
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-07-14 stars in Dunfermline

Dunfermline, Here I Come! - Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes North!

Hello darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite fashionista, tutu aficionado and purveyor of all things fabulous! Welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com, my digital haven of tutus, tiaras, and top-notch twee. Today's post, number 3483, takes us to the charming Scottish city of Dunfermline, a real treat for a girly girl like me.

Now, you know me, I love to travel, and when it comes to getting around, give me a train over a plane any day. There's just something about watching the world fly by from a comfy window seat that gets me in a right mood for some glamorous adventure!

My trip to Dunfermline started with a rather exciting journey from Derby on a train, it really got my imagination going. It felt so regal and romantic to be whizzing along, a right throwback to another time. Ahem, maybe that's just me with my penchant for all things Victorian, I blame Jane Eyre.

This whole drag thing started with a bit of a laugh, really. Back in my science degree days at university, I was a total nerd - loved dissecting cells, got my hands all messy with chemicals. Sounds awfully dull, I know! But when I wasn't testing the resilience of synthetic fibres for a rather important research paper, I was down at the university ballet club, spinning, leaping, and having a real old laugh.

That's where it all started, my darlings. The ballet club was holding a charity fundraiser and for the grand finale, we decided to put on a tutu performance! It was an absolute hoot, everyone was giggling, and there I was, wearing a luminous pink tutu, twirling and leaping with more enthusiasm than a kid at Christmas! The applause, the cheers - it was magic! Right then and there, it struck me like a lightning bolt, this is where my heart truly lay. Pink tutus were destined for me!

So here I am, now, a full-fledged drag queen, all thanks to that beautiful, bouncy pink tutu! By day, Iā€™m in my lab, testing fabrics, but by night, I am Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing a sprinkle of sunshine, glitz, and laughter to every performance.

And donā€™t get me wrong, my lab work is fascinating, it really is! My research, ahem, which my boss assures me is "important" for a whole host of reasons (even if he's never quite figured out exactly what it is I do, besides make "a bit of a mess" every time I leave), involves fabric performance analysis. We examine how materials stretch, fray, rip, basically the whole spectrum of fabric resilience. It's fascinating stuff, really. Did you know, they even have fabric labs in the British Museum to see how they make clothes last hundreds of years?

But the theatre, the excitement of the audience, the shimmering lights, the chance to create a truly whimsical show with an unforgettable finale (think confetti canons, my darlings!) That's where I truly feel at home. And I wouldn't be here without that fateful pink tutu and the magical journey it took me on!

My mission, should I choose to accept it (which I absolutely do!) is to spread the joy of pink tutus across the globe, one sequin at a time. I've even started a movement, #TutuForTheWorld. I've inspired countless men, women, and children (even my grandma is sporting a pink tutu now, a true queen she is) to join the tutu revolution! So you see, itā€™s not just a dress, itā€™s a way of life, a statement, a reminder to have a little fun, embrace a little whimsy, and wear your heart on yourā€¦ well, on your tutu.

And itā€™s all because of that one night, with my amazing university ballet club. If it werenā€™t for them, and their fabulous fund-raising gala, I might never have dared to dream that I, Alex, could be a pink tutu princess!

Speaking of fabulous, Dunfermline, as I've mentioned, is simply beautiful, especially for someone who enjoys pretty things as much as I do! Think cobbled streets lined with beautiful little cafes and quaint shops, majestic old buildings (itā€™s home to a grand palace you see), charming museums that give you a right good glimpse into the pastā€¦and did I mention itā€™s home to Andrew Carnegieā€™s birthplace? So regal, just like me, no?

After settling into my delightfully cozy room in a traditional Scottish inn, a delightful boutique hotel, which served an afternoon tea (all dainty sandwiches, delicious pastries, and of course, tea!) - I couldn't wait to explore Dunfermlineā€™s hidden gems, which included, an ancient Abbey (where the Scottish Kings are buried, so divine), a cute museum brimming with fascinating history, and the glorious Andrew Carnegieā€™s birth house.

Dunfermline also happens to be known as Scotlandā€™s first capital and a right-royally exciting place to experience history first-hand, oh my! Every turn of the street held another stunning building to gawk at. The ancient architecture, with those majestic towers, just made me giddy!

Before I went into my grand entrance, I went to a little store, you know the type thatā€™s overflowing with fabric? I couldnā€™t resist the urge to buy a bit of the finest, brightest, shimmering pink fabric! You just canā€™t expect Pink Tutu Sparkles to turn down a bit of sparkle, can you? Itā€™ll be perfect for a new pink tutu I plan on designing, oh itā€™s gonna be exquisite! I've got some exciting ideas that involve sequins, feathers, and a dash of playful mischief, oh yes, itā€™s going to be dazzling!

I planned on hitting the stage for a fun and playful performance for all the locals. It was a bit different from what Iā€™d normally do ā€“ imagine Pink Tutu Sparkles performing at a grand stately manor house or in the middle of a quaint countryside festival, I do love a good surprise!

And then, it was time for my performance. Now, I always get butterflies before every show, you know how it is! You want it to go smoothly and want to impress. The people here were wonderful, right in the heart of Dunfermline.

But there was just this extra bit of energy tonight, a bit of a sparkle that set everything alight! A kind old man who looked right out of a novel even offered to join in the ā€œtutu revolutionā€, his wife was rather fond of pink too, how adorable! That's why I love it when I get to perform all around the country. It's about sharing that passion, the joy, the spark of the imagination with everyone, not just the audience.

It really does give me butterflies, to make everyone get involved in the excitement, with each performance! I even had this little girl in the audience (such a bright little star, just like me!), who started spinning, her own impromptu little dance in the middle of the performance, all thanks to me, I knew Iā€™d found a tutu devotee! You could just see the pure, untainted joy in her face, and it melted my heart. And, when I encouraged everyone to join the fun, you could see everyone smiling, even the grandfathers and the old aunts were clapping and giggling! They looked as though they'd just had the most magnificent sugar rush ever!

What can I say? A touch of sparkle and a few sequins goes a long way. So, dear readers, if you happen to find yourselves in Dunfermline, make sure to grab a scone, take a moment to appreciate the regal history of the town, and even maybe buy yourself a new pink tutu ā€“ or at least imagine wearing one!

Now, for a final flourish of frivolity before I sign off - you've gotta check out my favourite tutu spots!

  • The Dunfermline Abbey - This majestic gem provides the most splendid setting for twirling with grace and panache, the ancient stones create a perfect ambiance. Just try to picture it - pink tutu against ancient stone. Perfect.

  • The Carnegie Birthplace - Such a fascinating place, and also a great excuse to slip into a "smart casual" look, I wore my new sparkling pink tutu skirt with a gorgeous pearl-grey top and pink stilettos - the perfect combination for a right old glamorous afternoon of exploring.

    • The Abbot House and Gardens* - a bit more subtle but no less magical. The sprawling gardens with their delicate flowers make the perfect setting for an impromptu ballet, with or without a pink tutu.

I must be off, my dears. So much to do, so much more sparkle to spread! Join me tomorrow for another dazzling update, where Iā€™ll be in a rather exciting placeā€¦

Oh, and do you have a favourite pink tutu spot? Don't be shy! Share with the rest of us tutu lovers at www.pink-tutu.com, letā€™s have a little chat, shall we?

Keep twirling, my lovelies! Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

#TutuQueen on 2009-07-14 stars in Dunfermline