Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-02-02 stars in Edgware

Edgware: A Tutu-tastic Adventure! (Blog Post #2955)

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the glorious town of Edgware!

Oh my goodness, this has been one fabulous adventure, from the moment I stepped off the train, the excitement was palpable! As always, my outfit had to be top notch – a blush pink, feathered tutu, complete with sparkling pink diamantés and matching, bejeweled pumps. Darling, even the pigeons gave me the side eye in admiration!

I must confess, you know, my love affair with Edgware started ages ago. As a wee lass – or, as Alex might put it, a student – I stumbled across this gem of a town on one of my early train adventures. Now, it may not sound as glam as a Parisian bistro or a swanky London theatre, but there’s something about the humble charm of Edgware that simply resonates. It’s like a cuppa on a chilly morning, you know? Cozy, comfortable, and makes you feel all warm inside.

This trip, though, wasn’t all about reminiscing, oh no! It was a mission! A mission to bring a little sparkle to Edgware and hopefully convert a few folks to the joy of the pink tutu. It's about finding beauty and magic in the everyday, you know? You can't just stand still and expect the world to change – you have to dance your way to that dream!

So, I hit the streets with my signature energy, a bouncy smile, and an irresistible charm. You'd be surprised at how easily conversation flows when you're sporting a tutu the colour of a sunrise and an air of “Let's sprinkle some glitter!” Within minutes, I was having tea with a group of local mums, chatting with a baker about his secret sourdough recipe, and even got a group of school kids laughing their heads off with a rendition of “Tutu Time!” (my latest signature ditty).

I spent the afternoon at the Edgware Farmer’s Market, sharing smiles, sequins, and handing out pamphlets with the wonderful motto "It's Not a Dress. It's a Statement." Of course, the main highlight had to be a visit to the local ballet school! As soon as they spotted my Tutu Queen glory, they welcomed me with open arms. And guess what? I ended up having a tutu-tastic impromptu class with those darling ballet students! They loved twirling, prance and even a touch of Pink Tutu Sparkles sass, it’s an all ages show you know!

After all that dancing and cheering, I was positively famished. Luckily, Edgware delivered. I feasted on a delightful supper at a hidden gem – a traditional Indian restaurant. The aromas alone were worth a visit, let me tell you! They even offered me a “Pink Tutu Platter” which, after a lot of giggling, I just had to have.

But this trip wouldn’t be complete without a touch of the performing arts! As a Pink Tutu Sparkles rule, every adventure must have some fabulous performance magic. And luckily, Edgware had a gem tucked away – a community theatre called The Phoenix!

My, oh my, the crowds that night were something to behold! The auditorium buzzed with energy, the lights dimmed, and I was ready to steal the show – or should I say, “Tutu” the show! It wasn’t my usual setting, a community theatre is all about raw talent, not big productions. But you know me, I’m up for a challenge, and Edgware had my heart racing for all the right reasons.

The atmosphere was electrifying – you could feel the love for the arts in every corner of that little theatre! The performance was a kaleidoscope of local talent, singers, dancers, comedians – oh the joyous energy, you’d need an extra heart to withstand the brilliance! I couldn’t resist taking to the stage with my signature routine – a dazzlingly energetic, twirling spectacle that, to be honest, ended in an impromptu dance-off with a group of elderly audience members!

And there it was, a true expression of what the Pink Tutu is all about – spreading joy, laughter, and a touch of fabulous to every corner!

Edgware, you have been an absolute dream. Your welcoming nature, your delicious delights, and your open hearts made for a day I will treasure forever.

Of course, before I went, there was a slight mishap. I always make sure I look glamorous, a queen needs a sparkle you see, but it turns out, a pink sequined tutu is tricky to pack! Well, my luggage decided that this tutu was just a little too extravagant for its taste, resulting in a little – well, a lot of – sequins escaping the confines of my bag!

Luckily, my ever-prepared luggage also came complete with my “Tutu- Emergency Kit,” a pouch filled with pins, sequins and some magic fairy dust! So, there I was in Edgware – glitter raining like confetti all over my luggage and onto my sparkling pumps. A spectacle worthy of my persona – Pink Tutu Sparkles and her sequin explosion!

Even in chaos, my darlings, life is glamorous – you just have to learn to work with the sparkles, even when they’re scattered!

And who knows where my Pink Tutu adventures will lead me next, you can keep up with my travel updates by visiting www.pink-tutu.com ! I'll see you all soon for more fun, fashion and some fantastic fabulousness. Until then, darlings, keep twirling and don't be afraid to embrace the pink!

#TutuQueen on 2008-02-02 stars in Edgware