
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-03-27 stars in Luton

Luton Calling! - Pink Tutu Sparkles' Post 3374

Oh, darlings! What a whirlwind week it's been! I've been flitting about like a hummingbird in a sugar-coated garden, my heart aflutter with excitement. This week, I journeyed to the vibrant town of Luton, and it was simply sparkly! As you all know, my motto is "The world needs more pink tutus", and believe me, Luton embraced this mantra with open arms (and sparkly sequins!).

This little trip came about, you see, when I bumped into the most adorable little bunny rabbit in Derbyshire. This little fluffy creature, dressed in the cutest little pink tutu (of course!), told me all about the magical events taking place in Luton. He insisted I visit, telling me about a fantastical parade with costumes that could rival even my own dazzling array! How could I refuse?

A Train Journey of Whimsy

With a skip in my step and a smile that could light up a whole railway carriage, I boarded the train to Luton. The carriage was a kaleidoscope of colours and chatter, reminding me of the fabulous costumes we get to see at our local panto. I found a lovely couple, a real-life Prince Charming and his dazzling princess, to share my carriage with. They were on their way to Luton to watch a play at the theatre, and you'll never guess โ€“ the costumes were inspired by tutus! It's a small world, isn't it?

The train ride was as fun as it was fascinating. My dear friend, Bobbie (who just so happens to be a lovely lady who makes exquisite hats for Ascot, if you're ever in need of a fancy fascinator!) had given me a wonderful pink and silver beret, and the fellow passengers seemed positively mesmerized. The view was stunning โ€“ rolling green fields dotted with fluffy white sheep, just like a scene from my favourite fairy tale.

Luton's Sparkling Embrace

I arrived in Luton and was greeted by a truly stunning display. Imagine my surprise - the whole town was dressed up for a fancy dress carnival! Every shop window was decorated with a pink, blue, and purple theme, with dazzling fairy lights that shimmered like starlight. There were vibrant costumes everywhere โ€“ dragons, princesses, even a whole gaggle of friendly gingerbread men. Oh, the joyous colours, darling! I knew this trip was going to be spectacular.

Dancing With The Stars... and a Bunny

Now, a trip to Luton isn't complete without a visit to the ballet studio, is it? There I met some wonderful ladies, all with graceful moves and a contagious enthusiasm for dance. They told me all about their love of ballet, how it empowers them and makes them feel graceful and strong. You see, darlings, it's not just about the clothes, it's about how the clothes make you feel, isn't it? They wore their pink tutus with a passion that was simply heartwarming, and I learned a few steps myself. A good pirouette here, a sassy arabesque there - and you've got a fabulously energetic day out!

After my ballet lesson, I met the bunny from Derbyshire. Oh, what a lovely creature, all fluffy white fur and sparkling pink tutu. We spent the afternoon chatting about life, tutus, and the joys of living in a vibrant town like Luton.

Pink Tutu Magic

You know me, I just can't resist a good party! So, I spent the evening in Luton's historic theatre, surrounded by music, dancing, and, yes, more pink tutus! I even got to meet the local ballet star โ€“ a true queen who embraced my sparkly pink tutu and showed off a stunning, floor-length pink tutu dress. A dream come true!

This trip was pure magic, darling! The locals of Luton were so friendly, so warm, and so open to a good time. They truly showed me the importance of spreading joy, and embracing colour and a little bit of magic in everyday life. I am already counting down the days until my next trip! I have a feeling, dear reader, that Luton will be forever etched in my pink-tutu-clad heart!

And that's my journey to Luton, a whirlwind of tutus, dancing, and colourful magic! It was a day I'll never forget! Oh, and darlings, keep a look out for some fabulous photos in my next post. Until then, remember, there is always a touch of magic waiting to be uncovered in this fabulous world of ours. Go out there, grab a pink tutu (or just a pink scarf, I won't judge!), and sprinkle some glitter on your life!

Love and Sparkles,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2009-03-27 stars in Luton