Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2006-03-08 stars in Falkirk

Falkirk: Tutu Travels, Post #2259!

Oh, darlings! You wouldn't believe the adventure I had in Falkirk! This week's travel has been an absolute whirlwind of glitter and sequins, and I'm here to tell you all about it. Buckle up, buttercup, this one's a corker!

As usual, my journey began in Derbyshire, where my heart always remains. My trusty steed, a beautiful chestnut named Stardust (who actually has a remarkable talent for fetching me a cuppa from the kitchen!) galloped me to the station, and from there it was a delightful journey by train. You know how much I love a train ride, especially when it's the old-fashioned kind, the ones with the little tables and the chuffing engine that reminds me of my favourite children's stories!

Once I arrived in Falkirk, a little bit of pink magic had already begun to stir. The air felt electric with excitement, and I couldn't wait to immerse myself in the bustling atmosphere of this enchanting town. Falkirk is just so quintessentially Scottish - those rugged hills, the charming little stone cottages with their ivy creeping up the walls, the pubs that feel as if they’ve stood there for centuries, oh, and don't even get me started on the haggis!

But the real magic, my dears, was about to happen on the stage. You see, I had booked a performance at the town's oldest theatre, a place with such history and grandeur it literally gave me goosebumps! I love performing for those who have seen a million stars and witnessed generations pass. They appreciate the artistry and the pure joy of entertainment, and that energy feeds my soul.

As always, I chose my outfit meticulously. Now, I can't just wear any old pink tutu for these kind of occasions, it has to be extra, my darlings. For this show, I selected a magnificent creation - a symphony of feathers, sequins, and tulle, in a shade of pink so vivid it practically shimmered with its own light. It's a little secret of mine that I also get inspired by scientific discoveries in my lab work – imagine the textures and colour gradients I come across! So the sequins on this particular tutu, inspired by an atomic structure, were each individually placed by my very own hand!

The performance itself was electrifying! The crowd was phenomenal, so full of energy and laughter. I had everyone swaying, singing, and yes, even doing the Tutu-Shake (my latest dance craze that I'm just bursting to share with you, more about that later!).

One of my favourite moments was when I took a young girl up on stage, just before the final number, to dance with me. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree and she bounced around with such delight. It’s a testament to the magic of theatre – bringing smiles to faces young and old, making everyone feel special, for those few moments, the worries of the world fade away and you're transported into a world of fantasy and joy. It truly is the greatest feeling!

Speaking of special moments, I can't forget about the delightful tea party I was invited to afterwards. There I met some incredible local artisans who had a real appreciation for all things glittery and fabulous! I made new friends, enjoyed delicious home-baked treats, and shared a little bit of pink-tutu magic with everyone I met.

But my time in Falkirk wasn’t all glitz and glam. A dear friend who owns a beautiful horse stables on the edge of town gave me a guided tour of her gorgeous paddocks. Now, riding a horse with a tutu on is quite the sight! There's something truly liberating about feeling the wind in your hair and the hooves thundering beneath you. A beautiful combination of the natural and the dramatic, a metaphor for life itself, really! And I even met a few fillies with an eye for fashion! Maybe there are future tutu-queens out there in Falkirk…who knows?!

I have to say, Falkirk truly lived up to all my expectations! There's so much character, so much passion for the arts, such a beautiful history - not to mention, a fantastic local bakery I found on the High Street that had the most spectacular selection of cakes. I might have gotten a little overenthusiastic and sampled more than a few - pink meringue and macarons are my weakness, can't you tell?

Now, darlings, you might be wondering how to bring a little bit of Falkirk magic into your own lives! Well, there are countless ways to do that, but the most important thing is to always embrace joy. You might not be able to ride a horse in a tutu, or attend a dazzling theatre performance, but you can dance with a pink ribbon tied around your arm in the supermarket, you can dress up for your next Zoom call, you can bake a batch of cookies and invite your neighbours over! Little things go a long way.

For my next stop, it’s off to a town with a special history. But that’s another story, and another post! For now, I’m off to grab my knitting needles - my little nieces have requested pink tutus, you see, the pink-tutu trend is spreading like wildfire!

As always, thank you for joining me on my adventure. Stay tuned for more glittery travel updates! And don't forget - spread the pink-tutu love, darlings!

Until next time, Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2006-03-08 stars in Falkirk