
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-06-19 stars in Barnet

Barnet, darling! #TutuQueen's Big Pink Adventure - Blog Post #2727

Ooh la la, darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and today we're whisking ourselves off to the delightful town of Barnet! Yes, I'm embracing my inner "travel-by-train-and-horse" queen and taking a spin to the suburbs for a little pink-tastic fun.

As a queen of colour and flair, I can't resist a bit of sparkle wherever I go, and Barnet was just begging for a touch of Tutu magic. Remember my dream, darlings? My mission, my raison d'etre? To spread the pink-tutu gospel and have every single person in the world sporting a tulle masterpiece! And this Barnet journey? It's all about spreading that message, one dazzling dance move at a time.

You see, darlings, I can't be confined to just the city. The world is my runway, and the universe my dressing room! This little trip, this glorious journey into Barnet, is about showing you, my loyal followers, that pink tutus are everywhere. It's about demonstrating that true glamour knows no postcode and shines brighter than any postcode, and certainly brighter than those dingy, grey-tinted houses they seem so fond of here in Barnet!

Before we dive into the whirlwind of fun and fabulousness, let me tell you, my dears, about the outfit! I've been crafting this ensemble for weeks, meticulously hand-beaded with tiny pink sequins, adorned with feathers and shimmering glitter. And let me tell you, the impact is incredible. When I strutted onto that platform at the Barnet Fair, all the pigeons scattered, and a nearby gentleman practically swooned! Talk about a statement!

Barnet Fair was bursting with life! So many booths and stalls! Honestly, I nearly went completely cross-eyed from all the neon and colour! They even had this incredible antique shop overflowing with old ballet costumes and you wouldn't believe the tutus! Talk about vintage glamour, darling! I might have made a tiny purchase, which I can't wait to show you all in my next post!

Oh, the people of Barnet, bless them! I was greeted with wide eyes, shocked expressions and then, oh then, they started smiling! I could feel my message penetrating their dusty little world, replacing dullness with the vibrant pink spark of happiness. Just think about it: how much brighter would Barnet be with everyone swirling around in their very own pink tutus? Now that's a thought!

Speaking of twirling, I absolutely had to try my hand at some proper ballet, didn't I? Now, you see, there's this amazing school called "Barnet Ballet Dreams" right in the heart of town. Honestly, a jewel in a little box! A very lovely teacher, a dear man called Mr. Bentley, welcomed me with open arms and allowed me to take part in a session with a bunch of eager little swans. And let me tell you, my darlings, those little darlings move! They might not be wearing tutus, yet, but with a little Pink Tutu Sparkles inspiration, I'm sure we can remedy that!

Of course, the journey back from Barnet couldn't have been complete without a delightful detour. You know me and my passion for the majestic stallion, my darling! I happened to stumble across the most charming stables, nestled among some of Barnet's lush green countryside. A kind lady called Fiona took pity on this travelling queen and offered me a delightful ride. Oh, the feeling of the wind in my hair and the horse galloping across the fields? Pure bliss, my darlings! I almost forgot about the tutus for a minute, but, don't worry, my message was still etched into my mind: "Pink tutus for everyone!"

Now, let me tell you a little bit about myself. Did you know, darling, I'm actually a scientist? You'd never guess from the way I twirl around in these extravagant outfits, would you? By day, I test fabrics, searching for that perfect, pink tulle! And then, when the sun sets, I transform, slipping into my sparkling alter ego. Science meets glitter and grace, a delightful mix, if I say so myself! I wouldn't have it any other way, darlings.

It's a tough world, isn't it? There's always this push to be serious, to conform. And whatโ€™s worse, it seems like most people find comfort in sticking to the dull, predictable grey! So that's why I believe in colour! I believe in pushing boundaries, challenging the status quo, and making a statement! My message to you, my loyal followers? Be bold! Be bright! Embrace your inner TutuQueen!

Barnet, darling, Iโ€™ve barely scratched the surface of your charming world! You're filled with secrets waiting to be revealed. But for now, darling, I'll say goodnight, I'll catch you in my next blog post. Donโ€™t forget to follow my adventures at www.pink-tutu.com, and don't forget to join me in my pink-tutu-clad crusade! Spread the love, spread the sparkle! We're going to change the world, one tutu at a time, darling!

Until next time!

Lots of Love and Pink Tutus,

Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex)

#TutuQueen on 2007-06-19 stars in Barnet