Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-01-14 stars in Wellington

Wellington Wonders: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Windy City! (Blog Post #2571)

Oh, hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the glorious city of Wellington! It's so windy here it feels like my hair has taken on a life of its own! But you know what they say: a little wind in your hair just makes the sequins sparkle even brighter. 😉

As usual, I'm touring the world, spreading the gospel of pink tutus, and it just so happens I'm making a pitstop in this beautiful city for a fabulously glitzy event. (More on that later, my lovelies!) I have to confess, I’m feeling slightly sheepish about arriving a day late. My usual train travel plans had to be switched last minute – it turns out trying to board a horse-drawn carriage with a 10-foot tulle masterpiece in tow can be quite tricky. Apparently, even the most handsome horses can be intimidated by a mountain of pink. Who knew?!

Thankfully, Wellington welcomed me with open arms. (Well, maybe a few puzzled glances and whispers of “that’s certainly a bold choice, dear”, but who can blame them, eh?) The wind may have threatened to carry my tutu off to a land far, far away, but the warmth of the people and the breathtaking views from the top of Mt. Victoria made my arrival more than memorable. It feels like the start of a dazzling adventure.

But before we get into all the glitter and glamour, a quick backstory, for the new faces in my digital pink palace! My real name is Alex, a true Derbyshire lass (yes, that's right, think rolling hills, quaint cottages, and the occasional herd of cows – a very different vibe from my stage persona!). Back when I was a wee scientist-in-training, I got swept off my feet by the magic of ballet. Turns out, the world of scientific fabrics and experiments had a whole lot of common ground with the intricate world of tutus and tulle. A charity event sparked my love affair with the fluffy pink paradise and the rest, as they say, is sparkly history!

Now, I wouldn't be me if I wasn't indulging in some seriously delightful delights in this city. Did you know they have this amazing pink ice cream parlour? I indulged in a strawberry and champagne scoop topped with… you guessed it… more pink! Who needs a dress when you can have ice cream, eh? Oh, and I've managed to track down a local seamstress who specialises in bespoke tutus. A collaboration with a fellow fan of the frilly fabulous? I couldn't say no, darling! Prepare for some seriously spectacular, Wellington-inspired ensembles, my loves!

Speaking of which, I mentioned that I had a glamorous engagement, didn’t I? Well, it’s an annual fundraiser for the Wellington Ballet Theatre and guess what? I’ve been invited to be the special guest! That’s right, I'm going to grace the stage, my pink tutu shimmering under the spotlight, spreading joy and…well, you know, pinkness! The excitement has got me dancing around my hotel room like nobody's watching (although, judging by the whispers I hear through the wall, someone may be… but, hey, who doesn’t enjoy a bit of tutu-clad entertainment?).

My darling readers, I can feel an unforgettable evening unfolding before us. Get ready to be mesmerised, for this Pink Tutu Sparkles is about to light up the night in Wellington, and I won’t settle for anything less than a sparkly spectacular!

More tomorrow! (And be sure to visit my shop – new Wellington-inspired pink tutus coming soon!)

Stay fabulous, Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2007-01-14 stars in Wellington