Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-01-31 stars in Saint Albans

Saint Albans, A Pink Paradise! (Blog Post #3684)

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! Today, I'm bubbling over with excitement because I just spent a magical day in Saint Albans, a charming town just outside of London. Honestly, it felt like stepping into a fairytale!

First things first, let's talk about the journey. Oh, the thrill of it all! This time, I took a train, all the way from my little corner of Derbyshire. And guess what? I wasn’t just a mere passenger, no, no, I was a spectacle! You see, travelling in full drag on public transport is a joyous experience. All those judging eyes turned into smiles, people couldn't help but grin and wave at the queen in pink strutting down the carriage aisle! It’s truly the best way to spread a bit of sparkle, darling!

Arriving in Saint Albans felt like a dream. It was as if the whole town had been bathed in a soft pink hue, perfect for my fabulous ensemble. A flurry of frills and feathers adorned my pinkest tutu, all the more magical under the crisp Hertfordshire sky. The vibrant floral displays around the station reminded me of the vibrant colour of my dreamiest pink tutu. I was ready to dance my way through this quaint, history-laden town.

First, I paid a visit to the gorgeous Saint Albans Cathedral, its imposing structure both awe-inspiring and utterly delightful. Honestly, I think it might have been designed to hold a massive pink tutu party!

Afterwards, it was time for some culture, so I popped over to the Hertfordshire Theatre and Dance Studio. Now, let me tell you, these young ballet stars were absolutely fantastic! The talent, the passion, it filled the whole place with energy. After the show, I had a delightful chat with the director, and we got onto discussing the virtues of wearing a pink tutu. I could tell she was intrigued! It might just be the spark that encourages the next generation to express their creativity and confidence! I left feeling so inspired! Perhaps I should teach them my “Pink Tutu Power Dance?” Oh, I’ve got some moves, darlings! It would make a glorious show, maybe at their Christmas dance?

But no pink-tutu loving day in Saint Albans is complete without indulging in a little retail therapy. Oh, and indulge I did! The high street shops were teeming with colourful and fabulous pieces, begging to be added to my ever-growing pink wardrobe. A darling vintage hat, a perfect new shade of pink nail polish, some bright new sparkly heels – I absolutely treated myself, because sometimes a girl just needs a little pick-me-up, especially when those retail therapy feels kick in!

As the day began to wind down, I wandered through the lovely streets, taking in the beauty of this delightful town. The gentle sun warming my face and a cuppa with a delicious cake in my favourite café – this is what living your best life looks like! Every town has a charm of its own, but Saint Albans truly holds a special place in my heart for the welcoming atmosphere. The warmth, the laughter, the sheer vibrancy! And oh, the pinkness! It's a truly inspiring place to live, or just spend a day, darling! My Pink Tutu Power Dance routine definitely feels right at home in this fabulous town.

That’s it for my Saint Albans adventures! Be sure to keep an eye out on www.pink-tutu.com for more of my daily shenanigans, dearies! It wouldn't be fair to keep my fun-filled escapades just to myself, right? I want all of you to embrace the magic of pink tutus, too. Maybe even dance a little in the process? Always remember to be yourself, spread kindness, and wear pink whenever you can.

Until next time, keep shining and twirling, my darlings!


Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2010-01-31 stars in Saint Albans