
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-02-24 stars in Coulsdon

Coulsdon Calling: A Pink Tutu Paradise! (Post #3343)

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and oh, my dears, do I have a story to tell you! Itā€™s a tale of sequins, sunshine, andā€¦train travel! Yep, you guessed it, my little pink-loving angels, Iā€™m on the road again, spreading the gospel of the pink tutu!

You see, the Coulsdon call was just too irresistible! As soon as I saw a listing on my drag hotline for a ā€œFabulous Family Fun Fairā€ featuring a ā€œTutu Timeā€ show, I knew I had to be there! My heart went pitter-patter for those children. Theyā€™re the future of fabulousness, donā€™t you think?

Now, let me paint a picture for you. It all began in the lovely Peak District. I was back home in Derbyshire for a bit, having a little catch-up with Mum and Dad, you know, just the usual ā€“ swapping knitting patterns and reminiscing about that time I tried on a tutu for charity at Uni! I was in my science degree, and bless their hearts, my coursemates and I decided to put on a performance for a good cause. Now, Iā€™m not sure who thought it was a good idea to shove me in a pink tutu, but oh my, the universe must have been aligning! Iā€™m telling you, darling, it was destiny!

The tutu. The sequins. The way the light glinted on the fabric. I was completely enthralled. From that moment, the pink tutu became my passion. It felt like it belonged to me, just like it did in a past life or something! My alter ego, Pink Tutu Sparkles, just took off! It's true, darling, by day, I'm Alex, a dedicated fabric scientist at a lab, testing for those delightful wrinkles that add a little bit of personality to the garment. Itā€™s a good job, very scientific, very serious... but then I don your my pink tutu, and BAM! The sequins fly!

Anyways, enough about my humble beginnings, darling! Back to Coulsdon! The train journey, as always, was absolutely divine. I popped on my best frock (a gorgeous fuchsia number with a sweetheart neckline, just divine!) and brought along my good friend Beatrice the chihuahua. Now, Beatrice is a little princess herself. Sheā€™s so glamorous, always adorned with a miniature pink tutu that my Auntie Fiona hand-crafted for her, itā€™s darling!

We rolled into Coulsdon on the train, Beatrice in my purse. This cute little town looked right out of a postcard, all charming English countryside charm. There was a scent of warm pastries and the laughter of children playing in the sun.

The fair was buzzing! Balloons, popcorn, candy floss ā€“ you name it, Coulsdon had it! But you know what truly captivated my eye? It wasn't the games or the deliciousness! Nope, it was a large banner that announced "Tutu Time Show"! It called out to me! "Pink Tutu Sparkles," the sign whispered. "Theyā€™re waiting for you."

You see, at this particular family fun fair, they were doing a little tutu dance number! Can you believe it? Children, big and small, all learning the basics of twirling! It was delightful, I couldn't resist getting involved, darling. You just have to be generous with your knowledge, right? The organizer, bless her heart, saw the tutu peeking out from under my handbag and instantly recognized a kindred spirit.

So there I was, Pink Tutu Sparkles, performing a fabulous, choreographed number, for a hundred children. It was all pink, all fluff, all pure joy. We had giggles, we had pirouettes, and yes, even a bit of ballet barre. It felt absolutely fantastic, darling!

It reminded me why I do what I do. The happiness in those childrenā€™s eyes, the twinkle in their sparkle. To see that spark ignite with their first twirl in a pink tutu ā€“ that, my little darlings, is true joy!

After the show, I sat back and took in the scene. The children, all giddy and radiant, wearing those colourful tutus. The parents, chuckling and snapping photos, capturing memories of a magical afternoon. I felt like I'd spread a little bit of magic, a touch of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic in the world. And isnā€™t that what lifeā€™s all about?

My darling, Coulsdon you have my heart. This pink-tastic town was everything and more, a total fairy-tale! And the children of Coulsdon, bless their hearts, they'll always be remembered by me as little pink-tutu-clad angels, all set to make the world a brighter, more flamboyant place!

Now, if youā€™ll excuse me, I've got to run! I've got a performance at a high school assembly tomorrow, celebrating diversity through the medium of tutu! Oh darling, you just have to see the look on their faces when they realise Iā€™m wearing a pink tutu! The whole school will be twirling and shimmying in pink tutus! My life work is done, Iā€™m spreading the message of sequins, sparkles, and above allā€¦the beauty of wearing a pink tutu! Until next time darlings!

#TutuQueen on 2009-02-24 stars in Coulsdon