Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-01-03 stars in Harrogate

Harrogate Sparkle: A Pink Tutu Adventure!

Post number 2925: www.pink-tutu.com

Hello, darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu-clad diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another exciting travelogue. Today, we're waltzing into the charming town of Harrogate, nestled in the heart of Yorkshire. Now, you all know I'm a bit of a train buff, and there's nothing I love more than settling into a plush carriage, a good book in hand (perhaps something by Austen!), and watching the world whizz past.

Speaking of whizzing past, did I tell you about my latest project? It's a top secret fashion line featuring pink tutus for everyone. You heard right! Not just for little girls or ballerinas, but for your favourite auntie, your dapper dad, even your furry little friend – I’m aiming for a global pink tutu takeover!

My mission has led me all over, from the glamorous boulevards of Paris to the rolling hills of Derbyshire – my very own home county. Yes, you’ve heard right! Pink Tutu Sparkles started life in Derbyshire, among the rolling green hills and bustling market towns, but before you think I’m just a country bumpkin, I was also a whizz kid science student (no joke, I tested the very fabric of this amazing pink tutu at the university!). Of course, there’s only one place for a scientist who can’t resist a dance, and that’s the ballet club. There, in the shadow of the magnificent theatre, fate intervened and, as the saying goes, the rest is history!

My journey to Harrogate started with a call from the Harrogate International Festival, asking if I could grace their stage with my dazzling pink tutu presence. Oh, honey, I don’t say no to sparkle!

My little sparkly train journey took me through some truly stunning scenery – emerald green hills rolling gently to the horizon, sleepy villages with quaint cottages adorned with vibrant window boxes. It reminded me of why I adore Yorkshire so much – a charming mix of history, nature, and, of course, plenty of opportunities to flaunt my pink tutus!

Upon arrival in Harrogate, I was met with an intoxicating scent of tea and biscuits - I couldn't resist indulging in a pot of freshly brewed Earl Grey (the pink-tinged china teacup was a perfect match for my attire, obviously!).

My first stop had to be the world-famous Bettys, for a delicious afternoon tea - just think, fluffy scones with lashings of clotted cream, delicate finger sandwiches, and tiny, perfectly formed cakes, all in the midst of perfectly polite, sophisticated chatter and that warm, comforting atmosphere you can only find in Harrogate! It was absolutely divine, even though I only allowed myself a couple of delicate finger sandwiches ( I had to save space for my dinner!)

Then, of course, a shopping spree is in order! Oh, darling, you wouldn’t believe the delights I discovered – delicate scarves in hues of rose, shimmering brooches fit for a queen, and, wouldn’t you know it, the perfect pair of fluffy pink pumps to compliment my signature look! My love of vintage fashion was certainly fed at the many little boutiques and independent shops that adorn the streets. Harrogate is positively dripping with charm – a treasure trove for any pink-loving, tutu-obsessed diva like myself.

My favourite discovery had to be the Harrogate Royal Hall – a magnificent Grade II listed building with elegant architecture and enough ornate detail to make a tutu sparkle even brighter. The history of this place just radiates! This jewel of a venue provided the perfect backdrop for my performance - I mean, who could resist a glamorous show in such a magnificent setting? You should’ve seen the audience – a diverse, lively bunch who cheered and clapped for every spin and twirl! The applause truly touched my heart; after all, that's what it’s all about – sharing my love for pink, tutus, and a good dose of sparkly fun with the world!

Oh, did I mention the ballet school? My dear, I found this adorable little studio nestled in a quiet street, right behind a bakery ( the most delightful aroma! ). You know I love me a ballet class! There was an energetic, warm-up routine, elegant stretches, and lots of giggling - who needs gym membership, really?

For my dinner, it just had to be the White Hart Hotel ( just next to Harrogate’s historic spa gardens, can you believe it!?) The menu was a feast for the eyes (and the tummy!), offering modern and traditional dishes, with a twist on classic British cuisine! It was an absolute culinary delight and I could not resist ending the night with the sweetest chocolate dessert - just perfect!

So, darlings, this is just a snippet of my magical Harrogate adventure! There’s so much more to explore – quaint tea shops, lively pubs with a touch of history, museums filled with tales of the past. Trust me, you need to experience this enchanting place for yourself! Don't be afraid to break out your own tutu, a dash of pink, and embark on your very own sparkly journey. It will be a dazzling journey full of charm, history, and more than a little touch of pink sparkle.

Until next time, my dears!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

(Alex by day, if you please! )

#TutuQueen on 2008-01-03 stars in Harrogate