
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-11-23 stars in Ashton

Ashton, My Pink Tutu Paradise! ๐Ÿ’–โœจ

Hello, my gorgeous darlings! Itโ€™s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite pink-obsessed, tutu-wearing queen, and welcome to post number 3250 on www.pink-tutu.com!

Ashton was calling, and how could I possibly resist? This delightful little town was practically begging for a pink tutu invasion, and I was ready to oblige. Just picture this: the crisp autumn air, a hint of a blush in the sky, and me, striding down the cobbled streets of Ashton in a stunning pink tutu that would make a flamingo jealous! ๐Ÿ˜‰

It's no secret that I'm utterly bonkers about tutus, darling. They're more than just a costume; they're a symbol of freedom, femininity, and pure unadulterated fun! My journey began in my university days, a humble science student struggling with chemistry equations by day and dreaming of twirling by night. That first tutu was a game-changer, a gateway drug into the world of sparkles and feathers. Letโ€™s just say it's been an absolute blast ever since!

But let's get back to Ashton. This quaint little town had so much to offer!

Ballet Bliss at the Ashton Opera House

My first stop was the grand Ashton Opera House, where the smell of freshly polished wood and popcorn floated through the air like a heavenly perfume. The performance of "Swan Lake" was absolutely divine! Seeing the delicate beauty of the dancers, the sweeping costumes, the raw emotion, it really touched my soul. I almost shed a tear โ€“ but thankfully, my glitter was waterproof!

Vintage Tutu Treasure Hunt

Afterwards, I embarked on a vintage shopping spree. Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon a little treasure trove of pre-loved tutus! It was like stepping back in time. There were frothy tulle, satin ribbons, and sequins galore. You could say I snagged a few gems to add to my growing collection! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Pink Paradise Tea Time

I couldn't resist the charming Ashton Tea Room, which was literally pink from top to toe. It was the kind of place that makes your heart sing and your inner child shriek with joy! We indulged in delightful finger sandwiches, dainty cakes, and, of course, the most magnificent pink-tinted tea Iโ€™ve ever encountered! Itโ€™s a must-visit for anyone with a love for all things pink and whimsical!

Ashton Market Mayhem!

A quick trot across the square landed me in the buzzing Ashton Market. I mean, can you even imagine? Fresh produce piled high, stalls bursting with colourful trinkets, the friendly chatter of locals, the whole thing was a sensory overload in the best way possible. The energy in the market was contagious โ€“ I even convinced a few locals to try on pink tutus, with hilarious results!

The Horse and Carriage Ride of a Lifetime

Who says a pink tutu isnโ€™t glamorous on horseback? You can bet I indulged in a beautiful carriage ride around the charming streets of Ashton. The wind whipping through my tulle, the sun setting over the horizon, and the gentle clip-clop of the hooves on the cobbles... pure fairytale magic! The coachman, bless his heart, seemed amused by my attire and told me a wonderful story about a pink tutu-wearing horse back in the day. I have to confess I wasnโ€™t entirely convinced but hey, thatโ€™s the fun of a good story, right?

Evening Extravaganza!

In the evening, I took to the stage at the local theatre with a performance that truly celebrated the joy of pink tutus! We sang, danced, laughed, and embraced all things glitter. I even taught a few of the audience members a simple little pink tutu routine. It's important to share the magic, my loves! The crowd was enthralled! I mean, how could you not be with that much sparkle?

Goodbye, Ashton, Goodbye!

I said my goodbyes to Ashton, my heart overflowing with love and laughter. But remember, darlings, wherever I go, the pink tutu goes with me!

Till next time, my darlings!

Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing out. ๐Ÿ’–โœจ

P.S. Don't forget to check out my YouTube channel and Instagram for all the behind-the-scenes action! And let me know your thoughts on Ashton โ€“ and pink tutus, of course!

#TutuQueen on 2008-11-23 stars in Ashton