
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-12-26 stars in Laindon

Laindon: Tutu Tales From The Train Tracks! (Post #3283)

Hello my gorgeous darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from Laindon! It's a beautiful day to be sparkly, and what better way to start it than a magical train journey to this charming town.

Oh my, the excitement of stepping off the train and onto Laindon's bustling high street! I must admit, the train journey was an adventure in itself. My train carriage was filled with the most fabulous people, a symphony of chatter, children laughing, and everyone looking at my outfit, of course!

Speaking of outfits, today's ensemble is a riot of pink. My signature pink tutu, adorned with shimmering sequins, flounced over a fuchsia camisole, topped off with a shocking pink feather boa and my sparkly pink platform shoes.

Now, the Laindon crowd were lovely, just darling! It was so refreshing to see so many different shades of pink in their clothes too, although they could use a little more sparkle! And how fantastic was it that I saw a shop window selling adorable little tutus, perfect for tiny little ballerinas just starting their journey into the world of dance. Don't worry, dear readers, I shall be buying some up to give away on my next post-show meet-and-greet!

You see, the beauty of travelling is discovering new gems like Laindon, meeting amazing people, spreading the love of the pink tutu, and of course, performing. And let me tell you, tonight's show was simply sensational!

After a lovely stroll through Laindon park (so many picturesque spots for photo ops! I might have snapped a few for my Instagram...), it was showtime! Tonight's stage was a small community hall, but the crowd was absolutely bursting with energy, and the energy just bubbled off them like glitter from a freshly opened box of magic! I felt that Laindon energy coursing through me. They loved my pink tulle twirls and I loved their enthusiastic cheers. You know you're a good girl when the entire audience is clapping in time with your pirouettes, don't you?!

From Lab Coat to Pink Tutu

Speaking of amazing energy, it's amazing how my two worlds, science and drag, work in perfect harmony! During the day, I test fabrics for stability, durability and even water repellency! I have to say, it does help my eye for good fabrics, especially for tutu-building! But, come evening, the lab coat comes off, the pink tutu goes on, and the true magic begins! And speaking of magic, the tutu just calls to me. You know how it is - a little piece of tulle can truly make you feel empowered.

The story of my love affair with the pink tutu is a funny one. During my science degree, I got involved in the university's ballet club. It all started with a charity fundraiser - I ended up trying on a tutu, and felt an instant connection, like it was meant to be! I started collecting tutus, then pink tutus, then lots of pink tutus! It's the pink that truly sets me on fire, such a joyful color, it reminds me of sunshine and sweets.

Travelling by Tutu Train

As for my love for the train, it all started with my childhood. Growing up in Derbyshire, my family would often go on little train adventures. It just makes you feel so alive and full of joy to see the scenery go by from the comfort of a railway carriage. And for me, nothing beats the train as a form of travel! You meet such a mix of characters.

Then there's the romance of it all. Think of the gorgeous old-fashioned trains with the scent of burning coal, the plush red seats and the gently swaying motion. It's so inspiring.

Why Pink Tutus?

Of course, I can't leave you without telling you my philosophy. You know my ultimate goal - get the entire world wearing a pink tutu. It’s my personal mission, because the tutu is a symbol of freedom, joy, and sparkle! It doesn't matter your age, size, or gender, everyone can feel that inner sparkle when they wear a tutu! Even scientists! Why not, right?

To spread the tutu love, I do a lot of charity events, fundraisers, and, of course, performances! My favorite thing is when I meet people who say they never thought they'd wear a tutu, but they were inspired by my shows. The tutu is all about empowerment. You can do anything! The world needs more joy and sparkle and I intend to do my part, one tutu at a time.

A Little Pink Reminder

Don't forget that every day can be a tutu day, darlings. Add some pink to your wardrobe. Embrace the joy of life. Find your inner sparkle. Never be afraid to be your best pink, glittering self. And until next time, always remember: you are beautiful and worthy of a little twirl!

Now, excuse me, but I've got a date with a plate of Laindon's local pastries! You can catch me on the website at www.pink-tutu.com for all the latest updates and pics.

Lots of love and pink tutu power,

Pink Tutu Sparkles (aka Alex!)

#TutuQueen on 2008-12-26 stars in Laindon