
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-01-17 stars in Waterlooville

Waterlooville Whirlwind: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage (Blog Post #2939)

Hello, darlings! Itā€™s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you another dose of glitter and grace from the ever-spinning, always-sparkling world of Pink Tutu! Today, I'm going to be sharing my fabulous escapades from a recent trip to Waterlooville! You see, darling, itā€™s not all glamorous glitz and pink feathers - there are long train journeys, late-night packing, and an uncanny ability to spill glitter into the most inconvenient of places (I'm still finding that sparkly mess on the train!).

But donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll paint a picture of pure pink paradise! Because even amidst the hustle and bustle, darling, the journey is what truly makes the destination! So grab your tea, a delicious slice of Victoria sponge (always a favourite on the train!), and prepare for a sartorial voyage!

The Journey to Waterlooville:

My adventures started in good old Derbyshire, where my inner drag queen always feels at home amongst the rolling hills. My loyal steed, a charming vintage Jaguar lovingly nicknamed "Miss Bubbles" after my very first drag name (yes, before I embraced the majesty of Pink Tutu Sparkles, I was the darling Miss Bubbles! Such memories...), waited patiently in the driveway, adorned with a magnificent pink ribbon. The first challenge? Packing all my fabulous costumes into that tiny boot! Donā€™t underestimate the magic of a carefully folded feather boa or a well-structured sequined skirt - these things take up more space than youā€™d imagine, darling!

My journey to Waterlooville took me through the picturesque heartland of England, passing by charming villages and verdant fields - perfect scenery for a bit of people watching, my darling! After all, thereā€™s nothing like an early train ride to find a truly wonderful inspiration for a new look. The way that the sun shines on a neatly pressed waistcoat or the way a man's moustache curls, itā€™s like poetry in motion, and inspiration just blooms, darling! I wouldn't have missed those inspiring views for the world!

The Show:

I was booked at a charming little pub called The Jolly Sailor, just outside Waterlooville, to headline a Drag Bingo Night! You see, my dear, Bingo isnā€™t just about the numbers, itā€™s a whole spectacle! It's a chance for everyone to let loose, mingle with their neighbours, and be utterly outrageous, which just calls to the queen within! This evening was all about high heels, vibrant costumes, and enough glitter to make a disco ball jealous!

You wouldnā€™t believe the turn-out. The whole place was a whirl of laughter and joyous camaraderie. And, my darlings, let me tell you, the Bingo was fierce! You know, itā€™s always amazing how some people just have a magic touch when it comes to those little cards - some even went on to win fabulous prizes, with all sorts of glittery goodies for their lovely selves. And when they did, oh, the screams! And of course, yours truly was there to shower them with compliments and glitter, and a good helping of my legendary drag sass!

Waterlooville Wonders:

The highlight of my visit had to be a visit to the charming little boutique in Waterlooville called ā€œTutus & Tiarasā€. Don't judge a book by its cover, darling - this store may seem small, but it's crammed with every fabulous garment and accessory you can imagine! I even discovered a whole section dedicated to tutus for adults, so much fun! A whole section full of gorgeous pink tutus! There's always a certain thrill about finding a truly magical tutu, just waiting to be loved. You know, like when you discover a hidden gem, sparkling and shimmering, ready to adorn your beauty.

The shopkeeper, an absolutely lovely woman named Fiona, was just the sweetest! She showed me the most incredible handmade tutus - they had feathers, sparkles, layers upon layers of tulle, even sequins that winked under the lights! Itā€™s enough to make a queen cry! Well, maybe not cry, but maybe a little sniffle in happiness! The whole experience, darling, just fuelled my obsession for pink tutus - it was pure magic. I even got myself a beautiful new pink tulle boa, soft and feather light, to add to my collection - a delightful treasure!

Back Home, Back to the Lab:

Now, back in my Derbyshire studio, Iā€™m trying to keep my head above the glitter, trying to settle back into the day job. Did I tell you, darling? I am a fabric scientist, working in a lab, studying the science behind every glorious, silky fabric in the world! Who'd have thought that my love for fashion could blend so seamlessly with my scientific background? Oh, my darling, life truly is an extraordinary stage. You see, even as Pink Tutu Sparkles I never forget that a bit of science helps the glam sparkle, darling.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a pink tutu to finish - a new design for my next performance, inspired by my trip to Waterlooville! It's got a special feature: little glitter snowflakes, and oh darling, they just have the cutest sparkle!

And, oh, before I forget - do send me pictures of you all rocking a pink tutu! Because, as we all know, the best kind of fashion is shared!

Keep your tutus twirling, darlings,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2008-01-17 stars in Waterlooville