Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-04-05 stars in Saint Albans

Saint Albans: Pink Tutu Travels - Blog Post #2652

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! Today, my lovelies, I’m bringing you a sprinkle of fairy dust straight from the charming streets of Saint Albans, where your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, had the absolute joy of performing this past weekend.

Oh, darling, the journey there was a true adventure. I decided to ditch the boring ol' car for a most delightful journey by train, of course. Can’t let a girl travel without a grand entrance, now can I? The train journey was pure bliss. Imagine, dear reader, the most comfy leather seat imaginable, a steaming mug of peppermint tea in my tiny pink-sequin handbag, and a whole window seat to watch the green English countryside whizz by. I felt like a royal princess whisked away on a carriage to some grand ball, which, as you all know, is basically my daily life anyway, lol!

Upon arriving in Saint Albans, a charming market town with the most quaint streets and oh-so-pretty architecture, I couldn't help but fall in love! The place is teeming with history and charm. Imagine cobblestone streets, ivy-covered houses, and tiny shops full of delectable delights. The air smelled like fresh bread, lavender, and…oh, was that the scent of pink sequins? Why, yes! It was me, of course, looking absolutely fabulous in my most glamorous pink tutu.

I decided to treat myself to a visit to the local theatre before my performance, you see. After all, what’s a trip to St. Albans without taking in a touch of theatre, darling? Now, imagine the scene – a vintage, red velvet theatre, lit with golden lights, and… wait for it...the most beautiful ballerina onstage! Honestly, the graceful pirouettes and powerful jumps were just breathtaking, and I was so inspired by her grace! You know how much I love ballet, darling! In fact, I’ve been taking classes since I was a tiny tot! I can even remember my first pair of tiny pink ballet shoes! You can’t wear a pink tutu without being a ballet queen!

Now, onto the real reason for my trip! I had the pleasure of performing at the town's local arts centre. Oh, darlings, the audience was absolutely fabulous. They were all dressed up in their fanciest gowns and suits – quite the dazzling sight! I absolutely stole the show, of course. I performed my new piece "Sugar Rush," a sassy, fun, and fabulous medley that will surely have you begging for more pink!

This town is definitely one for the history books. It has a fantastic cathedral, one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. I even went exploring, stopping for some lovely tea and cake in the prettiest little tea room, a proper traditional one with flowery teacups and pink plates - you can’t beat those, dear. You know my weakness, don't you, darlings?

My journey to Saint Albans, like all my travels, wasn’t just about dancing and entertaining! Oh no, darling! It's about spreading joy, encouraging confidence, and sharing my love of pink with the world, one glitter-filled tutu at a time! My dear friend (and former classmate!), Hannah, joined me for my performance. Oh, how I loved performing with Hannah. She's the absolute queen of all things pink. She's been to so many places and I am so inspired by her wanderlust. We made such a fabulously stylish duo, the perfect Pink Tutu Sparkles experience!

I can’t wait to show the world just how wonderful life can be with a touch of pink in it! My dearest, remember, don’t be afraid to shine! Wear that pink tutu with pride. Let your inner princess out! After all, who can say no to the colour that makes everyone feel a little bit more fabulous? And for now, remember...pink always stays fabulous!

I can’t wait for our next trip together!

Lots of love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex) xx

Remember to visit us at www.pink-tutu.com! You can join my community of fabulous, pink-loving friends by leaving comments, sending fan mail (yes, I still get actual mail!) and, of course, wearing a pink tutu to the next big event in your life. We’re all about spreading the sparkle, darling!

Don't forget, every day is a chance to live in pink, so grab that pink tutu, and be the best version of yourself you can be! xx

#TutuQueen on 2007-04-05 stars in Saint Albans