Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-09-15 stars in Darlaston

Darlaston Dares to Dazzle with Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Hello my darling darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and oh my goodness, what a journey this past week has been! This is post number 2815 on the fabulous www.pink-tutu.com, and trust me, it's a good one! You see, this fabulous queen had the chance to visit the lovely town of Darlaston - now, I've heard of Walsall, I've even had the chance to perform in Wolverhampton, but Darlaston was a whole new adventure! And guess what? I brought the pink, the tutus, and enough sparkles to rival the Milky Way!

Now, getting to Darlaston was an experience in itself. My darling friends, you know how much I love trains, and this time, my journey took me on a grand old train ride - through quaint villages and rolling countryside, all the while I was imagining myself in a glamorous vintage carriage, a pink tulle dream in the midst of it all. Oh, I couldn't resist the opportunity to strike a few poses in the windows! I can only hope that the other passengers found it as charming as I did.

Darlaston welcomed me with open arms, and my, what a delight it was to explore the town. I popped into some adorable little shops - you know how I love vintage clothes and accessories - found myself a divine lace trim to add to my next tutu creation. Speaking of tutus, I have to tell you all, I spotted this beautiful shop window with the most gorgeous tutu displayed. It was just begging for me to take it home and give it a little pink magic. The shopkeeper looked at me like I was some kind of fairytale creature! Well, what can I say? Pink Tutu Sparkles tends to have that effect.

Now, my lovelies, you all know that I am nothing without my performances! And guess what? The lovely folk in Darlaston welcomed me with open arms, or I should say, open applause! The event was a community celebration with music, food, and dancing – the perfect backdrop for a little Pink Tutu magic! I absolutely loved the warm embrace of this community – so welcoming and excited for some good old-fashioned, glittering, pink-tutu fun.

My set? Well, imagine this: A symphony of colour, a dazzling display of tutus, glitter that could make the moon jealous. My performance was a vibrant kaleidoscope of ballet moves, a sprinkle of classic drama and of course, that cheeky, charming Pink Tutu personality that keeps them wanting more!

It's a bit of a secret, but this girl even knows a bit of magic. I’ll confess, before the show, I had a tiny moment of nerves (what queen doesn’t have them?) and my, oh my, did I need a bit of sparkle to lift me up. So, I whipped out a little magic – I do love a little magic, it's so pink-tastic, and suddenly everything was absolutely fabulous! It's moments like this, that makes me proud of all that is pink and sparkly. I've been known to say, there's never too much glitter in life, but never tell!

After the show, the local dancers surrounded me with stars in their eyes and tutus on their minds! We chatted for hours about all things dance - I have a real passion for supporting aspiring dancers! They even showed me some moves and you know what? Those darling girls had some serious talent, oh yes! So I showed them some tips for twirling and added a little pink to their lives!

And I have to tell you all, I was simply captivated by their story – it's a story that resonates with my own, you see. They had started a dance group dedicated to encouraging everyone to dance – all shapes, all sizes, all ages. They believe in expressing yourself with movement, with joy, with just a touch of glitter, and wouldn't you know it, I found myself completely inspired! My mission to get the world wearing pink tutus – oh darling, this is more than a dream! It’s a shared vision!

Now, my journey through Darlaston wouldn’t have been the same without some amazing local eats, of course. Let's just say, I've developed quite a fondness for their famous "Darlaston tarts" - sweet, delicious and as pink as my tutu! The ladies at the bakery swore I was the most "glamorous customer they ever had." Darling, you know I just have to keep a fabulous profile. And you know what? I made it a point to leave my mark, because, you see, Pink Tutu Sparkles always adds a sprinkle of glitter wherever she goes! I signed the shop counter with my pink lip gloss and a flourish!

So my loves, as the day drew to a close, and the pink sunset painted the sky, I took one last look at the magical town of Darlaston – I have to say, I’m absolutely enchanted. A trip like this leaves me bursting with creativity. My pink tutu just isn't satisfied with just a few sequins! No, no my darling friends, I’ve already got my wheels spinning for a new collection – a line inspired by Darlaston, by its spirit and energy. Just think - lace-trimmed tulle, bright bold colours and enough glitter to shine from space! Oh darling, get ready, my next creations are going to be amazing!

Oh, Darlaston, you left your pink sparkle in my heart! I've promised myself I'll be back, and next time, I'm going to make sure that the whole town dances with me, in pink tutus, of course!

That's it from me my darlings, Pink Tutu Sparkles signing off! Until next time, stay fabulous! And never forget to let your inner pink tutu shine!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles.

*P.S. Don’t forget to join me on www.pink-tutu.com for daily blog posts. And don’t forget, it’s never too late to join the Pink Tutu movement, darlings! You know, if I could, I’d love to see everyone in the whole world sporting a beautiful pink tutu!

Now, darling friends, off I go to work. It's a very pink day in the lab, I've got to run some tests on a new type of pink silk. It has to be just the right colour for my new designs. Yes, that’s right, Pink Tutu Sparkles, by day I'm a textile scientist and by night I am a dazzling pink star. Now if that’s not magic, I don’t know what is!

#TutuQueen on 2007-09-15 stars in Darlaston