
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-01-19 stars in Didcot

Didcot, Didcot, Didcot! A Tutu-ful Adventure (Blog Post #3307)

Hello darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in live from the fabulous town of Didcot, just outside of the gorgeous city of Oxford. Can you believe it? Your favourite tutu-clad, pink-loving, travelling drag queen has made it to Oxfordshire! I'm bubbling with excitement ā€“ the journey by train was pure joy. The carriage was full of families on a day trip, a group of students, a few business people (looking surprisingly relaxed and dapper for a Tuesday morning), and of course, moi!

This is a little treat for me, after a bit of a hectic week. You know, my life as a scientist is sometimes so dull! The lab is all white coats, safety goggles andā€¦ sighā€¦ chemical equations. Not exactly glamorous. But hey, itā€™s all about balance, right? When the clock strikes 5, off I go, into my gorgeous glittery outfits. wink Did you see my new lavender tulle skirt? Honestly, it's a dream. My dear friend Suzy Spool (a divine vintage clothes boutique owner in Manchester) got it for me, and it just screams ā€˜Pink Tutu Sparkles in a ballet class!' But I digress... back to Didcot!

Didcot is the sort of place you donā€™t often hear about. I have to confess, before this week, the only thing I associated it with was the power station - but that was all before I experienced the sheer delightful magic of its little hidden gems. Itā€™s like a little Victorian pocket tucked away in the English countryside, brimming with historical charm. And just look at those amazing old train lines! Absolutely magnificent! They take me straight back to the early days of the railways, a golden era of adventure, discovery, and... pink tutus? Who knows! Perhaps someone should have worn a pink tutu when the railways were first conceived. A vision of flamboyant possibility. But enough about my dreams... let's get back to the present!

Now, Didcot's got me swooning, I tell ya! It's got gorgeous green spaces, a wonderful museum, charming shops that smell of antique books, delicious cafe culture and a very exciting dance studio! Iā€™ll be popping in to the "Twirl and Leap" dance academy later, they offer ballet classes, tap classes and contemporary dance workshops! I must admit I have a teensy weakness for classical ballet - I'm such a fan. Honestly, it just inspires my outfits, itā€™s such a powerful form of expression, even the simplest movement speaks volumes. There's an elegant simplicity to the graceful lines of ballet that I just love. Maybe thatā€™s where my passion for pink tutus started - it all began with a ballet club at university! Just imagine, there I was in my science lectures one minute, all beakers and formulas, and then suddenly swirling in a pink tutu, the next! My mind is still a bit fuzzy from the excitement. Oh! And did I mention I also get to judge the talent show tonight? Can you believe it? They're having a youth talent competition at a small community hall. It's not Buckingham Palace, but the spirit is all there - a passion for performance and a real feeling of community. That's the best part of what I do - meeting lovely, open-minded people like this.

This whole experience makes me wonder if maybe I'm destined to wear a pink tutu while travelling the countryside by train... Perhaps even have my very own tutu-inspired touring performance, 'Tutus On Track,' you know, something that brings the joy and wonder of pink tutus to villages all over England!

Anyway, gotta run. I'm late for tea with a group of theatre students from Oxford and some of Didcot's local creative folk! I hope theyā€™re excited to see my outfit! This dress, swoon, is just divine! It's got an incredible vintage design with delicate embroidery. The perfect outfit for a little stroll in a new town. Theyā€™ll probably get an extra sparkly treat if the conversation gets interesting! Iā€™m feeling full of pink tutu energy today!

And oh! donā€™t forget to check in with Pink Tutu online later tonight. I'll be giving you a rundown of the local theatre performances. Thereā€™s a play on the history of Didcot, I hear it's very fun - we may have a cameo by our favourite tutu-loving queen! Catch you then, babes!

