Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-08-15 stars in Middleton

Middleton: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On the Moors!

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in from Middleton, and let me tell you, this little town is simply enchanting! Today marks Blog Post number 3515 on www.pink-tutu.com, and I’m bubbling with excitement to share this glorious adventure with you.

Middleton, you see, is nestled right in the heart of the Yorkshire Moors, a breathtaking landscape of rolling hills, heather-clad valleys, and enough sheep to make a sheep enthusiast go giddy (and who isn’t a sheep enthusiast, right? They’re so fluffy!). I knew this was going to be a special trip, the moment I saw it on the map – a place where even the wind feels romantic, and where you can practically hear the stories of centuries whispered through the ancient stones.

This time, my trusty steed (and by steed, I do mean the glorious Northern Rail service!) whisked me to the heart of the moors in record time, so I had plenty of time to soak in the scenery. I always say, a train journey is like a journey through a dream, with fields flying past, and little villages twinkling by like jewels in the sun.

My first stop had to be, of course, a proper afternoon tea. There’s just something about a warm pot of tea, fluffy scones with clotted cream and jam, and little finger sandwiches that just screams "English charm"! And oh my, darling, they serve the most delicious cakes here, enough to make your inner child squeal with joy. Don’t even get me started on the teapot, all intricately carved with floral designs, like a beautiful crown for the tea queen.

Once my tea-fueled heart was content, it was time to explore the real reason I came to Middleton: the moorland. I don’t know about you, dearies, but the feeling of wind on your face and the smell of heather in the air just does something for the soul. I decided to venture off the beaten path, following a little dirt road that wound its way through a dense forest, the leaves whispering secrets in the wind.

Now, you may be asking, “How could you go for a walk, dear Pink Tutu Sparkles, wearing that glorious pink tutu?” Well, darlings, my love of pink tutus is not simply a fashion statement, it’s a way of life! Even a stroll through the moors requires a little sparkle! It's all about embracing the unexpected, showing the world that anything is possible, and proving that even a little bit of pink can add a whole lot of joy.

As the afternoon waned, and the sun cast long shadows across the landscape, I found a charming little pub tucked away in a village at the heart of the moor. A cosy fire crackled in the hearth, a chorus of laughter floated through the air, and locals sipped on pints of ale. I joined the revelry, sharing stories of my travels with my new-found friends, and even treated them to a rendition of my latest song, “Pink Tutu Paradise.” Believe me, even the most jaded locals were swayed by my sparkling rendition, and soon enough, everyone was humming along.

The next day was all about culture! You know me, dear readers, a self-proclaimed ballerina at heart. I couldn’t resist the opportunity to take a masterclass in a charming little ballet studio in the heart of Middleton. Oh, how those arabesques just floated with the music! The instructors were lovely, full of grace and encouraging whispers, making even me feel like I was on the stage of the Royal Opera House. Let's be honest, with my pink tutu on, how could I be anything less?!

After the class, feeling truly alive and energised, I decided to visit the Middleton Arts Centre. Tucked away in a charming old building with intricate stained glass windows, this little treasure trove houses the most incredible collection of local art, pottery, and even jewellery. The atmosphere was buzzing with creativity, a perfect backdrop for me to brainstorm ideas for my next Pink Tutu creation. It truly inspired my creativity, and I found myself sketching furiously in my little notebook.

Of course, no trip to Middleton would be complete without a taste of its culinary delights. I had to have the classic Yorkshire Pudding! That puffed-up marvel of crispy goodness was just a perfect partner to my hearty stew. And after all that walking, the hearty fare just filled me with warmth and a comforting feeling of satisfaction.

Leaving Middleton, with its windswept beauty and heartwarming charm, I knew I'd leave a little bit of my Pink Tutu Sparkle magic behind. Perhaps I left a trail of glitter on the cobbles, or maybe I inspired someone to embrace the pink within. After all, darling, life is too short to not wear pink, and never too short to be bold enough to rock a pink tutu.

My dear readers, join me tomorrow on a new adventure, as I explore the wonders of this world, one pink tutu step at a time!

Yours eternally in pink, Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

#TutuQueen on 2009-08-15 stars in Middleton