Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-08-08 stars in Kenton

Kenton Calling: Tutu Travels to the Heart of Kent!

Post 2777, www.pink-tutu.com

Oh darlings, hold onto your feather boas! Pink Tutu Sparkles is jetting off to the enchanting Kenton – that's Kenton, not Kensington, darling! A little detour from the usual high-society glam, but just wait until you hear about the dazzling adventure I've got planned!

Now, as many of you know, this little TutuQueen just loves a good train ride. Something about those clickety-clacks, the rolling countryside, and the chance to whip out my finest travel-ready outfit (this time, a fetching pastel pink pashmina paired with a sparklingly fuchsia tutu and a dash of glittering pink eyeliner) – it simply makes for a delightful journey. And Kenton was just begging for a splash of Pink Tutu Sparkles!

The reason for this Kenton escapade? A dazzling theatre production that has got everyone buzzing, a performance piece called "Ballet on the Downs". Now, darling, you know my heart melts for all things ballet, and the chance to immerse myself in this world, with a live orchestra and twirling ballerinas, is pure bliss! But this isn't just any production, it's an outdoor extravaganza, on the rolling green hills of Kenton itself. They’re holding the event right next to the local cricket pitch, and I swear, my heart did a little pirouette when I heard. So imagine the scene: under the setting sun, with the lush English landscape as the backdrop, Pink Tutu Sparkles waltzing alongside the performance. You’d have to be wearing a tin can on your head not to appreciate this dazzling spectacle.

Now, let’s be real, no adventure of mine would be complete without a trip to the local shops, and darling, Kenton is a gem! I popped into "The Flutterby" – a little vintage clothing shop tucked away on a cobblestone street, overflowing with glorious 1950s frocks. They had the most beautiful dusty rose, rose gold, and even coral-coloured frocks, all perfect for a chic, yet sassy Pink Tutu look. Now, I don't need much persuasion when it comes to shopping – the minute I spotted a gorgeous cerise cocktail dress, I knew I was going to get my twinkle on in Kenton. And when the charming shop assistant suggested a little pastel-pink tutu to complete the look, you bet I snapped it up. This one’s got little fluffy bunny ear appliquĂ©s at the end of the tulle! Just delightful, don’t you think?

The good news for all you fabulous followers is that, I'm not just here to show off my latest fashion acquisitions and enjoy the ballet! Pink Tutu Sparkles has a very special mission in Kenton: spreading the Tutu-tastic love! My dear, darling friends, this little queen is leading a parade of joy right through the town centre! Now, I know you may be thinking: “a parade? What’s all that about?” Well, I believe that a pink tutu is more than just an accessory; it's a symbol of joy, self-expression, and letting go of all the nonsense! Imagine: the kids with their tiny tutus, grandmas twirling in sparkly tulle skirts, even granddads showing off a fluffy pink boa – pure happiness! We're gonna create a tutu storm in Kenton and hopefully, spark some laughter, joy and maybe even a little twirl or two along the way.

Remember, it’s all about being your most authentic self and embracing the magic within you! And when life gets a little grey and ordinary, why not sprinkle some pink tulle into the mix? Just be sure to give me a big smile and wave, and who knows, maybe we'll be twirling our tutus together next time!

But darling, hold your tutus for a moment
 I know you’ve got tons of questions:

Q: But Alex, Kenton isn’t really on your regular Pink Tutu travels, what’s made you come so far?

A: Oh, my darlings, it’s all thanks to YOU, my fabulous fans. So many of you had been emailing, messaging and writing in suggesting that I check out this outdoor ballet. Kenton has a real charm, and I really am happy to see you love my out-of-the-box choices. I like to venture out and see what’s going on, meet new people, and maybe spark a tutu revolution somewhere new and exciting!

Q: Where can we find Pink Tutu Sparkle’s latest dazzling tutus?

A: Don’t worry, I know you want to sparkle just as much as I do. I have teamed up with the amazing artisans at "The Fancy Flutter" in Derbyshire to create my signature collection of Pink Tutu Sparkles designs, so there’s a sparkly, fluffy, tulle-licious look just for you!

Q: We heard that you started your tutu journey because of a scientific breakthrough. What happened?

A: Well, it’s a little story that my mum and dad still have a chuckle about
 when I was at university, my course included lots of testing new fabrics – the kind you use in the clothes industry. There was this amazing exhibition about textile history and technology, and I happened to wear one of my university club's tutus in a fundraising photoshoot, for a good cause of course. Something just clicked in my head and suddenly, the tutu was more than just an odd fashion piece - it became a symbol of expression and joy.

Q: Did you say ‘cricket pitch’ - will there be some tutu fun there too?

*A: * Absolutely! After the ballet performance, I’m going to be taking my Tutu-tastic performance on tour
 The cricket pitch is going to get a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles makeover, you watch this space! The little ones will be getting their faces painted and the grandmas will be showing off their best twirling skills
and perhaps there will be a little Pink Tutu performance with some of the ballet dancers!

Kenton, darling, I’m ready to twirl, laugh, and create a tutu explosion
 Are you?

#TutuQueen on 2007-08-08 stars in Kenton