
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2006-11-24 stars in Bridlington

Bridlington Sparkle!

Post #2520 - www.pink-tutu.com


Well, a tutu-licious trip to Bridlington is over and, oh, the memories I made! You wouldnā€™t believe the number of fabulously dressed people in that seaside town.

Letā€™s start from the beginningā€¦ As you all know, itā€™s all about the journey, not the destination for moi. So off I trotted from the Derbyshire lab where I spend my days analysing fibres - you'd be amazed at the things I can do with a microscope and a bit of polyester. This was going to be a special trip as it meant a return to the railway lines, my absolute fave form of travel. Now, some people like their luxury cars or even planes but a good train carriage, filled with interesting characters and a steaming cup of tea? Iā€™m sold!

My train was absolutely choc-a-block with excited families headed to the coast. All the children, dressed to the nines in those bright, seaside colours. One little lad with a huge, fluffy penguin hat caught my eye, he looked absolutely delighted as he marched to his seat holding onto his mama's hand. I caught his eye and winked, that gave him a right giggle!

Before I knew it, I was on platform 7 at Bridlington, taking in the seaside air. Bridlington really is something else - think rolling hills and that wonderful smell of the sea combined with freshly baked chips. Whatā€™s not to love? My trusty black cab (always black, darling! I only have black cabs or maybe a white one!) took me to the Mermaid Inn, where I checked into a lovely suite (gotta have the frills when youā€™re on a weekend trip, itā€™s all about making it fab, dahling!). The receptionist seemed a bit confused, I do have to admit, ā€œa queen dressed as a tutu, arriving on her own and requiring only a single room?ā€ They obviously had never experienced the wonderful world of drag! ā€œLet them think what they want darlingā€ I told myself - I had already got all my show clothes in the case ready to dazzle Bridlington with a truly remarkable night!

That night, my destination was a brilliant new bistro called 'The Spinning Top', and it was just the perfect venue to strut my stuff! They had hired me for an evening performance ā€“ you know me, always trying to push the boundaries. This place had such a fantastic mix of visitors - there were local folk from Bridlington, families enjoying a fun night out and even a few of the lads on a night out after watching their local cricket team play (thatā€™s right, darling, they were actually excited by cricket - who knew?!) Oh, the variety!

And what was the reaction? It was fan-tastic! As soon as I stepped onstage and gave them my signature ā€œpink-tutu, bright and sparklyā€ act, I saw so many surprised smiles on the faces in the crowd. Honestly, when I twirled, they absolutely went wild! And it made my heart feel as though I had just eaten a box of Strawberry Creams (and we all know how amazing those taste and make you feel, dahling!). A true treat, if I do say so myself!

One thing that happened in Bridlington will never be forgotten, darling, never, ever. After my act, a young lady came to see me and gave me this big bunch of pink peonies, they were absolute stunners - they had the most wonderful fragrance (oh, darling, if you ever go to Bridlington check out those peonies from the market! ). She told me she had just started ballet and loved my costume and I told her all about how tutus make you feel invincible - itā€™s true, itā€™s magic. She actually asked if she could have my signature sparkly pink feather boa for her ballet classes - "It would make me dance even better," she said! ā€œSo thatā€™s that,ā€ I told myself, "It seems my little spark has helped to inspire this young woman, and you canā€™t beat that feeling, darling. A little magic sprinkled around to brighten people's day!"

That day I went out in my little car - she's bright pink, naturally! - and explored some of the fabulous Bridlington landmarks, the harbour was my absolute favourite, so charming and buzzing with seagulls! I had a fab time just people watching, especially enjoying the beach, seeing children squealing with delight in their colourful swimming costumes. All the men wearing those hideous beach hats, how awful, I said, oh the horror!

Then there was my visit to the Bridlington Spa. Absolutely a must for anyone travelling to Bridlington, even those with a fear of dancing (although honestly, who can really be afraid of dancing? Just embrace it darling!). I went to watch a real live ballet performance ā€“ a stunning interpretation of Swan Lake by a fabulous troupe called The Yorkshire Ballet Theatre - what a beautiful ballet, I must go and get a book and find out all about it - the music was a bit repetitive for my tastes (they just love their classical stuff) but Iā€™ll admit, the moves were pretty amazing, really truly wonderful - I do think I may even book myself a few lessons! Then off to a very smart cafe for lunch, which had a menu filled with English classic treats that I just canā€™t resist, including afternoon tea. Ooh darling, I really do love a good cream scone and Earl Grey, don't you?

All too quickly, the time had come for me to pack my suitcases and hop back on a train. Another incredible weekend in Bridlington. This place has such great vibes and such welcoming people, especially all those fabulous ladies dressed in pink, some even wore pink tutus ā€“ it's definitely something that gives you a little spark and a whole lot of inspiration!

If you have any fabulous tutu plans, tell me all about it in the comments below, darling! I can't wait to hear what you have planned!

Now, I must away to prepare for a big week here in Derbyshire. This Saturday Iā€™ll be back in a theatre. Iā€™m excited to see how many pink tutus I can inspire in a local performance in the local town centre. I have been working on a brand-new routine that combines the most amazing street dancing with a ballet-tutu twist. Weā€™ll see how the locals react to that - oh the fun I will have! Iā€™ll tell you all about it next week! Stay tuned.


Pink Tutu Sparkles,


#TutuQueen on 2006-11-24 stars in Bridlington