
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2006-09-04 stars in Edgware

Edgware, Darling! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ’–

Hello lovelies! It's your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you again for post number 2439! Oh, honey, Edgware was absolutely divine! So many of you have asked me about my travels up North, and believe me, you all know how much I love to explore, so I had to share every sparkling detail of this trip!

As usual, I decided to travel in style, all aboard the train, darling! There's something magical about chugging through the countryside, watching the world go by from my comfy little window seat. Of course, my trusty pink suitcase was overflowing with fabulous costumes โ€“ this time, a rainbow of pink tulle, each layer a different shade of pink for a touch of oomph and glam. (Just wait for the pics! You'll die!)

When I reached Edgware, it was pure joy! Imagine cobblestone streets, charming little shops bursting with beautiful colours, and just the right amount of bustling energy to set the scene for a divine time. I knew, right then and there, that this trip was going to be extra special.

And guess what? A local dance studio called my name! (You know how I love ballet, don't you? It's my absolute favourite form of expression!) They had an open class that very afternoon. I just couldn't resist! It felt so fantastic to lose myself in the music, pirouette and arabesque like a pink-feathered bird soaring through the air.

Now, I just couldn't go all the way to Edgware without indulging my shopaholic tendencies, could I? Thankfully, I discovered a truly unique vintage shop nestled in the heart of the town. Imagine this: a beautiful antique shop with shimmering crystal chandeliers and floors covered in the most luscious oriental rugs. It was the perfect place for a queen like me to snag a couple of exquisite gems for my collection. (You'll see, honey, because, naturally, I snapped some selfies for you! The sparkly necklaces were irresistible! They added the perfect finishing touch to my whole look!)

As dusk settled, I made my way to a charming little cabaret that had the most exquisite decor - vintage velvet booths, sparkling chandeliers, and a stage just calling my name. (Naturally, I couldn't resist a quick change into my best sequined leotard, feather boa, and my most glamorous pink tutu, oh, darling!). This cabaret was buzzing with a fabulous crowd, and when I emerged, ready to shimmer and sparkle under the spotlight, the roar of the applause almost blew the glitter off my fabulous outfit!

A True Pink Tutu Sparkles Fan

The most magical moment, though? This adorable little girl, maybe seven years old, stood front and centre, with the widest, most mesmerized smile. I remember it like it was yesterday, she was holding a tiny pink tutu and giggling!

She came right up to the stage and asked me "Are you a real princess? Did a fairy give you that pink tutu?".

Oh, darling, how could I resist this precious little soul?! I twirled around, and bowed low, just like a real ballerina, and said "Darling, of course I'm a princess! And, of course, it's my magical tutu. And yours will be too! One day, you'll wear a magical tutu like this too. Remember this, my little pink tutu sparkle."

Her little face lit up with the biggest grin. This is what my life's all about, darling, to spread love, sparkle, and, of course, to inspire the little girls of today, to feel empowered and beautiful, like little pink tutu queens themselves!

I couldn't wait to share my Edgware adventures with you. But trust me, the adventures are far from over! I hope to see you next time when I blog from my new venture... I think you might guess what it is! ๐Ÿ˜‰ (Hint: Horses. Pink. Tutus. What could it be? ๐Ÿคญ)

Follow my travels! Join me! Let's get everybody in pink tutus. Love and sprinkles,

Pink Tutu Sparkles, xoxo.

(Don't forget to head over to www.pink-tutu.com to check out even more amazing pictures from my Edgware adventures. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿฉฐ)

#TutuQueen on 2006-09-04 stars in Edgware