
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-08-24 stars in Watford

Watford Calling: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage! (Post #3159)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in from sunny (well, mostly sunny!) Watford! โœจ

I know what you're thinking: "Watford? But isn't that... well, Watford?" Well, my lovelies, let me tell you, this little town is a hidden gem for a queen like me! It's got a charming vintage feel with the most delightful mix of shops and cafes. Oh, and did I mention the stunning Watford Palace Theatre? It's a veritable haven for theatre lovers, and I was there last night taking in a breathtaking production of "The Sound of Music." Absolutely magical!

Before we get to my theatre adventure, let's chat about the journey, shall we?

Now, you all know I'm a bit of a train enthusiast, so naturally, I took the scenic route from my Derbyshire digs to Watford. The carriages were filled with such colourful characters! One dapper gentleman with a top hat and monocle (definitely my style!) even complimented me on my pink tutu! It was a right royal good time, my darlings.

Of course, no journey is complete without a bit of retail therapy! When we finally arrived in Watford, I found myself in the heart of the high street, surrounded by shops like Topshop and Primark. Honestly, I had to hold back from buying an entire wardrobe! Luckily, I'm a seasoned queen and managed to control myself (sort of!). I did, however, come away with a gorgeous new feather boa - a must-have for my next performance, I tell you!

Now, let's talk about the performance! Last night's show at Watford Palace Theatre was absolutely stunning. "The Sound of Music" has always held a special place in my heart. It's a true classic filled with music, dance, and pure, unadulterated joy. The costumes were dazzling, the voices angelic, and the entire performance had me utterly captivated. Honestly, my dear readers, you could hear a pin drop in that auditorium. It was truly a magical evening.

After the performance, I ventured to the local market for some late-night bites. And let me tell you, those sausage rolls were divine! I paired them with a sparkling cider โ€“ my go-to when I'm feeling extra fancy! There's just something so comforting and decadent about a little post-performance treat, wouldn't you say?

Today, my journey continues with a visit to the Watford Museum. I've heard whispers of fascinating local history, including a fascinating story about a princess who went off to India in a tutu โ€“ itโ€™s bound to be an absolute riot!

After the museum, Iโ€™ll be doing a little more retail therapy (you canโ€™t have too much shopping in my book!) and a bit of street dancing with the local ballet class โ€“ a little warm-up before my show at The Mermaid Inn tonight.

Tonight, Iโ€™m ready to light up Watford with a truly spectacular performance. Itโ€™s going to be fabulous, darling, fabulous!

Remember, my loves, wear your pink tutus with pride and always remember: A little sparkle goes a long way. And who knows, maybe Watford will become your new favourite place โ€“ itโ€™s definitely a favourite for your Queen of the Pink Tutu.

Until next time, stay sparkly!

Your loving,

Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’– www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2008-08-24 stars in Watford