
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-12-09 stars in Norwich

Norwich: A Pink Tutu Dream!

Hello darlings! Itโ€™s your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you another fabulous dose of fashion and fun from the glamorous world of Pink-Tutu.com! This is blog post number 3631, and I'm bursting with excitement to share all about my latest adventure - a trip to the enchanting city of Norwich!

This journey began, as it so often does, with a flurry of pink feathers and the infectious beat of a disco ball. I was contacted by a charming theatre in Norwich, they needed a sparkly, twirling, tutu-clad queen for their festive cabaret show. Naturally, I leapt at the chance! After all, who can resist a call to share the magic of pink tutus with the world?

Before I tell you all about Norwich, I have to share my fabulous journey there. As you all know, darling, my heart belongs to the railways. There's something utterly romantic about a steam engine chugging through the countryside, leaving a trail of billowing smoke and sweet memories. So, I packed my sequined suitcase, my favourite pink tutu, and enough lipstick to last a lifetime, and boarded the train.

Now, I know what you're thinking, darlings - "Travelling by train with all that fabulousness?" Well, let me tell you, the journey was nothing short of an experience! My fellow passengers were positively enchanted by my glittering presence. It was a veritable runway show - a parade of sparkling smiles, giggles, and surprised stares as I sashayed down the carriage. I even had a little group of children singing "Pink Tutu Sparkles!" as we pulled into the station. Just a little reminder that my life's mission to spread the love of pink tutus is well underway!

Speaking of which, my journey continued into the city centre with a pink tutu parade! Norwich was brimming with people doing their Christmas shopping. I had a feeling this was the perfect setting to make some magic, so, I decided to stage an impromptu pink tutu flash mob! It all started when I popped into a department store to grab some sparkly eyeliner. There, in the midst of all the shoppers, I was surrounded by delighted staff and even some shoppers sporting pink tutus - which truly brought a tear to my eye, darlings! I threw my arms open in a flourish, yelled โ€œItโ€™s a pink tutu flash mob!" and burst into a dance routine with the other pink-tutu wearing shoppers. For a moment, all was bliss - we were a chorus of twirling tulle, a joyous testament to the power of a simple pink tutu.

I couldnโ€™t have asked for a better welcome to Norwich, darling. My hosts at the theatre were utterly delightful and the cabaret show was an absolute blast! There was a live band playing swinging jazz, acrobats leaping through the air, and me, of course, belting out some classic pop hits, all decked out in my most dazzling pink tutu! We had a right laugh!

Of course, a visit to Norwich wouldn't be complete without a pilgrimage to its many fabulous vintage stores. Now, darlings, I'm not just talking about some dusty old boxes of mismatched clothing. These stores, I tell you, were brimming with gems! We're talking velvet cloaks fit for a queen, glittering sequined jackets, and a whole rack dedicated to those perfect vintage 1950s pink tutus - perfect for adding a dash of retro chic to my collection.

And let's not forget the culinary delights of Norwich! After a grueling performance at the cabaret, darling, I simply had to indulge. Now, don't get me wrong - I'm a firm believer in keeping things light and healthy (pink bubblegum smoothie, anyone?) But there's always room for a cheeky indulgence! So, we strolled into this gorgeous, little tea room nestled on a cobblestone street, tucked away from the hustle and bustle. Oh my darlings! I had the most delectable slice of strawberry tart, with perfectly flaky pastry and a generous dollop of cream - oh, how delicious! The owner even insisted on sharing a story with me - her own pink tutu escapade from a summer fete!

So, darlings, there you have it! Another incredible adventure under my pink tutu belt! Norwich was a delightful little city, overflowing with charming little corners and vibrant culture. I had the most wonderful time meeting new friends, sharing some sparkles, and of course, spreading the joy of pink tutus.

Now, as you all know, this journey continues. Stay tuned to Pink-Tutu.com for all the latest updates, I'll be sharing more dazzling travel tales, pink tutu tips, and, of course, the best way to twirl! Until next time, darling, keep shining!

#TutuQueen on 2009-12-09 stars in Norwich