Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-02-26 stars in York

York: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage! (Post #2614)

Oh, darling readers! I'm practically skipping with excitement to bring you another fabulous instalment from my ever-growing Pink Tutu Travels! Today, we're venturing into the historic city of York, and trust me, this isn't your average tourist jaunt!

I simply had to share the journey, and I knew you lot would be dying to see my newest, sparkling pink tulle creation that debuted right here in York's ancient streets! Oh, how I love discovering hidden corners of our glorious isles, and I truly feel every city holds a secret, a story begging to be unfurled.

It was a beautiful morning when I set off for York. The crisp, fresh air tickled my nose, and I had a secret twinkle in my eye - you know, the one that whispers, "Pink Tutu adventure, here I come!". The carriage I booked arrived like a fairytale chariot, decked out in shades of rose and lavender, just like my signature shade of pink (we all know it, love it, wear it). My trusty steed, a magnificent bay mare, couldn't resist tossing her head with excitement, knowing the journey would be filled with magic!

The railway journey was divine. The passing landscapes were a tapestry of winter hues, brown and amber, which set off my pink tutu wonderfully, don't you think? A charming gentleman seated opposite was utterly mesmerized, though I’m not sure if it was the tutu or my fabulous ruby red feather boa. A hush fell over the carriage when my trusty iPod played a snippet of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. The moment was positively magical!

Now, let's talk York. My arrival in this enchanting city was like stepping into a timeless storybook. Cobbled streets, towering medieval buildings, the air fragrant with the scent of roasted nuts... It was simply spellbinding! The first thing I had to do, of course, was spin! I'm talking a grand, triple pirouette in the centre of the Minster Square! That view? Pure theatrical gold!

Naturally, I had to scout out York's fabulous fashion boutiques. This time, darling readers, I discovered the most exquisite vintage store - think vintage teacups and crystal shoes nestled between vintage velvet boas and, dare I say it, an amazing assortment of pink tutus! It was practically made for Pink Tutu Sparkles.

I picked up the most breathtaking sequined shawl, you just HAVE to see the sheer magic of it! (Picture attached! 😉) My signature pink eye-shadow popped, and I could have stayed there all day, but a performance beckoned.

Oh, the joy of a small town performance! The pub, nestled down a quiet cobbled lane, welcomed me like family. It was packed to the rafters with cheery locals, and the moment the lights went down and my showstopping opening number began, the place came alive. They simply adore my pink tutus and my ballet-inspired moves here in York. The locals here are SO much fun, and so generous. One sweet soul even offered me a little tin of pink chocolate drops, which were, shall we say, divine.

York’s vibrant community embraces the performing arts, and as Pink Tutu Sparkles, I am here to ignite joy in every heart! It’s a reminder that even the smallest places can hold the most wonderful surprises.

For those who follow my blog religiously (and to the rest of you who are missing out!), I wanted to touch on an important point – spreading joy through pink tutus is no ordinary feat. There are more ways than one to inspire.

The truth is, even I, the fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles, wasn’t always as bold as you see me. In my 'real life' – as I like to call it (it's more about balancing the sparkles with a touch of reality!) – I work in a laboratory testing fabrics. I spend my days surrounded by samples and equipment. However, there’s nothing mundane about it! That's because ... my scientific mind lives for pink tutus. It's true! When I'm examining fabrics for wear and tear, I imagine them transformed into dreamy tutus. How do you think I know which shades of pink have the most enduring shimmer? It’s all thanks to my science expertise!

Don’t worry darling readers, my lab job allows me to fund my dreams, my Pink Tutu travels! This allows me to pursue my true passion – performing for you all. Even though my everyday life is spent analyzing yarn threads, every performance makes me realize I can help you find your own pink tutu – be it literal or metaphorical! Whether it’s through a dance class, or finding that one vintage piece in an unexpected corner of York... everyone deserves their pink tutu!

And to make it extra-special, this post ends with a little Pink Tutu Secret. (And trust me, it’s not the colour pink). Remember those lovely pink chocolate drops I mentioned earlier? It turned out the generous gentleman giving them to me is the owner of the vintage store. Let's just say he saw a lot more than pink sparkle in me that evening, and the little gift was the sweetest hint of a new Pink Tutu Adventure brewing! Stay tuned, darlings, I have a feeling the future of Pink Tutu Sparkles is going to be filled with unexpected delight! 😉

So, I bid you farewell until next time, darling readers! Don't forget, the magic is always just around the corner, even if you’re a bit shy to twirl at first. We're all Pink Tutu Sparkles inside! Stay sparkly and don't forget to wear your invisible tutus with pride!

With a flurry of feather boas and a final twirl,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2007-02-26 stars in York