Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-04-09 stars in Dudley

Dudley Dreams: Pink Tutu Sparkles takes on the Midlands!

Hello my darling dears, and welcome to Pink-Tutu.com! Today, I’m absolutely thrilled to share with you all my recent escapade in Dudley! This marks my 2656th post, and you’ll just have to excuse my slight over-excitement as I type, because you’re going to want to hear all about it!

My fabulous journey began with a lovely train ride through the gorgeous countryside. I truly adore a good train trip, with a chance to sit back, sip my Earl Grey tea, and dream of tutus, sparkles, and the thrill of the performance that awaits me. I also managed to squeeze in a quick costume change in the train toilet, for a final twirl in my pink tutu just to confirm my shimmering pink outfit was as picture-perfect as ever. You never know what fabulous encounters may arise, even on a journey!

Speaking of pink, I found my Dudley adventure positively bursting with colours. And what better place to start my explorations than Dudley Castle, nestled atop a towering hill, overlooking the charming town below? The castle’s imposing presence instantly captivated me! It felt like stepping into a grand fairytale, all majestic towers and secrets whispering from the walls. You can almost hear echoes of centuries of history dancing in the air!

Oh, and did I mention that I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, graced the very castle grounds with my sparkling presence? I did, however, resist the temptation to wear a tutu during my visit. There are certain lines, you know? I had to draw a line at wearing my tutu to visit royalty… in this instance, the Norman-era Earls of Shrewsbury. The last thing I want is a historic mishap, darling! (Especially if it meant damaging the iconic pink tutu, gasp).

And while on the topic of historic icons, it felt almost like fate had chosen the timing perfectly for this Dudley adventure. We are all well aware, darling dears, that the town of Dudley played host to legendary drag queen and pioneering singer, Danny La Rue. And me, with my penchant for tutus, sparkle and singing, can't possibly overlook the importance of celebrating his amazing career. He inspired me to create my own persona, my own colourful way to shine, to perform with love, and most of all, to encourage everyone to embrace a touch of glitter in their lives. That’s the essence of Pink Tutu – spreading joy and a bit of magic, all while showing everyone how utterly divine a pink tutu can be!

After the majesty of Dudley Castle, we popped into a quirky little independent vintage shop called “Tweed & Tiaras” (I knew I had to visit, the name alone was simply delightful!), I spent a glorious half an hour or so lost in a wonderland of forgotten fashions! Oh, the hats! The dresses! The shoes! And wouldn’t you know it, a beautiful silk vintage scarf, a glorious deep turquoise hue, practically beckoned me from its display. And how could I resist? This magnificent scarf will now take pride of place among my wardrobe’s treasures, a colourful companion for future theatrical adventures.

With Dudley Castle behind me, I set my sights on exploring Dudley’s most vibrant corners, including its iconic Black Country Living Museum. Step into a real time capsule, darling, as the museum showcases a historical panorama of Black Country life, filled with craftspeople, artisan demonstrations, and the clatter of local tradespeople working their magic. Imagine, iron forges, canal boat wharves, Victorian streets! And what's a delightful, playful trip to a historical site without a good bit of historical dressing-up?! Of course, I couldn’t possibly leave without putting on an authentic costume and taking a few glamorous selfies for your viewing pleasure. Now, let me assure you, darling dears, the tutu made its triumphant comeback, despite the risk of historical inaccuracy. What's a vintage trip without a pop of modern, sparkling brilliance, am I right? It's not just about history, it's about celebrating the amazing stories we are weaving in every moment, in every colour, and most importantly, with every twirl of my sparkly pink tutu.

Now, my lovelies, you are probably all aching to hear more about the reason behind this magnificent trip to Dudley, aren’t you? Well, hold onto your boas because this is where it gets truly exciting, simply divine! As part of my Pink Tutu Tour (which, if you haven't heard of, let me assure you will bring sparkle and joy to anyone lucky enough to see it!), I had the privilege of performing at the iconic Dudley Zoo & Castle. Talk about an unforgettable night! It wasn’t just the thrill of performing for a wonderful audience (all happily bundled up, it being the colder months, naturally, yet ready for a splash of colourful excitement, even if I did need my warmest sparkly cape), it was the sheer charm and energy of the place, buzzing with life, adventure, and most of all, an insatiable desire to party! Oh, and it had a fantastic stage, the perfect size for me and my trusty tutu. Oh darling, let me assure you, Dudley Zoo was simply meant to be graced by Pink Tutu Sparkles and her spectacular troupe. The air was positively electric with anticipation. It felt like a celebration of everything fabulous. We sang, we danced, we sparkled… we did all of it! The audience loved it, and honestly, I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing time.

But before I tell you about my fantastic show (you’ll need your own pink tutu for that story, so wait for next time, darling!), I have to mention the sheer magic of the Dudley Zoo itself! Imagine tigers strutting about, majestic lions basking in the winter sun (as if they didn't own the whole zoo!), mischievous penguins waddling across their icy domain! There’s a real air of playful drama and magic. Dudley Zoo truly has a special something.

Of course, no trip to Dudley would be complete without a quick detour to discover a local hidden gem, wouldn’t you say, darlings? As it happens, the Dudley Museum was simply perfect! An old library, with the most divine collection of art and sculptures. What really caught my eye, was their special exhibition, a delightful collection of tapestries dating back to the medieval period. Oh, the beauty of those vibrant colours and intricate detail, it's simply captivating! And how could I resist pulling out my tutu and taking a picture with a medieval knight?

My lovelies, if you haven’t been to Dudley Zoo or the enchanting Castle, I absolutely implore you to go! And even if you have, rediscovering this vibrant town, with a dose of Pink Tutu Sparkles, will give you an exciting, brand new perspective. Now, it's back to Pink-Tutu.com for more fashion adventures, behind the scenes glimpses and all the sparkles your heart could desire. Don't forget, the Pink Tutu Tour is coming to a town near you very soon, with new locations being revealed daily. And remember, dear lovelies, life’s a celebration of colour. Wear pink. Wear a tutu. And spread a touch of sparkle, one fabulous twirl at a time. Stay fabulous and don’t forget to visit me tomorrow for a full scoop of my Pink Tutu Sparkles Dudley Zoo performance.

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2007-04-09 stars in Dudley