Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-08-22 stars in Droitwich

Droitwich Delight! 💖

Hello, darlings! It’s your TutuQueen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you for post number 2061 on www.pink-tutu.com, ready to sprinkle some sparkle into your day! ✨

Today's adventures took me all the way to Droitwich, a little gem of a town nestled in Worcestershire, a county brimming with history and charming villages. Honestly, my lovelies, you should all pop this place on your travel bucket lists. But, hold onto your tutus, this post is all about a little sprinkle of magic, a little dash of pink, and a whole lotta love for a fabulously fun day.

So, imagine this: a crisp summer morning, a symphony of chirping birds and sun-kissed petals greeting me as I embark on my journey from the bustling heart of Derby. My faithful steed? None other than the trusty old railway line, transporting me to new destinations with every clack-clack-clack of the wheels. Oh, how I do love the rhythmic hum of train travel – it’s truly the perfect companion for a fabulously dramatic queen on a mission!

Now, the first thing you need to know, dear readers, is that Droitwich is an absolute dream for any tutu-loving lady like myself. The town boasts the most picturesque and charming Tudor buildings, quaint little shops with colourful window displays, and a delightful old market square buzzing with laughter and the aroma of fresh bread. 🥖

Speaking of markets, you just HAVE to witness the wonders of the Droitwich Salt Museum, darlings! I swear, the smell of salt hits you the moment you step inside. I’m talking seriously ancient salt deposits, centuries old. Imagine the salt-mining stories, the sheer dedication of the salt-workers! It felt like I’d stepped right back into the Victorian age – all those fascinating old tools and photographs. But hold your horses, dear reader, the real magic was waiting for me in the museum shop… where I stumbled upon the most adorable little miniature salt cellar shaped like a dainty ballerina! It's already proudly displayed on my dressing table, shimmering with the memory of my visit.

But back to the real reason for my trip, the performance! It's no surprise, my loves, that the highlight of my day was spreading the joy of tutus through a vibrant drag performance at the heart of Droitwich. I shimmied and twirled under the afternoon sunshine, a whirlwind of pink feathers and sequins in the middle of this idyllic English town. My audience? A charming group of people – locals, families, even some cheeky chaps who braved the sunshine and ventured out to see a queen in pink strut her stuff!

But before we get lost in the whirl of pink, remember this, lovelies, it's all about spreading joy and love. And you can’t get more joyous than watching a group of kids clap and sing along to the "Tutu Queen” anthem while their parents are thoroughly captivated, giggling and joining in! You know you’ve touched a heart when you see a young child throw a big thumbs-up sign while sporting a homemade sparkly tutu on top of a very fashionable pair of dungarees. Now THAT’s my definition of a good day, dear readers!

But hold on, this wouldn’t be a proper “Tutu Queen” adventure without a delicious touch of something special! A pit-stop at a quintessential British cafe was the perfect way to unwind and soak up the Droitwich magic. Tea in a china cup, homemade scones bursting with delicious jam and clotted cream, oh and of course a plate of those adorable little iced-tea cupcakes decorated with pink icing roses! (You’d think my name was Icing Rose Sparkles, wouldn’t you, my loves?)

Now, here’s a tip for you, lovelies! Droitwich boasts an exceptional ballet school! How perfect is that for your fabulous tutu-loving queen? Imagine the thrill of watching these aspiring ballerinas – with their shining eyes, elegant limbs and silken tutus – practice pirouettes with such finesse. The passion in the air was contagious. I was nearly inspired to break out into my own impromptu dance! Almost! But, maybe another time, darlings!

Now, I might have ventured to Droitwich to perform, but I left with more than just memories and smiles! A sweet little lavender plant with purple blossoms awaits me back at home, reminding me of the lavender gardens I discovered by the river Avon. These delicate lavender blooms now stand proudly on my window sill, their calming fragrance wafting through my little sanctuary.

This, my lovely readers, is the beauty of a "Tutu Queen” life. A perfect balance of whimsy and warmth, a mix of colourful tutus and tranquil lavender scents, a journey filled with performances and new experiences! So go forth, my lovely loves, wear your heart on your sleeve and a tutu on your hips, and let's all keep sprinkling some sparkle on the world, one tutu at a time!

Love you loads, darlings,

Your Tutu Queen,

Pink Tutu Sparkles. 💖✨

PS. And don’t forget to join me on www.pink-tutu.com every day for new adventures!

#TutuQueen on 2005-08-22 stars in Droitwich