
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-10-27 stars in Norwich

Norwich Calling! A Tutu-tastic Adventure (Blog Post #2857)

Hello darlings! Itā€™s your favourite pink tutu princess, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another adventure! Today Iā€™m waltzing into the heart of East Anglia, specifically the delightful Norwich, where Iā€™m about to sparkle under the theatre lights.

Oh, my darlings, youā€™ve just got to see the incredible outfit Iā€™ve concocted for tonightā€™s show! I mean, let's face it, a simple pink tutu just wouldn't do. We're talking about Norwich, darling, the city where history whispers in the cobbled streets and a sense of wonder dances in the air!

The inspiration? Oh, it was pure whimsy! Imagine, if you will, a whimsical blend of Victorian romance and futuristic glitz. Think of a fluffy, tulle cloud with hints of rose gold, adorned with glittering sequins that would make a fairy blush. This is the fabric of dreams, my darlings!

But before I get too carried away, let me tell you a little bit about my journey to Norwich. Now, you all know my love for travel. The rush of the train journey, the whiff of countryside air ā€“ it all feeds the artistic soul. But alas, a bit of a hitch in the works! Apparently, the horse carriage is being ā€œrenovatedā€. SIGH. Iā€™m so over being unprepared, it just takes away from the ā€˜wowā€™ factor! Sighs again

Anyway, there I was, stuck in the horrifically modern, but thankfully comfortable first-class carriage of the Great Eastern Railway, when ā€“ it happened! You know when you just have a ā€œmomentā€ where everything just clicks? Well, this was it!

As we sped past fields that were bursting with autumn hues and those incredible fluffy sheep I adore, it hit me! We all have moments, don't we? That Eureka! moment of clarity! For me, it was BOOM - I knew what the perfect headpiece would be! A fluffy, multicoloured cloud-like hat, you see, adorned with little hand-sewn mini pink tutus! Genius, isn't it? This little vision of wonder and, yes, I confess, a dash of '70s glam just flew out of nowhere, as clear as the autumn skies!

We reached Norwich Station. As I stepped off the train, the incredible sound of music came drifting in through the station windows! Whatā€™s more, it was my favourite, the Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto! What an exciting welcome! The city practically pulsated with a creative energy, you see? This is just what I needed, itā€™s about time!

So, letā€™s head straight to the heart of this vibrant city and its theatre scene! Oh, darling! There's something magical about walking down these ancient streets. It's as though you're taking a trip back in time, surrounded by medieval charm mixed with a modern flair! I felt that my own ā€˜vintage chicā€™ outfit perfectly complimented the historic cobbled streets!

My walk brought me right to the grand Norwich Theatre Royal. I always feel such an exhilarating energy before performing. There is something incredibly special about stepping out onto a stage that has been host to so many brilliant performers throughout history!

But darling, enough about the city for now, as I know you're just itching to hear about the sparkles, the show, and the outfits!

I can already imagine you with those twinkling eyes! This performance, darling, is truly going to be out of this world, a spectacle of wonder! Weā€™re not talking mere performances, we are talking "pink-tutu-powered" joy and pure, blinding, fabulous spectacle! I want to have you all on the edge of your seats, wondering how Iā€™ll manage to top this performance again. Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ve got plenty more up my sequined sleeve!

Of course, you know me. I've got plenty to tell you! First, there are the costumes, my dears! Imagine ā€“ feathers, oh, so many feathers! Imagine - sequins and sparkles galore! But, more importantly, sparkling and bright pinks that could only make a certain tutu queen happy! My makeup, too, it's gonna be out of this world!

Oh, and of course, Iā€™m using my favourite ā€œdancing-on-a-cloudā€ makeup palette that is exclusively pink! A shade so soft, so dreamy it could only belong in the ā€œTutu Queenā€™sā€ arsenal. Oh, I must stop giggling! This truly is the makeup palette, it adds such magical depth to the eyes and a delicate, shimmering touch to the lips! It is going to be divine!

Speaking of divine, I have also found the most beautiful and most pink and sparkly little hat boutique! Now, my darlings, there's not just any hat shop in Norwich, this oneā€™s been making stunning, feather and sequin embellished hats for years. It's almost as legendary as me! You see, the hat that came to me in the train has been transformed by a team of angels! The little pink tutus, oh, so divine and delicately made, just complete this outfit!

Now, I mustn't get ahead of myself! I'll share pictures of the outfits in tomorrow's blog, but don't forget, all of you darling creatures, you have to see these beauties in action! For now, just let your imaginations go wild with the sheer spectacle I'm bringing to Norwich tonight.

Stay tuned, my darlings! This Norwich adventure has just begun, and trust me, there's plenty of glitter to go around!

Oh, and one last thing: Keep dreaming those pink tutu dreams. Spread the sparkle, darlings! Remember, with a touch of whimsy and a dash of glitter, anything is possible!

Stay fabulous,

Your Tutu Queen,

Pink Tutu Sparkles,


#TutuQueen on 2007-10-27 stars in Norwich