Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-01-15 stars in Rayleigh

Rayleigh Calling! - Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On Essex (Blog Post #3668)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-touting queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, ready to dazzle you with another travel tale. Today's adventure took me all the way to the lovely seaside town of Rayleigh in Essex!

I must confess, I'm a bit of a train buff (who isn't, really?), and this journey was all about a relaxing ride on the lovely old steam train that whizzed me down to the Essex coast. The carriage was comfy, the staff were lovely, and the scenery was just delightful! The fields, the little towns whizzing past - pure magic, even if I did spend half the journey battling the urge to get out and do a twirl with my feather boa. It felt just like one of those old, romantic, black-and-white films. Sighs dreamily.

Now, Rayleigh is quite a charming town, with little shops and pubs that have that proper "Olde England" vibe. And you know I love a good pub! I'm just too posh to just knock back a pint of lager though. A nice glass of champagne or prosecco for moi, thanks very much. And oh, darling, you simply must try their delicious cream teas. All that clotted cream and fluffy scones…pure decadence!

The reason for my Essex escapades was the Rayleigh Arts Festival. I tell you, my darlings, the stage was adorned with flowers and draped in silk, the atmosphere was buzzing, the crowds were amazing, and my performance was a smash!

It's not often I get to perform on a stage that's surrounded by such stunning artwork. There was paintings, photography, even sculptures! One of the pieces even had a few tutus mixed in – a divine touch! It was almost as if they knew my arrival was destined to bring the whole thing to life!

Oh, and have I told you about the outfits? Let me tell you, darling, it was pink, pink, pink all the way. You know how much I adore my tutu, and there was something for every taste at the festival: ballet-inspired tulle, sequined wonders, even some gloriously sparkly ones that would have made even a Hollywood star gasp.

The biggest thrill of the day was a performance by the Rayleigh Dance Academy. I always get such a thrill seeing other ballerinas pirouette and arabesque across the stage. The energy was electric, and my heart fluttered a little seeing such pure talent on display. It’s hard not to feel inspired by those kids – the way they move, the passion in their eyes, it’s simply breathtaking! I wish I could be young and graceful again… perhaps next time I’ll put on my best tutu and join them for a quick twirl!

I truly feel that a pink tutu can be empowering to anyone, regardless of age, gender, or whatever life throws at you. And, frankly, it’s just plain fun! Whether you're doing a grand jeté at the barre, or strutting your stuff at a festival, a pink tutu makes you feel confident, sparkly and oh so glamorous.

I even managed to find time to visit Rayleigh's quaint shops, snagged a pair of shoes I’ll be wearing in my next performance, and stopped for an amazing burger in a local diner (don’t tell the champagne!) with a fab new pink handbag I’d found, with sparkly jewels, in a charity shop for the grand price of 75 pence. And who am I to refuse a bargain, darling?

The trip ended with a leisurely stroll along the beach. A bit chilly for my sparkly shoes, I confess, but with the sea air in my hair and the sun on my face, there’s nothing better than soaking up the simple beauty of nature.

I know some of you think that a pink tutu is just a bit silly, but to me, it represents the joy of expression, the power of confidence and the sheer joy of life! It reminds me that being happy is a beautiful thing – and, hey, if a bit of pink and some tulle can help me get that across, then I'm happy to embrace it.

Don’t forget, darlings, you can find me at www.pink-tutu.com and on all the usual social media sites. I’d love to hear about your tutu experiences too – use #PinkTutuPower to share them! Remember, the world’s a better place with a little bit of pink sparkle.

Keep twirling, darling!

XOXO Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2010-01-15 stars in Rayleigh