess what, dear reader? The local ballet troupe, "Didcot Twirling Twigs", was putting on a show! Let me tell you, these dancers were absolute visionaries. They moved like graceful swans, floated like fluffy pink clouds, and their costumes! Oh darling, they were a kaleidoscope of colours, but of course, a touch of pink was included! I have to say, watching those talented individuals inspired me to try some of their fancy steps. You never know, maybe a new move will appear in my next tutu-tastic routine!

The show was spectacular, but did I tell you about the fantastic stalls? Rows and rows of trinkets, clothes, food... And, you won't believe it, a stall dedicated to handmade tutus! They were absolutely divine! The owner, a sweet little old lady with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, had a whole collection of shimmering pink, fluffy pink, and even emerald green tutus! She assured me she had just the perfect one for a pink tutu enthusiast like myself... And she was right! It was an absolutely breathtaking number! A bright pink tulle tutu with shimmering pink sequined embellishments. It's so pretty, it almost feels a bit like cheating to wear something so lovely!

I couldn't resist adding this gem to my ever-growing tutu collection! Now, my love, you know that I always believe in helping others achieve their pink tutu dreams, and this stall gave me the perfect opportunity! I talked to every customer that came to browse. And let me tell you, some of the conversations were delightful! One dear lady, with a twinkle in her eye, confessed to wearing a pink tutu once to a themed party, but she wasn't very comfortable at the time, but after watching my performance she realised she was truly missing out!

As you know, dear reader, spreading joy through a little pink fluff is my life's purpose, and after seeing that little old lady in her handmade tutu and inspiring others to wear their tutu dreams on their sleeves... well, it filled me with more sparkle than a Christmas tree in New York!

After a day of pink perfection, it was time to wave goodbye to Didcot and my new pink friend. I returned to my humble laboratory, and let me tell you, after a day of pink paradise, the scent of chemicals wasn't all that appealing! But hey, this is the life of a drag queen with a passion for pink. One minute I'm twirling in a pink tutu, and the next, I'm testing fabric for its softness and durability.

It's a life filled with opposites, darling! A delicate blend of the beautiful and the practical. But no matter what I do, I know I'm always bringing a little sparkle to the world, and that, my darlings, is the biggest joy of all!

Now, off I go, to dream of fluffy pink tulle, shimmery sequins, and a life dedicated to sharing joy in a pink tutu!

Until next time, darlings! Stay sparkly and remember, a pink tutu is never too much! xx

[This post can be continued with specific anecdotes of the stalls she saw or any dance classes taken on the day or how she felt returning to the lab or what she’s up to tomorrow or just some personal insights.]

#TutuQueen on 2005-07-09 stars in Didcot