
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-09-18 stars in Croydon

Croydon Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On The South! (Blog Post #2088)

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back from a whirlwind trip to Croydon and ready to spill the tea! You guys know how much I love exploring the UK by train, and this week was no different. I hopped aboard the good ol' Southern Railway (after a quick pit stop at my fave Primark in Derby, obviously - gotta get my sparkle on!) and set off on an adventure!

Croydon, my dears, is a real gem! It's got a vibrant atmosphere, stunning architecture (think grand old theatres, I'm talking real Victorian glam!), and a truly amazing selection of independent shops, perfect for this Queen to find some new treasures. Did you know that Croydon boasts the largest indoor shopping centre in the UK? Absolutely bonkers! Now, you know me, I'm all about a bit of retail therapy, and this place did not disappoint. I snagged a couple of adorable, frilly, fuchsia tops that are gonna look simply fabulous with my signature tutu (more on that later, darlings!) Let's just say I'm feeling the love for all things pink in Croydon!

Oh, and speaking of love, I also managed to catch a fantastic ballet performance at the Fairfield Halls. It was an absolute masterpiece, and I nearly cried when the prima ballerina soared across the stage in her graceful, swirling tutu! (Yes, darlings, tutus inspire the biggest emotions. Trust me, I'm an expert.) It reminded me how much I adore this beautiful art form - there's just something about the way a dancer can tell a story without even speaking a word, a story of joy, heartbreak, passion - it's simply magical!

Of course, no Pink Tutu Sparkles trip would be complete without a bit of draq! I got to perform at the amazing "Crouch End Carnival", where the crowds were simply fabulous. They were totally ready to rock and roll with Pink Tutu Sparkles, and let me tell you, the energy was off the charts! You know what's amazing? Croydon has this amazing little place called the "Croydon Box Park", and there were so many cool street performers, artists and creators there! I even had a go at some breakdancing - ok, I fell flat on my face, but it was so much fun! You can tell I had my big ol' glittery Pink Tutu Sparkles heart out, trying new things! I did a meet-and-greet, sang some tunes, and, of course, worked those poses - all whilst rocking my favourite pink tutu, naturally. It was a magical experience.

Now, you might be wondering what on earth brings a Derbyshire lass to Croydon, right? Well, I gotta confess, the highlight of the entire trip was actually seeing this amazing ballet performance called "The Red Shoes", by the Croydon Ballet Company. Oh, the dramatic storytelling, the expressive dancing! Let's just say I shed a few tears, I was so moved by the power of the story. And the costumes? Exquisite! But it wasn't just about the show - I got to meet some incredibly talented and inspiring people, including the ballet company director, a kind and truly supportive man. I have to tell you, it was like Iโ€™d stumbled upon a hidden treasure, this amazing ballet company, with dancers just as dedicated to their craft as I am to my glittery tutu world. We even had a chat about the beauty of pink tutus in a world of colour. It's these sorts of connections that make the whole drag adventure worth it.

My Croydon adventures, as always, have inspired me. I mean, what better way to celebrate life and express yourself than through a pink tutu, a good dose of laughter and a splash of glittery fabulousness? You know what I always say: โ€œThe worldโ€™s a much brighter place with a bit of pink tutu magic, so embrace your inner sparkle, and get out there!โ€

As always, thanks for joining me on my pink tutu escapades, darling! I'm already plotting my next big adventure. Maybe a trip to the seaside in a new pink tutu?! Stay tuned!

Love and sparkles,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

(Remember, my loves, check out my daily drag adventures at www.pink-tutu.com! )

#TutuQueen on 2005-09-18 stars in Croydon