
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-11-01 stars in Crosby

Crosby Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles is Ready to Sparkle!

Hello darlings! Welcome back to www.pink-tutu.com, your one-stop shop for all things pink and tutu-licious! This is post number 3228, and I'm absolutely bursting with excitement because I'm off to the seaside!

Crosby, oh Crosby! You know how much I love a good coastal adventure, and this time, I'm taking my sparkly self to the beautiful town of Crosby in Merseyside. I've heard the most wonderful things about it, especially the iconic Antony Gormley sculptures dotting the beach. Imagine the photos, darling!

I'm always up for a good sea-air adventure, and you know I simply can't resist a chance to promenade in my fabulous tutus! So, of course, I'll be packing a selection of my finest frocks. You're going to love my new pink and lavender sequined creation. It's perfect for a beach walk and some theatrical photo ops with those statues!

Speaking of photo ops, don't you dare miss my upcoming Instagram stories! I'll be capturing all the glamorous moments of my trip, from the train journey (did I mention I'm a sucker for a good carriage ride?) to the seafood delights I'll be indulging in at a quaint little seaside restaurant. You can bet I'll be adding my own flair to those "Lobster bisque and chips" photos, darling!

Remember, life's too short to not twirl in a pink tutu!

Let's delve deeper into my journey, shall we? Here are some juicy details about this glamorous getaway:

Pink Tutu and the Merseyside Miracle

I'm feeling utterly giddy with anticipation! It's not every day you get to embark on a trip to a new and exciting location. And Crosby promises to be absolutely divine. This is what I'm looking forward to most:

The Beauty of Crosby Beach: The beach itself is just gorgeous, and the art installation makes it extra special. The sculptures are said to be incredibly moving, and I'm really looking forward to experiencing their energy and taking in the incredible scenery.

A Spot of Shopping: Any trip for me, darling, just isn't complete without some serious retail therapy! I've heard whispers of fabulous vintage stores and charming boutiques in Crosby, and I just can't wait to discover their treasures. Think vintage-style hats, elegant accessories, and maybe even some new additions to my ever-growing tutu collection!

A Seaside Dinner & a Dance: Of course, I wouldn't be me if I didn't find a chance to have a delicious seafood feast and maybe even some dancing. I've already got my eye on a couple of lovely restaurants right on the waterfront. And with all that amazing scenery, who needs a fancy stage, right?

A Theatrical Evening in the City: Now, because I love to dance and the sparkle of theatre lights is something I adore, I'm extending my trip into the heart of Liverpool for a theatrical performance. What could be more glorious than a night of ballet? I'll be gracing the stalls with my fabulous self, and I'm expecting a grand night of exquisite costumes, magical music, and an air of elegant drama. Perhaps even some graceful leaps from a fellow dancer - imagine my glee if they sport a pink tutu!

Pink Tutu's Love Affair with Tutues - A Little History

If you're new to my blog, allow me to tell you a little about my pink tutu obsession. It's been a life-long love affair that began back in Derbyshire where I grew up, in the heart of the UK. My obsession began at university during a science degree of all things! Yes, I studied chemistry by day, but by night I found myself twirling around in the university ballet club. We had this charity fundraising event, and someone brought in a pink tutu to try on for laughs. As soon as I saw that frilly wonder, I was instantly smitten! That's the moment it hit me - life was too short to be boring, and pink tutus were just the tonic!

Ever since that life-changing event, pink tutus became my signature look, a vibrant statement of confidence, and an emblem of joy. I'm now a bona fide drag queen, performing at any venue I can find, with Pink Tutu Sparkles, as my stage name! By day, I'm still a scientist testing fabric, which actually lends itself rather nicely to my obsession with creating elaborate, sequined, and glamorous pink tutus. My days may involve lab coats, test tubes, and meticulous chemical analysis, but as the night falls, I trade my lab coat for shimmering fabrics, a dash of makeup magic, and, of course, my signature pink tutu. I love using my scientific mind to create extraordinary tutus - a perfect blend of creativity and science, wouldn't you say?

Now, tell me all about you lovely lot! Do you love the colour pink? Do you have a passion for ballet? Or are you just loving the vibrant energy of the tutu world? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and remember to follow me on Instagram and Twitter to stay updated on all my latest pink tutu adventures. Let's create some beautiful chaos, darlings!

A Reminder to Stay Pink and Sparkling!

Right, it's time for me to start packing! I need to make sure I have all my favourite accessories and makeup, as well as a new set of sparkly ballet shoes! This seaside adventure is going to be amazing! Until next time, remember to keep it fabulous and spread your pink tutu love! Stay pink, stay sparkly, and always be you! See you soon!

Your Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2008-11-01 stars in Crosby