Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-03-02 stars in Tottenham

Tottenham Tutus! (Blog Post #2618)

Hello darlings! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the fabulous streets of Tottenham! I’ve had a simply divine time exploring this vibrant part of London, and of course, no trip is complete without a sprinkle of pink tutu magic! 💖✨

This little adventure started with a train ride from my lovely Derbyshire abode, chugging through the countryside. I had a little peek at the fashion scene onboard – a surprisingly large number of passengers embraced the rainbow of colour, but it lacked the glorious sparkle of my favourite shade of pink! 🦩 Thankfully, my suitcase overflowed with pink loveliness – enough tutus to make a rainbow blush! 🌈

Now, I must tell you about the journey to Tottenham itself! Picture this: the sun glistening off the beautiful cobbled streets, a delicious scent of freshly baked bread wafting from charming shops, and a busker serenading the crowds with an old favourite – the Beatles! Just delightful!

Arriving at my charming guesthouse, the most delightful little cottage tucked away in a secret courtyard, I was greeted with a basket of freshly picked flowers and a hand-drawn map to all the must-see locations! How kind! After a quick freshen up and a change into something sparkly – I’m never caught dead in anything that isn’t shimmering, darlings! – I hit the streets.

First on my itinerary was a visit to the Bruce Castle Museum, a gorgeous, ancient building full of history and charm. Did you know they held a tea party for Princess Victoria back in the 1800s? That’s some tea-time history for you, dears! The building was as lovely as a doll’s house, with elegant windows, stunning architecture, and a gorgeous garden that even the most glamorous swan would adore! 🦢 I found the perfect little nook for a photo op, of course – complete with a breathtakingly pink tutu!

Next on my itinerary was a visit to the famous Tottenham Hotspur Football Stadium – home of the Tottenham Hotspurs! I'll admit, I haven’t really kept up with the football world since the Premier League scandal last year – I think it involved a goalkeeper… oh well! What I did find incredibly charming were the passionate fans! Honestly, they were buzzing with excitement! So I donned my sparkly top and fabulous pink tulle skirt, and I gave them a little performance right outside the gates. Who can resist a good jig and some fabulous glitter? Nobody! Not even grumpy old football fans. 😏

From football to the theatre! I caught a delightful performance at the Tottenham Green Theatre – the lighting was phenomenal, and the energy from the audience was so incredibly uplifting! It was truly inspiring, even to someone who regularly gets to wear glittery, fabulous tutus! I had to remind myself it was an "incognito" visit. You see, it's always important to blend in, just a bit, and avoid those pesky cameras. I’m famous you know! Or at least, I hope to be! 😏 But who could resist the chance to tap along to a jazzy tune and feel that sense of pure joy? And, to answer the question on everyone's lips – my pink tulle skirt was tucked underneath a gorgeous pink velvet coat with the most delightful fringe!

Of course, no trip to a new place is complete without exploring the local shops! Now, I’m always on the hunt for the perfect pair of pink ballet shoes – don’t even try to argue with me about red ballet shoes, darling – but the local shoe shop seemed to favour a more sensible beige! Honestly, what is up with beige?! Beige is the color of… well, beige! I’d be lost in the desert wearing that colour. Oh well, luckily, I managed to snag a pair of fabulous sparkly pumps with some pretty pink feathers in the window of a lovely little boutique called “Sparkles and Shine”. Perfect for twirling about the cobbled streets! I even found a dazzling little pink broach shaped like a ballerina with a tulle skirt – of course I bought it – to jazz up my collection of pins!

My visit to Tottenham was a whirlwind of colour and joy, a truly spectacular experience, filled with vibrant shops, captivating architecture, and the heartwarming embrace of the locals. It was a perfect reminder that wherever you go, life’s little joys are waiting to be discovered, and with a sprinkle of pink tutu magic, everything truly sparkles a little bit more. 💖

I'm off to conquer the next amazing adventure! Stay tuned, darlings, and keep on twirling!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out my latest pink tutu creation at www.pink-tutu.com and, for those of you looking to take a trip to this delightful place, I highly recommend staying at the "Pink Palace” - that is my guesthouse, naturally! Just kidding darling, but a pink palace would be so fabulous. I may have to get a paintbrush and a roll of the most fabulous shade of pink! Maybe you can visit me next time and bring a cuppa. Just kidding! Sort of...😉 Catch you next time, lovelies!

#TutuQueen on 2007-03-02 stars in Tottenham