Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-11-11 stars in York

York: The City of Rose Gold and Tutu Dreams! (Post #2872)

Helloooo darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to whisk you away to the enchanting city of York! As a true devotee of the pink tutu and all things sparkly, my heart leapt with excitement at the prospect of gracing this historic city with my presence. And let me tell you, it didn’t disappoint!

This is post number 2872 on my daily blog (head on over to www.pink-tutu.com!), so you know by now that a good dose of girly fun is a must for every journey.

York has that special something, a charm and history that swirled around me like a delicate tutu twirling in the breeze. It's like a beautiful time capsule, with cobbled streets echoing with the whisper of past eras. You could almost feel the ghosts of medieval royalty and roguish knights gliding past as I sauntered through the Shambles, mesmerised by its ancient charm.

Speaking of charming, let's talk about the journey! Now, I'm a big believer in embracing the whimsical, and so naturally I took the scenic route – by train, of course! I adore the rhythmic clackety-clack of wheels on rails and the gentle swaying that gives my feathers a lovely flutter. And what better way to channel those ballet-inspired vibes than by slipping into my finest pink tutu ensemble and striking a pose on the train carriage (much to the amusement of the fellow passengers, bless them!)

Now, York is no stranger to a good frock, as I found out very quickly! It's a place where the locals have a delightful penchant for colour and personality. There was a delightful antique shop, nestled in a crooked little street, where I found the most gorgeous vintage lace – perfect for embellishing a brand new pink tutu for the performance that night!

But the highlight of the trip was, of course, the theatre performance! Now, I must tell you, the sheer amount of stunning outfits on show would have made even a seasoned drag queen like myself weep with joy. The colours were magnificent – vibrant, luxurious, and oh-so-inspiring! The performers were dazzling, weaving tales through movement and music that left me absolutely speechless. And that's not to mention the orchestra! The strings and woodwinds, their melodies creating a breathtaking symphony that lifted me up and twirled me through the stars.

Of course, I couldn't leave without visiting the famous York Minster. Its towering presence, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, made me feel as though I was standing in a giant ballerina's shoes – elegant, towering, and radiating grace.

You know what they say – life is a stage and everyone should wear a tutu. York truly captured that sentiment, a place that celebrates both tradition and creative expression, inspiring me to twirl a little bit brighter and to dream a little bit bigger.

As for my outfit? Well, let's just say, York deserves its reputation as a fashion forward city, so I made sure my ensemble was equally magnificent! I went with a stunning shade of rose gold, which blended beautifully with the warm, honeyed hues of York's sandstone. My tutu, a fluffy confection of feathers and lace, added a touch of whimsy to my regal look. A bejewelled headband, complete with sparkly, heart-shaped rhinestones, completed my masterpiece – a visual reminder that Pink Tutu Sparkles was ready to bring her own sparkle to this delightful city!

It was a journey filled with laughter, elegance, and that all-important touch of glitter! Now, off I go to plan my next adventure, spreading my pink tutu love and a little bit of magic wherever I go. Until then, darlings, keep on twirling!


Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Behind the Tutu: From Science to Sparkle

Now, some of you might be wondering, "How does a girl with a penchant for pink tutus end up as a drag performer?"

Well, it all started with science! I studied it, of course! It wasn't until I went to university and joined the ballet club that I discovered the wonder of the pink tutu. You see, there was this charity event and they were encouraging everyone to try on a tutu to raise funds. The moment I slipped into it – well, the rest, as they say, is history.

Turns out, I have a scientist's brain but a drag queen's heart! By day, you can find me in my lab, testing the strength and resilience of fabric, and figuring out which types can withstand all those spins and twirls! Then, when the sun sets, I put on my makeup, slip into a dazzling ensemble and step out into the world of sparkle and wonder.

As the old saying goes, “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear” – so here's my advice to all my lovely readers: go forth and conquer those fears. Wear that tutu! Go for a dance! Embrace the colours! It might feel scary, but I promise you, the journey will be magical!

Don’t forget to visit my website www.pink-tutu.com for daily updates and updates about upcoming performances.

Until next time!


Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Pink Tutu Tips for Travelling in Style!

Now, travelling is a vital part of any drag queen's life – it's how we share our love for fashion, music, and the power of a good performance with the world! But it’s also important to be practical, darling. So, here are my Pink Tutu-approved tips for making every journey stylish and magical:

  • Packing: You’ve gotta pack smart! It’s tempting to overpack, but remember, it’s all about packing strategically. My secret weapon? I always make sure to pack my most treasured tutu. Yes, those feathers and ruffles do take up a bit of space, but darling, that's a price worth paying for the sparkle factor! It will definitely add a bit of drama to your adventures!

  • Footwear: It’s not just about being fabulous, darling – it’s also about practicality. As I've said before, I do adore those majestic platforms, but for those longer train journeys, they are not a necessity. Comfort comes first. A sturdy pair of boots with a hint of sparkle will keep you comfortable while allowing you to show your fashion sense. And let's not forget about those comfy walking shoes. Believe me, you'll be thanking me later! A pair of sparkly, comfortable flat shoes – you can never go wrong.

  • Travel with Sparkle: Never leave home without your essentials! I am a firm believer that a little bit of sparkle can go a long way. This means having your emergency makeup bag and glitter stash handy! It might sound crazy, but that glitter is magical - you can use it to freshen up a look on the train or bus, or even just to give a touch of brilliance to any situation. Trust me!

  • Essentials: Now, a touch of elegance never hurts! My essentials include a travel-size hairbrush and styling product (don’t forget a spritz of hairspray to keep those fabulous curls in check!), travel-sized perfume (always smelling lovely!), and a travel-sized body moisturizer (so important for that flawless glow!)

  • Travel Style: Think chic, think colour, think a dash of whimsy! I try to work with versatile outfits – things that I can dress up or down depending on the occasion. A vibrant patterned blouse, a cute denim skirt, and a colourful blazer can be taken from daytime to nighttime. Just throw on a bright pair of earrings or a striking belt and voila, you’re good to go.

And most importantly, remember: Attitude is everything. Confidence is the best accessory! Whether you're travelling on a train or horse, just remember to own it, sparkle it, and enjoy the ride!

Remember, darling, the world is your stage!

#TutuQueen on 2007-11-11 stars in York