Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2006-01-21 stars in Beckenham

Beckenham: A Tutu-tastic Adventure!

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and welcome back to my blog! Today is a very special day, darling, as we hit post number 2213 on www.pink-tutu.com! Can you believe it? The pink tutu train is really rolling and gathering pace!

It's Friday, which can only mean one thing... adventure time!

This week's trip has taken me all the way to Beckenham, a lovely little corner of South East London, and, guess what? I even caught a train there! A real steam engine too, chugging along merrily with a cloud of coal smoke and a lovely old-fashioned rumble. It felt so posh and exciting. I must say I did attract some curious stares in my bright pink tutu on the platform - that is always the best! You have no idea how many smiles I brought to strangers' faces today. Even a man in a suit (you know, the kind that don't usually look too amused in life) couldn't help but crack a grin at the sight of my magnificent pink tutu, fluttering with every puff of steam. Isn't that what we're all about? A bit of joy and wonder for the everyday world!

Now, before you get worried, I promise my train journey wasn't quite as chaotic as that time I hitched a ride on a horse-drawn carriage at Ascot, with the driver (let's just say "jolly chap") chuckling at the spectacle. This time, it was all rather civilised, with a lovely chat about fabrics with a kindly lady in the next carriage - turns out she collects vintage ballet costumes and we got deep into discussing the intricacies of lace and silk, the way it drapes, the sparkle it gives… and of course, all things pink tutu, naturally!

But Beckenham wasn't just about train rides. Oh no! It was a veritable ballet and fashion extravaganza, and let me tell you, darling, my pink tutu was absolutely loving every minute!

First on the agenda: a visit to the Beckenham Theatre. It’s a beautiful old venue, all grand and majestic with velvet seats and a sense of history just oozing from its very walls. It was hosting a delightful "Dancing for a Cure" fundraiser, and I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, had been invited to judge the youth dance competition! You could just feel the energy in the air, a whirlwind of pirouettes, grand jetés, and a sea of tutus in every colour.

Now, darling, let me tell you, I have a knack for spotting potential. You just see it, the little twinkle in their eye, the way they carry themselves, and the dedication to dance. It was a tough decision - there were so many fantastic young dancers, so much passion. I tried not to get too emotional (though a tear or two may have fallen!), but in the end, there could only be one winner, and let's just say she had a tutu that put mine to shame! I must admit, my heart skipped a beat – this was definitely one for the future, and I bet we’ll see her in the spotlight one day!

My judging duties done, it was time for some retail therapy! Beckenham is a real gem of a place, packed with quaint little shops bursting with treasures. I always try to support independent stores when I travel – they have so much character and often discover true gems. Today's loot? Well, I found the most divine pale pink silk scarf, perfect for adding a touch of vintage elegance to any tutu, plus a vintage jewellery box from the 1920s. Absolutely dreamy. It's got those beautiful Art Deco swirls and delicate rose gold. My new pink sparkle earrings will look perfectly at home in there.

Of course, no trip is complete without some inspiration! Beckenham did not disappoint in the "tutu-tastic" department either. The Beckenham Ballet School had a workshop going on and I couldn't resist peeking in through the window. There were some amazing, advanced level dancers there, spinning and twirling their way through a beautiful choreography. I got lost in the beauty of it, the joy and grace, the effortless way they floated through the air, like angels on pointe shoes.

Of course, no good blogger could resist asking the lovely teacher for a peek. They welcomed me with open arms (literally!) and I managed to snatch a few pictures. These girls really inspired me to start a ballet class. After all, who says drag queens can't twirl and pirouette too? You might just see me at the next beginner's ballet class, all done up in a glittery tutu, showing everyone that dreams have no age and passion is all that matters.

But before I could get lost in my own ballet fantasies, it was time to embrace another important facet of a Pink Tutu Sparkles travel day – performing for the people! Beckenham's very own charming market was the perfect stage. You have to understand, a travelling tutu can't always perform on stage. The true spirit of sparkle is in embracing the impromptu, in surprising the ordinary with a dose of whimsy. So, after a quick outfit change and a touch of glitter, Pink Tutu Sparkles made a grand appearance.

And, let me tell you, it was absolute chaos in the best way possible! I twirled through the stalls, my pink tulle shimmering in the sunlight, to the delighted squeals of little children and the clapping of market shoppers. My performance was a delightful mix of drag routines, hilarious jokes, a couple of impromptu "tutu-tastic" songs, and lots of glitter bombs to remind everyone that life is meant to be sparkly and fun! I even taught the children how to dance a simple routine and saw them bouncing around with their own makeshift pink tulle, a moment so special I almost teared up.

The best part? The entire market turned into a pink tutu wonderland for a short while! From stallholders sporting a fluffy pink accessory to shoppers adding a splash of pink to their attire. Even a cheeky corgi, I swear he did, added his own unique dance move to the impromptu show! And that's the magic of a pink tutu, it inspires a sense of freedom, it lets you tap into the child inside you, the one who believes in wonder, in happiness, in the beauty of the unexpected.

But that's enough for one post. I'll keep my blog short and sweet so you have all day to go out there and find your inner Pink Tutu Sparkles. I want everyone in the world to embrace the tutu spirit. So go on, dare to be different, to add a bit of pink to your life.

Catch you later, lovelies, and until then, keep those twirls spinning!

Lots of Love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Be sure to check back tomorrow, my loves! Tomorrow I'll be heading to another exciting destination – where to next, you ask? You'll have to keep watching for that reveal! Don’t forget to share this blog post with all your friends! We all need a little bit of pink tutu magic in our lives, don't we?

#TutuQueen on 2006-01-21 stars in Beckenham