Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-11-27 stars in Basingstoke

Basingstoke, Here I Come! 🎀🌸✨ (Blog Post #2888)

Oh darling, it's me, your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with a brand-new post straight from my diary! Get comfy, grab a cuppa (or a pink cocktail!), and let's embark on another adventure together. 💖

Today, my lovelies, we're heading to the delightful town of Basingstoke! The name alone conjures up images of rolling hills, charming streets, and of course, a stage shimmering under the spotlights, waiting for my dazzling entrance.

It all started this morning, as dawn crept over the Peak District, painting the hillsides in hues of rose and gold. You know I'm a Derbyshire girl at heart, and nothing gets my day off to a better start than a sunrise over the rolling countryside. But even the most beautiful view can't compare to the thrill of a journey.

And how did I get to Basingstoke, you ask? Well, darling, I opted for a journey fit for a queen - the majestic steam train! Imagine the gentle rumble, the chuff-chuff of the engine, and the satisfying scent of coal and steam. Truly an experience that sends shivers down your spine! ✨

My costume, naturally, was chosen with the theme of travel in mind. A vibrant hot pink tutu, adorned with delicate sequin butterflies, shimmered with every move I made. Paired with a flowing, silk rose-gold top and matching boots, I was the epitome of elegant and playful style.

But what’s a queen without her royal entourage? 👑 I couldn’t leave the house without my trusty chihuahua, Duchess. Dressed in her miniature tutu, she even had her own pink suitcase complete with her favourite squeaky toy! Of course, my suitcase overflowed with glitter, makeup, and a backup pink tutu, just in case a wardrobe malfunction struck (fingers crossed!).

The train ride itself was an absolute joy. My fellow travellers couldn't help but smile at the sight of a pink tutu in a train carriage, and let's be honest, a sprinkle of sparkle always brightens up a dull day. We chatted about the countryside, our passions for fashion, and, of course, my grand mission to spread the love of pink tutus to every corner of the world! I'm starting to think they'll soon be as commonplace as a cup of tea!

Arriving in Basingstoke, the air buzzed with excitement. I could feel it, the energy, the anticipation, the sheer delight of performing! And where better to showcase my art than at the local theatre? The stage was waiting for me, the lights dimmed, and my pink heart was ready to sparkle.

The performance itself was pure magic! The audience was incredible, singing along to my songs, clapping enthusiastically, and of course, showering me with their love. It’s those moments, those sparkling eyes staring back at you, that make every travel ache and late-night costume sewing session worth it!

After the show, there were photoshoots, interviews with the local press (naturally, we had a fabulously pink photo shoot!) and even a quick waltz through the bustling town centre with the Duchess in tow. I mean, how else can you spread the message of pink-tutu-love than by strutting your stuff and making everyone smile?

As the sun set, casting its rosy glow over the town, I couldn't help but feel a pang of bittersweet sadness. Leaving Basingstoke was tough, but the memory of this wonderful experience, the faces of the audience, and the joyous spirit that we shared will stay with me forever. And trust me, lovelies, my diary is bursting with ideas for the next pink tutu adventure!

Speaking of my diary, don’t forget to pop over to my website, www.pink-tutu.com. You can see my latest pictures from the show, and get the inside scoop on my upcoming performances. Maybe you'll even see YOU in the crowd one day!

Until next time, darlings, stay fabulous, keep sparkling, and don’t forget…

A little pink goes a long way. 💖 Tutu much love! 💋✨

#TutuQueen on 2007-11-27 stars in Basingstoke