Your lovely, pink-tutu loving, sparkly friend,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

Didcot Delight (Blog Post #3308)

Hello gorgeous creatures of the internet! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in from the magical little world of Didcot! What a day! You wouldn't believe the fabulous adventures that awaited your queenā€¦ the adventures started on the platform in Didcot! While I was waiting for my train to London ( yes, you heard that right! Weā€™re off to London town in a jiffy - just you wait till you hear about our planned evening in the capital - it is gonna be FAB! ), I stumbled upon a group of young girls with ballet bags! Now, I love me a good ballet bag. I love the style, I love the fact they're often emblazoned with elegant images of ballerinas (although they can get so tacky! Thereā€™s a slight art to finding the perfect ballet bagā€¦ It needs to be just a little flamboyant, you see... wink), and they always seem to hold some hidden secret... a ballerina dream, Iā€™d like to think! But back to the story!

I spotted one sweet young thing and her bag was simply divine. Sheā€™s not yet a teen but she had real star potential - a serious ballet bag aficionado, I could tell. So naturally, as a well-seasoned queen of the tutu kingdom, I felt it was my duty to provide a quick lesson. (A very fast, "Here's how to strut your tutu stuff" - style workshop, as it were! wink It was a lesson in ballet bag style. I felt the urge to show her how a tutu bag needs to be presented - not simply just carried , but a fashion statement, you see! I think my ā€œPink Tutu Presents" masterclass went down quite well. Sheā€™s going to be a total sensation - a total tutu queen, I can feel it!

Before heading to the train, I popped into the lovely little antique shop I'd spotted yesterday - the "Curious Curio Co." - a fantastic treasure trove! Didcotā€™s got this brilliant blend of modern and vintage going on ā€“ itā€™s almost like stepping into a time machine when you stroll past its ancient-looking railway lines. And in the Curious Curio Co., I came across this divine porcelain ballerina figure. Absolutely beautiful. Now, a few lovely ladies who live in Didcot may have gone into a slight frenzy as a result of the queenā€™s sudden burst into the shop ( my entrance had to be accompanied by a ā€˜pink tutu twirl,ā€™ obviously!), but hey, thatā€™s the charm of the travelling Pink Tutu Sparkles experience!

Once I arrived in the capital, the first thing on my agenda was an afternoon of shoe shopping. It's just so difficult to choose the right pair of shoes! And for my evening performance, well, it has to be the perfect shoe to elevate the Pink Tutu experience! We need a shoe that tells the audience we have arrived. So weā€™ve got an outfit! Now we need the perfect finishing touch ā€“ a shoe to add a sparkle. (Let's face it, every girl loves shoes - that's what every outfit needs.) After a splendid afternoon shopping I was feeling the pressure... and we needed food, I had a huge hankering for fish and chips. A delicious dinner in a traditional British chip shop was the perfect way to end the day. It just goes to show that there are no frills or fuss with the Pink Tutu life... but there are also always moments of extravagance!

Anyway, babes, you have to check out the amazing show weā€™ve planned tonight ā€“ ā€œAn Evening With Pink Tutu Sparkles, Queen of The Silver Screen." The plan is to have a fun interactive evening - and what better way to have an interactive evening than by visiting one of Londonā€™s iconic film locations. Weā€™ll be popping in to see a real vintage classic ā€“ ā€œSinginā€™ In The Rain!ā€ I canā€™t tell you what an honour it is to watch such an iconic piece of film on a screen at one of Londonā€™s original cinema venues... you have to check my blog post later for more about the theatre experienceā€¦ the photos are gonna be AMAZING! Letā€™s just say Iā€™m pretty sure my pink tutu has fallen in love with the silver screen.

So much to talk about - I have so much to tell you, my sweethearts - but I must go... There's a taxi waiting to take me to my pre-show dinnerā€¦ itā€™s going to be divine, and you know the rule... wherever a queen eatsā€¦ well, itā€™s going to be glam.

Chat soon! Lots of pink tutu love!

