Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-01-16 stars in Paignton

Paignton, You Pinky Darlings! Post #2938

Oh my goodness, darlings! The train journey down to Paignton was absolutely divine. The sun was shining, the birds were singing (even if they weren’t wearing pink tutus - shocker!), and the scenery was just… breathtaking. Yes, you heard me right! I, your fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles, took the train. I can't help myself, it's such a stylish mode of transport and far more glamorous than taking a dreary old bus! It was so wonderful watching the countryside flash by; it felt like I was starring in my own cinematic travel montage. (You know, the ones with dramatic music, a sweeping camera, and the main character looking all wistful?)

Anyways, I digress. Paignton! I have been DYING to get to the seaside for weeks now, you know, for a proper dose of fresh air and a good long stroll along the promenade. I had no idea Paignton would be so enchanting. Those Victorian seaside homes… the gorgeous little cafes, full of people enjoying a good old British fry-up… it felt so quaint, so charming!

I knew my little pink heart would be bursting with happiness upon arrival and boy oh boy did I not disappoint myself. As soon as I stepped off the train, I whipped out my trusty pink sequined tote bag, popped in my new floral-patterned fascinator (because one must be prepared for every eventuality, darlings!), and with a wink and a twinkle, I set off towards the promenade.

I mean, have you ever seen such an abundance of pink? (Don't answer that. The answer is obviously no. The only reason I have even a hint of doubt about this statement is because the world hasn’t all embraced my Pink Tutu Dream! Shame, shame, shame on you!) Seriously though, darling! You could say I was in my element. There were pinks everywhere – candy floss pinks, cotton candy pinks, flamingo pinks. Pink was basically the entire color palette of Paignton and it was utterly wonderful.

I practically floated towards the pier. Yes, I literally floated in my fabulous, new pink-and-sequined stilettos (did I mention how fab they are?) I don’t even think the breeze felt like a breeze… I felt like I was levitating in a state of blissful euphoria! And that is no exaggeration, honey. I mean, a sea breeze mixed with the scent of saltwater and… is that? … cotton candy? (Why does cotton candy smell so divine!?!?! Seriously! I'm putting in a research request right away!). My goodness! It was the best thing EVER!

On my wanderings, I stumbled upon a charming little vintage boutique! Let me tell you, my lovely! You've never seen so much pink! This boutique was crammed full of the most exquisite pink frills, pink laces, pink ribbons, and, yes you guessed it, pink tutus! (And not just any tutus - we're talking full, glorious, ballet-worthy, dreamy, pink tutus!)

I literally went wild, darling. I must've bought at least half of their inventory! Okay, maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but let’s just say the shop assistant practically had to drag me out because I was having so much fun (it really is hard to leave behind such treasures!). I don't even remember what I ended up buying, but the cashier swore up and down she’d never seen someone so happy (or spend so much) on a pink tulle ensemble (a.k.a. tutu!).

And you know what's the best thing about pink tutus? They are endlessly versatile. Whether I’m swirling around the promenade, catching a seaside performance, or just lounging by the sea in a wicker chair, you can bet your bottom dollar that my pink tutu will be the talk of the town. Seriously, they work with every outfit! (And if they don't, then it's not the tutu's fault!) I’m pretty sure every outfit benefits from the magic of pink tulle… but if you need me to prove it to you… well, you just have to tell me and I will happily demonstrate… maybe not with all the new pink dresses, shoes, and accessories I purchased today, because those babies are reserved for special occasions, darling!

Speaking of special occasions, that evening I was booked to perform at a lovely seaside pub with live music. I know! I told you – life is full of exciting opportunities when you embrace your inner sparkle! But don’t worry, you don't have to wait until you're on stage to be your best, most fabulous self. You can sparkle every day – a touch of glitter, a feather boa… or a pink tutu. Even a simple sprinkle of sequins or a well-placed tiara will transform an everyday look into something extra special.

It was at this pub where I discovered the hidden secret of Paignton - the amazing, local community. Let me tell you, honey, the people here are warm, welcoming, and absolutely adore a good dose of fabulous. They flocked to the stage as soon as I started singing and shimmying (seriously, this is going to be in my highlight reel forever, trust me). I did a little pink tutu routine that ended with me scattering glitter onto the audience (that’s how you know you’ve hit the jackpot in a show – you make sure they get their glitter!)

The whole place went wild, darling. It was a truly magical evening! And it just goes to show, the more fabulous you are, the more you can inspire and spread joy. Remember that next time you’re feeling nervous or shy; wear your pink tutu with confidence and the world will open up for you. Just like it did for me!

Tomorrow is going to be another day full of adventures and maybe even a little seaside shopping! I’m really excited to see what else Paignton has in store for me… especially in the world of vintage shops! If there's any doubt, I will absolutely have another day chock-full of pink fashion finds! Because let's be honest, you can never have too much pink tulle in your life! Don’t forget to follow my travels on www.pink-tutu.com – it’s going to be pink-tastic!

#TutuQueen on 2008-01-16 stars in Paignton