Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-06-04 stars in Farnworth

Farnworth Calling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles’ Daily Blog – Post Number 3078

Darling, you wouldn’t BELIEVE what a day I’ve had! Let me tell you, it’s been an absolute whirlwind, starting right here in sunny Derbyshire, and ending in the most enchanting, sparkling little corner of…Farnworth!

Right, so this morning started with the usual pre-show rituals. As you know, I always ensure my makeup is absolutely FLAWLESS for any performance. But this wasn’t just ANY performance. My Pink Tutu Sparkle dress, oh the drama! All that shimmer and tulle, so delicate, so pink…It’s basically my own personal ballet tutu turned into the ultimate outfit for performing my best dance numbers, complete with feathers and rhinestones. This particular dress is the “Pink Dream”, a creation of sheer genius from my beloved local dressmaker – Miss Dolly Devine (Dolly, give yourself a big hug! You truly are a queen!).

A Farewell to Derbyshire... Onwards to Adventure!

As always, my trusty sidekick, the good ol’ Range Rover (we affectionately call her Rosy, after my favourite shade of pink, obviously) took me on the initial journey to the train station. Saying goodbye to Derbyshire, where my roots are strong as a mighty oak tree, was almost heart-wrenching. The scenery here is a symphony of verdant meadows and rolling hills, truly inspiring my fashion sense, don’t you think?

But before my departure, there was the ALL-IMPORTANT ballet warm-up. You know how I adore ballet, right? It’s my true passion! Every morning, I sneak a little session in at the local studio. It helps me stay toned and, dare I say, slightly elegant! (Please, I may be a bit of a tomboy underneath the tutus but I still believe in elegance.) It gives me strength and focus. I love the art form’s delicate, powerful flow. And for my dance numbers, let’s just say I do a bit of a ballet inspired choreography…you have to come to a show and see it yourself.

Train Journey Tales

The train ride was, of course, filled with absolute delight. A sea of curious faces. My favourite part? Sharing a little pink joy with everyone. I even managed to spark a quick impromptu "Tutu Tuesday" with a charming family in a nearby carriage – you wouldn’t believe their faces when I asked them to strike a pose for a photo!

A Pink Paradise In Farnworth

Farnworth itself, darling! Now, it really IS a gem! As soon as I got there, the energy just radiated pink! It felt like the town was built just for my flamboyant style. So many sweet shops and lovely quaint tea rooms, all bursting with the most gorgeous colours and amazing smells, my dear.

The performance itself? An absolute blast. I have to give it to the crowd, the applause was so generous. It seems that my passion for pink is contagious! My special pink tutu performance routine, a mix of cabaret, ballet, and pure unadulterated fun, went down a storm. You know the drill, I gave everything I had, a real showstopper!

I had an especially lovely interaction after the show, with the sweet little girl who seemed utterly fascinated by my tutus and asked if she could dance with me. We twirled and twirled until her tiny cheeks were as rosy as my outfit! She was like a little ballerina from another planet, it just melted my heart! Those are the moments that make my journey all worthwhile! I left a signed photograph and a big, sparkly pink feather to remind her of this wonderful day! I bet she'll remember it forever!

Pink Power Everywhere I Go

After the performance, the team and I, of course, hit up the local fashion boutiques and found a delightful pink-themed tea shop called The Pink Flamingo, where we sat outside (with my Tutu safely stored inside Rosy!) and enjoyed a slice of raspberry cake and some peppermint tea (one of my guilty pleasures). I even ended up buying a pink straw hat with feathers – an absolute steal! The sales assistant, bless her, said it just SCREAMED Pink Tutu Sparkle and couldn't resist helping me out.

By now it’s well into the evening and as I sit here in my hotel, penning this blog, you know what's still on my mind? Yes, I'm just filled with this enormous, overflowing sense of gratitude and happiness. You know I always strive to spread a little pink sparkle wherever I go, and tonight, I feel like I did just that! And darling, when I tell you, "A day in pink is a perfect day!" I am talking about true love!

A Day That Made Me Shine...

The trip was so much more than a performance; it was a celebration of everything I adore – dance, fashion, community and spreading love, all dressed up in the most glorious hue – Pink!

But honestly, it was about YOU. You lovely folks who support me, share my posts, read my blog. It makes every adventure, every journey so very special!

Until next time! Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles www.pink-tutu.com

P.S Tomorrow, I am back in the lab testing fabrics for that big fashion project! Did I ever tell you that I work with fabrics to help make new, incredible designs, for clothing lines, in the textile industry? You'll see... one day soon I will reveal the project! It involves...PINK... of course. You are welcome!

P.P.S Don't forget, darling, follow my daily life journey and come dance with me soon! The best ballet shows are in a theatre near you. You just have to come see!

#TutuQueen on 2008-06-04 stars in Farnworth