Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-03-28 stars in Ramsgate

Ramsgate Ramble: Tutuing Towards the Sea! (Blog Post #3010)

Oh darling, buckle up your sequins and grab a handful of glitter because this is one ride you won't want to miss! Your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles is back on the blog, fresh from a delightful jaunt to the charming seaside town of Ramsgate! Now, I know what you're thinking – a seaside town?! Pink Tutu in the salt air? Oh, the indignity! But darlings, let me assure you, there's no place more fitting for a girl who lives in pink than the bright, breezy charm of the coast.

The journey itself was a dream, you know, one of those quintessential British rail adventures. I opted for the train, naturally – horses aren't always reliable for a 90-mile trip, much to my furry friend's chagrin (I call him "Stardust"). But don't you worry, I made sure to amp up the glam even for a humble commute. We're talking a fabulously frilled pink number, my trusty sequined satchel filled with essentials – you know, glitter pens, compact mirrors, lip gloss…the works!

Ramsgate, darling, just stole my heart! The vibrant Victorian architecture, the cobbled streets that whispered stories of seafaring heroes, the scent of salt carried on the breeze…it was all utterly intoxicating! As soon as I hopped off the train, I knew I had to wear something truly special, something that captured the essence of the coast – hence the appearance of the most divine sequined sea-shell pink tutu! This thing was truly something else. Imagine, if you will, the finest hand-stitched lace cascading down, adorned with tiny glittering shells and a dash of sparkling seafoam sequins – pure magic, I tell you!

My first port of call, of course, was the famous Ramsgate seafront. The sun was shining, the seagulls were screeching (which they did all the time, darling! The wildlife was quite theatrical, I must say), and the sea itself shimmered like a thousand jewels. You know what they say – when in Rome (or Ramsgate, for that matter!), you've got to dress like the locals, right?

And let's be honest, Ramsgate knows how to do sequins! You could barely swing a fishnet in the town without bumping into a fellow sequined enthusiast. The ladies were rocking those sequined dresses like nobody's business, and even the men had a bit of that glitter-filled charm about them. I must say, darling, it truly warmed my little sequined heart. We were all glitter-obsessed together!

I did a quick tour of the historic Royal Harbour, took some breathtaking pictures, and felt utterly charmed by the picturesque boats bobbing in the waves. The harbour really felt like a stage set, with all those brightly coloured boats, fishermen hauling in their catch, and of course, the ever-present scent of salty air and seafood – an irresistible blend that almost made me crave a fishy snack!

Next, a little ballet, darling! I wouldn't be Pink Tutu Sparkles if I didn't include a little dance in my schedule, right? Luckily, the Ramsgate Arts Centre was hosting an incredible "Ballet at the Beach" event – ballet by the sea! A whimsical selection of classic pieces under the open sky, surrounded by the calming sound of waves. Now, you might think, Pink Tutu, beach, what could go wrong? Well, darling, this beach had more sand than I'd like! That sequined tutu caught quite a lot of it. Let's just say my grand finale was slightly more "Sandy Sparkles" than "Pink Tutu"! But I laughed it off, darling – you have to! It wouldn't be an adventure without a few glitches, right?

Of course, no seaside jaunt is complete without a good dose of shopping. I took a leisurely stroll along the charming Ramsgate High Street, and let me tell you, there was no shortage of sparkly, sequined, fabulous things. My sequins-seeking senses were tingling with delight! It's fair to say I didn't leave empty-handed…I just had to treat myself to a couple of delightful feather boas and a little sequined bag shaped like a seashell (it had the most adorable matching glitter bag!). You simply can't resist a little bit of seaside charm, darlings, especially when it's adorned in the most glorious sequins imaginable!

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of vibrant pinks and oranges, I couldn't help but reflect on my day. Ramsgate, I'm smitten! This charming town captured my heart with its undeniable beauty, the warmth of its people, and the unbridled joy that just permeates the air. There's nothing quite like that fresh air, those salty breezes, and that twinkle in your eye you get by the sea – all the more so when it's amplified by glitter, darling!

You know, darling, that's what Pink Tutu is all about. Spreading the love, spreading the joy, and most importantly, spreading the love of pink! I believe every day should feel like a seaside escapade – a little sunshine, a little sparkle, and a whole lot of fun! It's why I want to see the world adorned in tutus – that pink, swirling energy of a ballet class or a fabulous performance; it makes every day a little more sparkly, a little more joyful, a little more magical.

Ramsgate, darling, thank you for reminding me of that magical feeling. It was truly a perfect day! I'm already planning my next seaside escapade – I hear the Cornish coast has some extraordinary beaches! Maybe I'll get some shots in a little sequined swimsuit next time! Stay tuned!

Until next time, darling, keep on tutuing, keep on shining, and never forget, life's a stage!

Yours always in sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com! It's a haven for all things pink and fluffy, darling. Come join me in the Tutu Wonderland!

#TutuQueen on 2008-03-28 stars in Ramsgate