Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-03-06 stars in Westhoughton

Westhoughton Calling: TutuQueen on Tour, Post #3353!

Hello my lovelies! It's TutuQueen, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to sprinkle some glittery goodness all over your Saturday morning. Let's get ready for another thrilling adventure, this time in the charming town of Westhoughton.

Remember that time you tried on a ridiculous outfit and realised, "This is ME!"? That's exactly what happened to me with pink tutus. I was a scientist by day, studying textiles and trying to unravel the mysteries of fabric composition, but by night... I was TutuQueen, shimmering in a swirl of pink tulle. It started at a university fundraiser – a "Wear Something You'd Never Normally Wear" day. A pink tutu, well, that's the only way I could describe the fluffy explosion of cotton candy in my hands. My life changed in that moment – a change so profound it’s been captured by scientists.

You see, pink tutus aren't just for the stage! It’s the sartorial key that unlocks joy and opens the world of magical wonder for anyone who wears it, just wait till you see my pink tutus in action!

I travelled to Westhoughton in style – it wasn’t a pink tutu-wearing queen’s way to be whizzing about by bus! The railway is definitely a mode of transport worthy of a princess and I met the most fabulous fellow traveller - he even complimented my amazing feather boa. (Turns out it’s just what he needed for his dance performance. You see the connections are everywhere - life in pink!)

The journey from my home county of Derbyshire (you could say Derbyshire is where my love affair with the theatre truly began - even though it was actually at university!) was exciting. Not only was I in awe of the scenic views from the train window, but the air crackled with anticipation as I prepared my dazzling performance for the lovely Westhoughton folk. I love the way a railway carriage can transform into your own private boudoir for some last minute touch-ups. There's a magic about a journey. Maybe that's why TutuQueen loves a train or a carriage and horse journey!

Now, let's talk about Westhoughton. Honestly, it was just darling. The little shops are all a little whimsical, I'm talking shops that scream "vintage tutu finds". I'd love to make the owners wear them, but it’s always a respectful choice when I spread my TutuQueen message – after all I love fashion but I respect a person's personal choice! Anyway I found a few new little delights for my TutuQueen collection. You’re just going to have to wait till tomorrow for a big reveal… let's just say I'll need to do a whole extra spin tonight!

I could spend hours browsing those antique stores, but Westhoughton has more to offer, oh my goodness yes. I even found this delightful old bookshop - an amazing old antique chest and a dusty old map in there had my attention and the old man in charge offered me tea! Turns out the old fella loves the colour pink and he also remembers the time my Grandmother and Grandfather spent a week in Westhoughton years ago. So nice, such lovely, polite and pleasant people here - it’s always nice to have those nice surprises - just as the TutuQueen has her pink surprises, little, cute, sparkly surprises that make me happy. Oh! And that’s a key message too!

And the venue for my show, oh darling, it was simply dreamy. It was this little, beautiful old church hall with windows full of stained glass and with little lights strung along. A dream location with an adorable, very pink dressing room! They’ve got the most divine pink floral wallpaper in there and the lighting – like it was set by a pink tutu wearing fashion designer. I couldn’t believe my eyes, just magical! It gave me an idea for some upcoming blog posts - maybe the best blog posts yet…

After some practice and quick-changes (let me tell you, it's a real dance of joy to get into these glamorous tutus!), it was time for the show! I've always been a little nervous before a performance, a slight tickle of nerves. I don't let it faze me, just add a little shimmer to my performance and remind myself of my life changing pink tutu, my motto “Let's Get This Tutu Party Started”, my beloved pink ballerina tutu (it’s such a cute and very flattering cut!), the reason why I do what I do! Oh darling, just trust me on this - you have to wear pink.

Westhoughton, well, you had me at "Hello" darling. The people were amazing! And my performances, oh my dear, it was one grand show, filled with a beautiful rainbow of colour. The people seemed to love it. What was I saying earlier? Westhoughton is my kind of town - it is magical and, I think, will go down in my TutuQueen diaries as a landmark. I even met some wonderful local ladies after my performance and one told me her whole life is an ode to pink and has her own amazing wardrobe of pink! What’s more, they had the most lovely tea and cakes and we even planned to meet up for some dress swapping later - it is going to be a delightful affair. Oh my, I love this town - the vibe here makes me just want to jump and twirl!

Right! Tomorrow it's time to explore the shops and meet some new faces (they’ll just have to forgive me for asking them about their tutu situation - It’s TutuQueen’s nature darling). Remember, dear readers, don't be afraid to experiment with your fashion! There's a pink tutu waiting for you somewhere, I can guarantee it. It'll transform you, bring your personality into full bloom, just like it did for me! Until then, let’s keep the fabulousness flowing! It’s time for me to sparkle out - to my gorgeous little TutuQueen boudoir where I'll put up my pink feet, sip pink gin, watch old movies and write up my daily fashion thoughts.

So, dear readers, what’s been your highlight today?

Stay sparkling,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo.

#TutuQueen on 2009-03-06 stars in Westhoughton