Pink Tutu Sparkles, xoxo

Didcot Dream (Blog Post #3309)

Hello beautiful! Your queen Pink Tutu Sparkles reporting live from Didcot, just minutes before I board my favourite way to travelā€¦ a steam engine! That's right! Didcot has got some serious railway vibes. And guess what? It's not a random steam engine, either - it's The Great Western Railway. I had a real Victorian romance moment with the engine. (Honestly, you just canā€™t resist a tutu-clad queenā€™s heart being stirred by vintage glamour). The train journey is always my happy place - it gives me the chance to dream up new looks, plan the next part of my travel adventures, and try to understand if I am meant to wear a pink tutu while on a train! I mean, can you imagine, ā€œPink Tutu Sparklesā€¦ on trackā€ ! (Can you tell Iā€™m still dreaming about this?)

We spent an amazing couple of days in London town. I found the best little antique market and even found some more dazzling new tull! The hunt for the perfect tutu continues. Itā€™s all part of the fun!

The most splendid part of London was our cinema evening ā€“ ā€œSinginā€™ In The Rainā€! The beautiful, historic cinema where we saw the film was amazing, it's a place steeped in film history! I was absolutely blown away. They said this screen is where a generation of people first experienced the magic of Hollywood ā€“ and I got to see this timeless classic!

The film itself is so vibrant! There were just so many inspiring elements in the performance: the costume, the dance, the sheer joy in every moment. Thereā€™s nothing quite like dancing in the rain - a total tutu moment. But you can't really ā€˜wearā€™ a pink tutu in a film - not on camera, anyway! However, that inspired a few great ideas! My tutu dress got to be the star, with an absolutely brilliant backdropā€¦ the silver screen and the history behind the screen. I might just have to have my own Pink Tutu fashion show some time, inspired by this fabulous historic venue... it would have the most brilliant light showā€¦ and all that historic film magic...

You have to check out the pics! I've got some truly fabulous shots! I loved posing with the screen as my backdrop ā€“ it feels like Iā€™m just waiting for the spotlight, like I'm about to break into the biggest musical performance. Iā€™m really hoping this look gets the pink tutu fans singing ! (If only it had the power to magically turn the world pink! )

So back to the wonderful world of Didcot. Iā€™m going to spend a few more hours here before heading off on my next adventureā€¦ and yes, I've been brainstorming a bit! Think a tutu-themed day in the countryside, possibly a picnic? Maybe I should try to create a whole ā€˜Pink Tutu Day Trip'ā€¦ I can already see myself wearing the brightest possible pink tutu in the heart of the English countryside, a whole tutu-ful dreamā€¦ Weā€™ll have to see how that one unfolds, thoughā€¦ But for now, I'm off to indulge in a delicious afternoon tea.

Canā€™t wait to tell you all about the latest travelsā€¦

Lots of love and sparkles, darlingā€¦

Pink Tutu Sparkles xox

This is just a starting point - you can keep writing the blog post as a series of journal entries, going to different towns, trying out different types of outfits, talking about different topics. For example, here are some ideas for future blog posts:

  • A Tutu-tastic Train Journey: Describe a train journey where Pink Tutu Sparkles talks to other passengers, makes new friends, maybe does a quick tutu performance for the train conductor, or shares some funny travel tips!

  • Fashion Extravaganza!: You could have a blog post about Pink Tutu Sparkles trying to buy some clothes, describing the clothes, explaining the choice of clothes and giving advice on how to pull off different styles with pink tutus.

  • Ballet, Ballet, Ballet!: Pink Tutu Sparkles can write about taking a ballet class or seeing a ballet performance, maybe talking about the inspiring ballerina she saw or discussing her favourite moves.

  • Pink Tutu Festival Fun: Pink Tutu Sparkles can go to a local music or craft festival in a vibrant town, highlighting some unique street performances she saw or trying some local food and drink with her new friends!

Keep in mind the following for all your entries:

  • Keep it consistent: Make sure that Pink Tutu's persona, tone of voice, and her love for pink tutus is consistent across all your entries.
  • Have fun with it!: The possibilities for the adventures are endless! Let your imagination run wild and be creative!

#TutuQueen on 2009-01-19 stars in Didcot