
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-04-24 stars in Rotherham

Rotherham Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On The Steel City!

Helloooo my gorgeous darlings! It's your fabulous friend, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you for another glamorous update! It's a glorious sunny day here in Derbyshire and, guess what? Pink Tutu Sparkles is hitting the road again! This week, my travels take me all the way to the heart of Yorkshire, to the magnificent Rotherham. Oh, how I do love a good adventure, and what better way to travel than by train, snuggled up in my most luxurious pink dressing gown and sketching out some exciting new outfits for the stage?

Post number 3402, darlings, and I'm still going strong! If you're new here, you can check out the rest of my sparkly blog at www.pink-tutu.com. Iā€™m all about embracing the fabulous, spreading the pink love, and reminding everyone that a bit of sparkle can make the world a brighter place. Now, on with the show!

This trip to Rotherham promises to be a whirlwind of pink perfection! It's a fantastic venue that's renowned for its amazing music scene, which is just right up my street. You see, dear reader, I have this rather peculiar fondness for tutus. You could say itā€™s an obsession! Since the day I first donned a tutu while helping out at the university ballet club, lifeā€™s never been the same. Thereā€™s just something so magically transformative about wearing a fluffy, pink tutu that I can't get enough!

While you lovely lot are imagining me as a vision of fluffy pink glory, I also have my scientific side ā€“ itā€™s true, by day I don the lab coat and become Alex the Fabric Scientist. Whoā€™d have thought a love of dancing and pink tutus would lead me to the fascinating world of fabric testing?

Anyway, Iā€™m waffling! I promise this blog post will be a real peach, overflowing with exciting stories about the delights of Rotherham, the brilliance of ballet, the beauty of bright pink, and maybe a little anecdote or two about how I bring all of those wonderful things together in my life as Pink Tutu Sparkles.

So, on Friday I set off, suitcase packed to the brim with sparkly costumes and even sparklier dreams! Itā€™s true, when it comes to travelling, thereā€™s nothing quite as wonderful as boarding a train with a steaming cuppa and letting the scenery fly by. As we chugged along through the green English countryside, I lost myself in the rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels on the track, finding inspiration for a new routine. There's no place I feel more at home than in a beautiful train carriage, the rhythm of the train wheels almost like an orchestral overture. It just begs for me to get up and show my fellow passengers what Pink Tutu Sparkles can do! But alas, I'm all about the subtlety of fabulousness, so I saved the sparkle for my stage debut!

Arriving in Rotherham was just as enchanting as the train journey! Itā€™s a charming little town, bustling with energy and welcoming warmth. And the theatreā€¦ oh my goodness! They really know how to put on a show! There was so much excitement in the air! Everywhere you look, people were smiling and enjoying themselves, dressed to impress! The perfect kind of 'out-out' energy. I mean, it's almost like the entire town wants to be Pink Tutu Sparkles for a night, don't you think?

Saturday night was my big show, and I felt utterly ready. After a delightful afternoon spent wandering around the town, I couldn't wait to show the Rotherham crowds the magical power of a pink tutu! As I put on my latest dazzling creation (can't give away all my secrets, darling!), I felt the familiar surge of excitement. My tutu and I, weā€™re a team! You see, a tutu doesnā€™t just adorn my body, it allows me to express who I am ā€“ bold, confident and sparkly!

The show went down a storm! Itā€™s no exaggeration, the crowd absolutely loved my new routine to ā€œBarbie Girlā€ (oh, the 90s! Itā€™s back! ) and "Single Ladies" ā€“ a combination of playful and powerful that always goes down a treat! By the time I had whipped off my fluffy pink tulle and twirled with the biggest smile, I knew I had made some new friends! People rushed to the stage with such kind words, eager to share their admiration! One gentleman even bought me a pink fluffy teddy bear! If only Iā€™d worn it on stage with my outfit...

Sunday saw me on a trip to the most extraordinary shop in town. You see, darlings, I am a huge believer in supporting independent businesses. Thereā€™s just something so special about exploring a new area and finding unique hidden gems. Well, Rotherham has a hidden gem! The "Belles of Ballet" shop! Itā€™s bursting with all things ballerina and ballet. They have the most divine tutus! The shop even sells all the essential ballet items! Tights, shoes, and ribbons, oh my! I couldnā€™t resist snapping up a few more of those glorious pink tutus, enough to see me through another week or two of shows! And, just because I love to be kind, Iā€™ve been treating my favourite ballet teacher to a gorgeous new pair of dance shoes every month ā€“ because sheā€™s the ultimate inspiration for me!

All in all, Rotherham was a sparkling success. As I stepped back onto the train back to Derbyshire on Sunday night, I already started planning my next adventure! There are still so many amazing towns and cities out there waiting for the magic of Pink Tutu Sparkles! I do wonder where my travels will take me next.

Perhaps Iā€™ll visit York with its impressive minster, or maybe venture further north to Edinburgh? The beauty of being a drag queen, dear reader, is that Iā€™m free to explore and create my own magic, all while embracing a love for the flamboyant and, of course, that glorious pink!

So keep your eyes peeled and your smiles ready ā€“ I might just be turning up at a town near you, ready to unleash the magic of Pink Tutu Sparkles and sprinkle a bit of pink happiness on the world, one fluffy tulle tutu at a time!

Until next time, my fabulous darlings!

XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2009-04-24 stars in Rotherham