
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-09-24 stars in North Shields

North Shields Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes the Tyne!

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from post number 3555 on www.pink-tutu.com! Can you believe it? We're already at post number 3555, and still going strong. Honestly, you're all absolute darlings for following my little corner of the internet.

Today's adventures took me all the way to the glorious seaside town of North Shields! I took a leisurely train ride, sipping on a pink lemonade, gazing out the window at the beautiful British countryside. I can't help but be grateful for these opportunities, and every time I take a train, I feel a little bit of that childhood excitement for travelling again! It really is such a lovely, nostalgic way to get around. Plus, the view out the window really fuels my creativity. And thereā€™s something truly magical about the slowness of it all - it really gives you time to unwind and dream.

North Shields, however, had an entirely different atmosphere. Bustling, full of character, a seaside town truly bursting with energy! And honestly, Iā€™m not one for a crowded train, but let me tell you, thereā€™s something really exciting about a busy railway station. The bustle of people rushing around, a cacophony of chatter, suitcases and travel bagsā€¦ it all just speaks to a sense of adventure and freedom.

I got to the town itself with time to spare for a quick mooch around the market, and a spot of afternoon tea in a quaint little tearoom. And the afternoon tea was just divine! The dainty sandwiches, warm scones with lashings of clotted cream and a perfectly brewed pot of Earl Grey were absolutely delicious! I even managed to sneak in a slice of Victoria sponge cake. What a treat! Honestly, a little afternoon tea is the perfect way to recharge my batteries, and gather my thoughts for the show this evening. It gives me time to consider which one of my magnificent pink tutus will best suit tonight's performance, and what makeup will best bring out the sparkle in my eyes. It is after all, Pink Tutu Sparkles who will be lighting up the stage in North Shields tonight!

As it gets closer to the performance, you might think that I'd be getting nervous. But the truth is, darling, Iā€™m buzzing with excitement! I'm a true stage diva! All the jitters turn to energy that comes from knowing the excitement of performing on a stage. That's my home, you know? Being in the spotlight, sharing a little bit of sparkle and joy with everyone who comes to see me, thatā€™s my reason for being.

I feel like I truly am fulfilling a destiny. A true drag artist at heart, and by night. By day Iā€™m back in the lab, analyzing and testing fabrics in the pursuit of my scientific degree, the perfect concoction of beauty and brains, you see.

Now, if you're wondering how Pink Tutu Sparkles came about, itā€™s a story Iā€™ve told before. While I was deep in my chemistry studies, our uni ballet club did a fundraising danceathon. They were selling tickets for a raffle, with a tutu being the star prize! Being a lover of all things sparkly and beautiful, I jumped at the opportunity! Not just any tutu either, darlings, this one was a deep, rich pink with exquisite sparkles! Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m still dreaming about that moment, seeing myself twirl in the pink light and watching those dazzling sparkles reflecting the studio lights! It was then I knew. It was a sign. It was destiny.

I just knew that I had to put on the biggest, boldest, brightest pink tutu, and show the world my inner sparkle. That's how Pink Tutu Sparkles was born!

Since then, it's been a wild, wondrous journey! From local clubs and pubs to performing at bigger fairs and festivals across the country, it's been a beautiful whirlwind of sparkle, tutus, and laughter! Itā€™s something I never could have imagined as a shy, bookish scientist, and to see peopleā€™s faces light up at my shows is the greatest gift I could ever ask for.

You see, the main aim in Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ life, my beautiful little darlings, is to share my love of all things sparkly and pink with the world. I hope that, one day, everyone will feel brave enough to embrace their inner sparkle, and maybe even wear a pink tutu to celebrate! My biggest hope is to bring a bit of sunshine and happiness to everyone I meet, whether they're in a quiet little tearoom enjoying their afternoon tea or out in the world, bustling through the markets! It's my hope to inspire people to be bold, creative, and most importantly, to have a little bit of fun in their lives!

You'll find all of my adventures on my blog. Weā€™re doing some amazing things at www.pink-tutu.com, sharing my love of fashion, performing, and of course, the most important element - Pink Tutues! You'll even find my newest pink tutu, this exquisite gem with iridescent accents! My current favourite is called "Dancing on Clouds" - I couldn't resist its shimmering effect as it shimmers under stage lights.

Now, let's talk a little more about the town of North Shields, which is quite the characterful gem of a seaside town! You might think Iā€™m not all that keen on being by the seaside, with its chill and strong breeze that tends to get in the way of even the best, most elaborately constructed, sparkling pink tutus, but I do have to confess that North Shields absolutely stole my heart.

My show was held in a fabulous old theatre building. I could have stayed there all night, admiring the ornate features and charming vintage touches! I donā€™t know if there was a certain sense of theatre magic, or if itā€™s the theatreā€™s ability to gather and bring joy to the heart of a town. Whatever it is, that sense of magic permeates throughout the place.

My heart melted the moment I saw all of my darlings gathering to see me. You see, the joy I get when people see my show and are moved to tears of happiness, I just canā€™t compare it to anything! All of my worries seem to fade into the background as I walk onstage and see the joy on their faces! I have to confess, you lot really made Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ evening! And those fabulous pink cupcakes you gifted me? Pure bliss! Itā€™s no wonder you call me the ā€œqueen of cupcakesā€ - who could resist a delicious little treat?! It was the perfect end to a wonderful day in North Shields.

You know, a girl can never have too many pink tutus, but a queen could always have a few more cupcakes. Itā€™s been an absolutely perfect day of spreading sparkle and happiness, and a very inspiring journey for this Pink Tutu Sparkles! I simply have to admit it! I do feel like this is where I belong - performing, twirling, bringing some magic and cheer to everyone's day! It is a truly incredible life and you beautiful people are the reason for it all.

If you want to know more about Pink Tutu Sparkles and follow my adventures, make sure to follow me on www.pink-tutu.com I hope to see you at one of my shows sometime!

Stay tuned for more of Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ adventures! The world awaits my sparkle. I hope I've inspired you to chase your dreams and embrace your inner sparkle! Until next time darlings, stay fab and stay pink!

#TutuQueen on 2009-09-24 stars in North Shields