
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-10-05 stars in Earley

Earley, Here I Come!

Post #3566

Hello my darling darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to paint the town pink, and trust me, Earley is about to be my canvas. Iā€™m bubbling with excitement - not just because the train journey is usually a blast, a chance to catch up on gossip mags and, you guessed it, spot the cutest outfit in the carriage - but because tonight, tonight darling, Iā€™m taking to the stage in the most fabulous new venue in the entire world!

I know, I know, some of you might say, "Pink, Earley, you've lost it!" But I say, "Hold on to your horses, darlings!" It's time to shake up the norm, bring the fabulous, and make sure everyone knows thereā€™s no such thing as ā€œtoo much pink!ā€ Pink is always in, it's life-affirming - just like a pink tutu. And let me tell you, Iā€™ve got the perfect pink tutu for this very occasion. It's going to be utterly breathtaking!

Now, as I said, Iā€™m off on an adventure to Earley, and any adventure that involves a train journey makes me ridiculously happy. Thereā€™s something magical about speeding through the English countryside, watching the world rush by, the wind in my hair (well, okay, under my glorious, voluminous wig). It's just the best. And on top of that, a train is perfect for spotting all sorts of amazing fashion, isn't it? I swear I find the coolest trends in train carriages - every time. There's a lot of serious fashion talent out there, waiting to be discovered.

The journey, however, isnā€™t the only thing making me positively sparkly! Today is all about ballet, which makes this trip truly special, darling. Iā€™m just so excited to catch a ballet show at this amazing little theatre in Earley. You see, as some of you might already know (but if not, nowā€™s your chance!), my obsession with ballet is one of my most treasured secrets, like a well-kept pink satin ribbon.

Let me tell you, darling, it was at uni, back when I was just a science student trying to get my head around fabric analysis (you know, for the lab and allā€¦.), that my obsession started. There I was, helping out at this university ballet club, and in the spirit of charity, I decided to try on a pink tutu - a big, full, beautiful tutu that felt like pure magic. It was like something had snapped, darling. I knew there and then: I was a tutu girl. I wasnā€™t just wearing the tutu, I was wearing the dream.

It didnā€™t take long to transform my passion for ballet into my beloved drag character, Pink Tutu Sparkles! I've found the perfect way to channel my two biggest loves: science (and letā€™s face it, thereā€™s an artistic element to even the most intricate experiment, right?) and the world of pink, pink, pink - well, you get it!

But it's not just the tutus that I adore. There's the music, the graceful movements, the whole magic of a live ballet performance that sends shivers down my spine. Oh darling, to watch the ballerinas dance so beautifully, it takes my breath away - and then I realize, "This is exactly what I want my performance to be, an act of beauty that people never forget."

Of course, this wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles blog without some fabulous fashion news! For tonightā€™s show, I'm pulling out all the stops. We're talking a tutu fit for a queen, (or maybe just a princess in pink? Let's be real!), feathers that tickle the rafters, and, of course, my signature pink lipstick and plenty of glittery eyeshadow. Iā€™m planning on gleaming my way onto the stage. Think Pink Panther, but make it fabulously flamboyant.

My look, though? It wouldn't be complete without the right shoes, darlings. Itā€™s going to be a dramatic choice - stiletto pumps in a dazzling pink, you know the sort! So letā€™s face it, when I walk in, the showā€™s pretty much guaranteed to stop, so make sure to bring your cheering voices.

My real passion in life, darling? You probably won't be surprised by this: it's spreading the pink tutu love across the world! One sparkly step at a time! I've already begun - imagine the joy, the smiles, the genuine laughter, when someone dons a pink tutu, the whole world brightens. They might not know it, but those who wear tutus become a little bit bolder, a little bit brighter. Pink, darling, thatā€™s how life should be.

Tonight is all about celebrating joy, itā€™s about dancing and laughter, and I know the audience will have an amazing time! Iā€™ve even had time to prepare a special song (yes, you know the one I love to perform, that really gets the crowd going. Don't worry, thereā€™ll be a surprise in this performance! Hint: the name rhymes with ā€œchizzledā€ and sounds just as sparkly! Get ready to sing along!)

I hope youā€™re all planning to join me in this amazing pink-tastic adventure! You can follow all my fun at the Pink Tutu Sparkles Blog - find us at www.pink-tutu.com, where youā€™ll find our latest adventures! But donā€™t just read it darling, share it! Spread the love, the pink and the tutus. The world needs more sparkle!

Right, it's time to board my train and head towards my exciting destination! Be prepared for a flood of pink pictures on our blog later! Keep shining, darlings! Love you more than words can say (well, I could write you a whole blog post, but you know, Iā€™m not always that dramatic!)

Stay Pink,

Pink Tutu Sparkles! (aka Alex. But letā€™s be honest, the world needs a little sparkle. Call me Pink Tutu Sparkles. You can even call me Queen. The world can definitely handle more sparkle and love! But no, Iā€™m not actually a queen. At least, not a real one, with a crown. Yetā€¦ )

#TutuQueen on 2009-10-05 stars in Earley