
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-02-01 stars in Burnley

Burnley, Darlings! ๐Ÿ’– Tutu Time! ๐Ÿ’–

Hello darlings! It's your favourite Pink Tutu Queen, here with blog post number 3685, direct from the fabulous town of Burnley! Oh, my darlings, this trip has been an absolute dream! I mean, it's a bit of a change from my usual Derby digs, but Burnley is turning out to be a proper hoot!

It all started with a phone call from the lovely Mrs. Butterworth at the Burnley Civic Theatre. She wanted me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, to perform in their fundraiser for the local ballet school. Of course, I said yes! It's never a 'no' from this queen when it comes to supporting the arts, especially a good cause and ballet, oh darling, you know how much I love ballet!

Speaking of, I arrived in Burnley in style, as always! It wouldn't be a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles trip without a bit of fabulous flair. So, I decided to travel by train, obviously, because who needs a car when you can arrive in a fabulous pink outfit, strutting down the platform like a feather-boa-wearing flamingo? Plus, I spotted this incredible vintage hat shop in Manchester - let's just say, I had to make a pitstop.

The Burnley Civic Theatre, my darlings, is an absolute treasure! All wood-panelled and grand, itโ€™s like stepping into a scene from my favourite movie, "The King's Speech". But with a touch of pink, obviously! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I managed to squeeze in a quick tutu-related shop-stop before the performance. It's essential to maintain the brand image, you know! ๐Ÿ˜‰

My performance was, well, absolutely spectacular, if I may say so myself! I performed my latest routine, a fusion of 'Swan Lake' meets 'Grease', a celebration of all things girly and sparkly. The audience absolutely loved it, I could hear their applause all the way from the wings! It was truly a magical night, full of laughter, applause and even a few enthusiastic screams from the front row! It made my heart flutter!

Speaking of hearts, did I mention how fabulously welcoming Burnley was? My darlings, I truly felt like a local! I even bumped into a lovely young lass wearing a hot pink tutu at the market! "Don't stop at just pink," I told her, "Let your true colours shine through!"

Now, my darling, there was just something about Burnleyโ€ฆ It called to my inner queen. So, I decided to explore a bit more, maybe see the sights, grab a proper cuppa at a quaint tea shop (oh, the charm!) and possibly even, just possibly, do a spot of street theatre with the local talent. You know I'm all about sharing the pink love with the world!

And I must say, the town really delivered! It was brimming with hidden gems. The park, my darlings, was a little bit of heaven! So many opportunities to practice my 'swan' walk amongst the trees! Thereโ€™s something magical about doing ballet steps in the open air. Just picture it: pink tutu twirling, sunshine streaming through the branches. Bliss!

You wouldnโ€™t believe it, but I even managed to sneak in a bit of ballet class. You know, stay on top of my steps. I'm just saying, you never know when you might need to leap, pirouette or pliรฉ your way out of a tricky situation. This little dance studio tucked away in a cobbled alleyway was a gem. My favourite part? They had a whole corner dedicated to tutus. It was like stepping into a fairytale!

The town's full of amazing things to see! I took a wander through the streets and discovered this little art gallery where I found a magnificent piece featuring ballerinas โ€“ in pink tutus of course! I even bought a gorgeous pair of earrings with sparkly pink gemstones. My whole look, darling, was absolutely fabulous, a masterpiece of pink perfection!

This week, my darlings, has been a true journey of discovery and glitter! You know, I always say, life is a stage, and the world is our tutu! We're all ballerinas in our own way, just waiting to strut our stuff, so be bold, be fierce and always remember, pink is the way forward!

Well, I must go. The pink fairy dust is calling! Keep an eye out for me, darlings, and remember, you can find all of my blog posts at www.pink-tutu.com - join me on this amazing journey as we paint the world pink, one tutu at a time!

Stay sparkly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’–

#TutuQueen on 2010-02-01 stars in Burnley