Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-05-10 stars in Darwen

Darwen Dares to Sparkle!

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, darling!

Woo hoo, another day, another performance, another adventure in this fantastic life of mine! This blog post is number 3053 – I know, right? Who knew this queen would be a blog queen too! You can find all my ramblings on www.pink-tutu.com, pop over, say hi and let me know what you think of my fabulous outfit.

Darwen Calling!

So, today’s journey was by train! You’ll all know how much I love a good train ride, especially when I’m rocking a fabulous new dress from one of my favourite vintage shops. This one is cherry red with some serious bling on the neckline - I’ve teamed it with a vintage hat with a feather (it’s a total nod to my love for birds, you know how much I love dancing with my feathered friends - I can't get enough of those stunningly flamboyant birds of paradise!). Oh and did I mention the gorgeous lace-up boots! These beauties are bright pink of course! Now, my boots might not look very train-friendly, but I am quite skilled in climbing the little stairs! I’m quite agile, especially in my new high heels.

This week's performance is in Darwen. I must say, a pretty delightful little town it is. I had some yummy fish and chips before the show and met the most wonderful chap, a real gentleman - we even did a little bit of "I'm A Little Teapot" around the park! The gentleman even had a cute pink tutu of his own, worn slightly too big, but you gotta give the man points for commitment, darling! We even had a laugh about it, how "our tutus might be big, but our hearts are bigger!" He was sweet, even bought me a pink teacup to add to my growing collection! It had the most exquisite pink roses, very vintage! The shops there are quite good, especially for someone who has a passion for all things pink.

Performing for the Lovely Darwenites

So, after a delightful walk in the sunshine, I went to the show, I was in this little cosy local hall – really charming and full of energy! There was even a group of children doing some wonderful dance routines (they even knew "I'm A Little Teapot!")

The audience was absolutely wonderful! I know I have said it many times before, but each show is unique, full of its own unique flavour. You have the really loud cheering audience, then you have the ones that give the “shy applause” – we call those people our "pinky-pinkies” because they like to shy away and just do small gestures and look away a bit! They’re still absolutely brilliant, the shyest ones can make the most noise when the act ends, if they like it! I did my usual blend of ballet, pop music, and some fancy moves (no spoilers though - it’s a secret - I think even Pink Tutu Sparlkes deserves some mystery, don’t you think?).

The crowd absolutely loved the “Rainbow Sparkles" piece, it’s got that high energy element and then that sudden dip into emotional sadness. When it hits the "Sparkles" part they do the "Tutu Hooray" shout, they all chant “Sparkle, Sparkle, Sparkle!” at the top of their lungs! They’re like, you know, "Tutu fanatics." It was lovely!

The Journey Back - An Unexpected Twist

Now, you won't believe what happened on my way back! I was waiting on the platform for the train home - after all, what could go wrong? And then, a little mishap! Turns out the platform was getting a makeover - so many orange traffic cones and lots of workers about.

And you guessed it! You know how clumsy I can be with my long skirt and super high boots – I trip! So embarrassing! But of course, being the fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles I didn’t trip face first! I had the grace (or was it luck?) to only trip on my boots. The big dramatic “oomph” of my stumble happened as my heel got caught on one of those orange cones!

The best part? Everyone on the platform started applauding.

They even clapped along with me! They were roaring with laughter and started chanting, “Pink Tutu, Pink Tutu!” Then, these workers just stopped work and all took out their phones, recording my "accidental dance" with the cones! Then they started doing it! They even made a cone stack, just to dance with me. I mean, honestly! That was the day! A little mishap turned into an awesome “Pink Tutu” moment.

I couldn’t stop laughing – this is just why I love traveling in this outfit – you never know what is going to happen, it's just an adventure. Sometimes the best adventures involve a little bit of a stumble! Oh well, even pink tutus get caught in the chaos of life. I’m back now at my tiny little flat in Derbyshire, a pint of milk and some chocolate - but I wouldn't swap this life for anything.

You never know, I might even do some “Cone Dancing” at tomorrow’s performance.

Until next time, darlings!

Don't forget to check out the fabulous "Tutu Time" section of the website!

Lots of sparkly love, Pink Tutu Sparkles x x x

#TutuQueen on 2008-05-10 stars in Darwen