
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-12-16 stars in Basildon

Basildon Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes All Out!

Post #3638 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello, darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in from sunny (well, maybe a bit cloudy!) Basildon. Todayā€™s blog post is dedicated to the fabulous journey that brought me here. Yes, youā€™ve guessed it! It was an absolute whirlwind, but you wouldn't believe the outfits! (But trust me, I will spill all the tea... later. First, you need to see my absolutely divine Basildon look!)

So, the train journey down from Derbyshire to this little town of magic, it was all shades of delightful, honey! My dress was a dazzling, peach-pink creation, shimmering like the reflection of a million sunsets on the Thames. My feather boa, well, it was a magnificent riot of fuchsia and blush. I almost gave the pigeons a run for their money in the station!

But let's get back to my storyā€¦ the story of Pink Tutu Sparkles! This fabulous life began back in uni, where a girl (that's right, me, your fave drag artist) named Alex just had to slip into a fluffy pink tutu for a charity fundraising event. That was the day the whole world turned pink and sparkles. My journey into the wonderful world of dance wasn't new, mind you. I was a regular ballet goer, practically grew up in a theatre, but there's something utterly magical about wearing a tutu! You can dance, twirl, leap, and glide! Oh, it's heavenly, babes.

By day, Iā€™m a little lab-coat-wearing science wizard, a scientist. Fabric testing. Yup, those fabulous fabrics you love to wear, that's my job! And guess what? The knowledge I learn about fibres, the weaves, and how things hold together - that really helps me build those stunning tutu looks! By night, well, that's where Pink Tutu Sparkles transforms the world with glitter and fabulousity!

Right now, this whole journey is about sharing my love for everything sparkly, fluffy, and outrageously fun with all of you, beautiful souls. My ultimate goal? Make wearing pink tutus the norm, a cultural phenomenon! Think about it: A tutu can be worn by anyone, anywhere! We can make it happen, darlings!

This adventure to Basildon was born when I saw an advert on the townā€™s Facebook page. They were hosting a 'Street-dancing competitionā€™ and offered a prize to whoever came first! It sounded perfect - a little dance competition, a fabulous way to show off my latest pink tulle tutu! But this time, I added some glitzy magic ā€“ it was a full-blown, pink-feather boa creation, dazzling with crystals and sparkles. Talk about head-turning, right?

Of course, I was there. And what a thrill it was, babes! The judges loved my show, and to my sheer delight, Pink Tutu Sparkles was the crowd favourite! This Basildon gig just had to make the cut in this week's post, and with it comes a little reminder that this is a lifestyle choice.

Here are the things Iā€™ve learnt on the road to spreading the pink-tutu love:

Embrace the Fun

Life's too short to be serious all the time! Put on a tutu and have fun. The best thing about my performances is the happiness it brings to other peopleā€™s faces. Seeing the joy I can spread by getting up and twirling about? Well, thatā€™s worth a thousand words.

Embrace the Unknown

A journey filled with sparkly outfits, amazing crowds and a few backstage surprises, always brings surprises! Stepping out of my comfort zone has been such a fun thing. One day I was dancing for an audience in a beautiful stately home, the next I was on stage at a fair. But who's complaining?! Itā€™s about experiencing, growing, and evolving! Each day is an adventure waiting to happen.

Donā€™t Forget Your Support Crew

I'm lucky enough to have an amazing crew that helps me behind the scenes. They keep me grounded, keep the glitter flowing, and always believe in Pink Tutu Sparkles, even when the glitz starts getting a little too much! My crew, these fantastic people, remind me itā€™s important to celebrate each win, whether big or small. They know my journey is more than just tutus and sparkly costumes; they know my real aim is to leave the world a more colourful place, one glittery pirouette at a time.

Always Be Ready for Anything

When you are the most dazzling drag queen to ever grace a stage, sometimes that means you have to improvise! For example, remember my recent adventure in Kent? Let me tell you, darling, there was an incidentā€¦ Letā€™s just say my horse, a horse, dear reader, decided he wanted to enjoy the attention too, and he literally jumped off his cart onto the stage, taking the cart with him! Chaos ensued. It all got very "Lord of the Rings meets Pink Tutu," but you know me, the show went on, I just shimmied around the toppled cart, grabbed my feather boa and finished my act!

But in a moment like that, you need to just say to yourself "Keep your composure Pink Tutu Sparkles, stay on that horse... Oh wait! This isn't the Lord of the Ringsā€¦ This is your moment! Be magnificent, Queen!ā€ That is how you go about taking your world by storm.

Pink Tutu Sparkleā€™s Big Announcement!

Speaking of momentsā€¦ Well, I just want to say this, and you must read this bit as loudly as possibleā€¦


And yes, darling, thatā€™s what you heard, my beautiful little pink tutus have caught the attention of a world-famous choreographer! Oh yes! He was watching a video of one of my latest shows on the platform, (who knew!?) and got in touch, and nowā€¦ Now, I'm about to start rehearsing! So this little town girl is going to learn the intricacies of Russian ballet technique.

How excited does that sound, loves!?? The stage is going to get bigger and brighter, but I'll still be keeping all my pink, fluffy tutus with me. In fact, Iā€™m starting my Ballet-on-the-Go tour around London to spread that pink tutu love. Be ready for a pink tutu dance party because itā€™s all about the sparkle, darling!

So, stay tuned! This is just the beginning, darling. With a pink tutu and a bit of glittery confidence, I'm ready to take on the world and make it shimmer a little brighter.

Yours, always with a touch of sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2009-12-16 stars in Basildon