Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-01-25 stars in Chester

Chester: The Pink Tutu Sparkles In The City of Walls! (Post #3678)

Hello darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to sprinkle a bit of pink glitter on your Monday morning! This weekend I ventured out of my Derbyshire haven and popped on a train (always the most chic mode of transport for this fabulous queen!) to the enchanting city of Chester! Oh, the cobblestone streets, the Tudor buildings, and those historic city walls - what a fairytale setting for this Pink Tutu queen to make her presence known.

Chester is definitely a city that's in tune with my inner pink tutu lover. There’s an air of whimsical charm here. It's got this Victorian feel with the quaint streets, beautiful park, and stunning Roman ruins.

Now, let's rewind back to my preparation for this dazzling adventure. You know me, I love a bit of planning, and nothing gets this girl excited like choosing the perfect tutu for my performance. My latest favourite is a fluffy, voluminous, pink, (yes, naturally pink) tutu that I had custom-made just for me! It's so swishy and fabulous; it practically dances for me, which, let's be honest, makes performing a delight!

Oh, and let’s not forget the Pink Tutu Sparkles' secret weapons - my trusty pink glitter, sparkly eyeshadow and bold lipstick! For the Chester gig, I thought the best look would be a playful, feminine ensemble that would embody the charm of this beautiful city. So, my look involved my pinkest of pink tutus, a white lace bodice, white elbow-length gloves, and, of course, my signature pink glitter wings! My wig was a soft, feminine pink that mirrored the blush of a spring rose, with little silver sparkles strategically placed amongst the hair, because every pink tutu queen has to sparkle, right?

After meticulously selecting my costume and carefully tucking it all into my suitcase (and making sure my lipstick was safely in its little purse!), it was time to head to the station. And what would any respectable queen do on her way to a city of historic walls? Only wear her prettiest pink dress, of course, and pair it with some dazzling platform heels, all accessorized with a magnificent pink clutch!

The train ride itself was an experience, I saw so many fabulous characters and witnessed hilarious conversations, a lovely family feeding their young child his lunch in their fancy costumes, and an elderly couple lost in their romantic journey – truly beautiful to witness. The train's journey through the countryside was magical, with a picturesque view of rolling green fields dotted with wildflowers, and oh, the birds singing.

Reaching Chester station was an emotional experience, just the smell of old cobblestones and the history radiating from the ancient brickwork – Oh, it made this girl's heart flutter with excitement.

First, I had to find my hotel, which, thankfully, was just a short walk away. But even walking down those lovely historic streets felt like stepping back in time! Imagine walking on cobblestones and marveling at Tudor houses with timber beams. There were charming shops full of antique trinkets and gorgeous cafes where you could imagine Jane Austen herself stopping by for tea! Oh, and the street lights… they added so much to the already-romantic atmosphere of Chester.

I chose a charming boutique hotel nestled in a back street with a delightful courtyard, brimming with flowers, for the ultimate 'Pink Tutu' experience. The staff were warm, and my room, decorated in soothing pale blue tones, offered the perfect retreat after my long journey! It's amazing how, just the act of taking a walk and enjoying the history of this old city can fill a queen with calm.

After a leisurely soak in a bubble bath, followed by some more glitter, (you know this queen never leaves the house without her sparkle, don't you!) it was time for my performance. Now, let me tell you, the stage I was booked to perform at in this charming little local bar, called 'The Pink Flamingo,' was utterly delightful. Imagine this - fairy lights strung overhead, colourful cocktails flowing like rivers of liquid happiness, and a welcoming crowd excited for the queen with the pinkest tutu! What a fantastic welcome.

I put on my magic makeup, carefully smoothed down my pink tulle, and went out to dazzle. This crowd, this venue – it was everything I ever wished for! It had an enchanting, almost Victorian elegance to it, with plush seating booths, chandeliers twinkling above the dancing floor, and just the most wonderfully warm and friendly vibe.

My set was, as always, a whirlwind of sequins, sparkles and fabulous choreography, a real celebration of joy, happiness, and of course, the magic of the pink tutu!

The crowd was wild! I performed a medley of hits ranging from a vintage rendition of Dancing Queen to a playful performance of Single Ladies, with just the right touch of twirling, spinning and posing – and I even made the entire bar join me in singing Happy from Pharrell Williams – how fabulous is that? The atmosphere was absolutely electric – the energy from the crowd just flew back at me!

I managed to squeeze in a delicious, though very late, dinner of pink bubblegum-flavoured cocktails and an absolutely gorgeous cheeseburger (pink, obviously!) that was more delectable than any of the historic Roman ruins in the city! You’d be amazed by how many incredible places Chester boasts; the architecture was phenomenal, the old streets absolutely divine, there was just so much to see. It truly is the perfect location to get your fill of history and vintage glamour – the very foundation for a pink tutu’s magical existence, my dear!

But my weekend didn’t just stop there – of course, every good Pink Tutu adventure includes a splash of the art form closest to my heart… Ballet. The Chester Ballet Theatre is a real gem! You see, this queen loves a bit of graceful twirling and watching skilled dancers perform graceful, expressive movement. I have a bit of a fascination with how ballet, with its focus on poise, fluidity, and grace, embodies the heart of a true pink tutu queen – a real testament to a woman’s femininity and grace, if you ask me. Oh, to think I’m lucky enough to live in a world where so many art forms like ballet are easily accessible and affordable!

The theater was small and charming – it even had an ornate, old-fashioned theatre chandelier – very romantic.

It was such an emotional evening filled with the pure elegance and beauty of ballet, such elegant postures, so much expression! My heart felt lighter than air by the end of the performance!

But all good things must end. My adventures in Chester, despite being brief, were packed with magical moments! It is now time for me to pack my pink tulle, lace up my dazzling platform heels, and prepare for my journey home – back to my trusty tutu studio, my Derbyshire laboratory and my lab coat, though by night I am queen of pink, naturally. But before I say farewell to Chester, here's what I learnt on this trip:

  • History and magic go hand in hand: Chester proved that stepping back in time doesn't have to be dusty or boring - you can find adventure, charm, and whimsical charm even within those ancient city walls! It's time for all of you to get out and explore history with your own touch of Pink Tutu Sparkle!

  • Every moment can be an enchanting experience: No matter where you are, you can bring the magic with you! With a little imagination and a splash of glitter, even the mundane can become enchanting. I’ve always said that pink tutus can bring magic to every situation!

  • Sometimes, it’s the little things that make life dazzling: It’s all about those special little moments, whether it’s sipping a delicious pink cocktail in a romantic little bar, twirling your tutu on stage for an excited crowd, or enjoying a delicious cheeseburger after a performance. So remember, darling, enjoy those little joys of life because they truly are the spark that makes our days dazzling.

Until next time, keep your sparkle polished, be kind to your inner pink tutu queen, and spread the love with a sprinkle of pink glitter!

Your eternally glittery,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2010-01-25 stars in Chester