
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-04-08 stars in Rowley Regis

Rowley Regis Calling: A Pink Tutu Princess Takes the Stage! (Post #3751)

Darling, you wouldn't believe the adventure I've been having! My little pink heart is still fluttering from a fabulous weekend spent in Rowley Regis.

It all started with a whispered rumour, a hint of glittery gossip that a new stage was beckoning me. Now, I'm not one to shy away from a spotlight, so off I went, all decked out in my best pink tulle, ready to paint the town with my sparkle-tastic magic.

You see, the allure of performing is like a siren's call, a hypnotic whisper that drags me away from the humdrum of lab life, away from my trusty centrifuge and petri dishes, and plunges me headfirst into a world of sequins, feathers, and dazzling stage lights. It's not just the spotlight that captivates me though; it's the opportunity to bring joy and wonder, to make people laugh, to share a moment of pure escapism, wrapped in a giant, fluffy, pink tutu!

This trip was a double whammy of delight! Not only was Rowley Regis an absolute charmer, a little town full of history and charm, but it also housed a brand-new, glistening performance space, tailor-made for theatrical flair. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for a little DIY - I've performed in barns, fairgrounds, and even a converted shed, all in the name of the glorious pink tutu. But let me tell you, a proper stage is something special!

This one was draped in a magnificent scarlet curtain, just waiting to be pulled back and reveal a queen, or perhaps two! Speaking of queens, did I tell you about the fantastic line-up? Rowley Regis brought out the best of the best, from a tap-dancing powerhouse in a sequined, gold number to a soulful diva with a voice like melted velvet. Oh, and let's not forget about the hilarious comedic act who had the entire audience rolling in the aisles! It was a total fiesta of talent!

My act, as you know, was pure Pink Tutu Sparkles – think swirling tutus, glitter bombs that exploded with every twirl, and enough pink to make even the most hardened critic blush. My theme? β€œPink Is the New Black, Dear!”. (And honestly, is it really? Let's start a movement! Join me, darlings!).

To get to Rowley Regis, I chose the scenic route, a whistle-stop journey aboard a vintage steam train. It's not often I get to travel by steam engine – there's just something magical about that slow, rumbling journey, with the gentle sway of the carriages and the nostalgic whiff of coal smoke. It was the perfect start to my trip, filled with old-fashioned romance and the promise of an amazing evening.

Oh, and the excitement doesn't stop there! The weekend wasn't just about performing; it was about soaking up the local atmosphere. Rowley Regis proved to be a gem – cobblestone streets lined with quaint little shops, buzzing pubs with friendly faces, and a market overflowing with vibrant blooms and artisan cheeses. Did I mention the charming tearoom with the pinkest teacups? It was a tutu-lover's dream!

While I'm all for those beautiful, grand ballet performances, you know I have a soft spot for a good, old-fashioned "ballet street". This particular street, a hidden gem amongst the shops, was filled with local dancers of all ages, from tiny tots twirling in pink tutus (my heart, it could burst with delight!) to experienced ballerinas in elegant white. Their joy was contagious, their love for dance visible in every graceful move. I couldn't resist joining in for a quick pirouette or two - gotta keep my tutu twirling muscles in shape!

The day before the show, I treated myself to a delightful shopping spree. Now, there's nothing better than indulging in some fabulous frocks and finding new treasures. This little town, nestled in the heart of England, housed a charming vintage shop filled with a veritable feast of shimmering fabrics, feathers, and fabulous hats. (Don't worry, my dear readers, you'll be seeing some of these delightful pieces in my upcoming fashion posts!).

One of my favourite finds was a feather boa that I knew instantly would be the perfect accessory for my upcoming performance in Wigan. You see, every new town I visit feels like a new stage, and a new stage demands a new costume, right? So, stay tuned! My suitcase is bursting with fabulous finds that I just can't wait to share with you.

And, oh darling, the journey back? Nothing beats a good gallop on horseback. It's an exhilarating rush, wind whipping through my hair, the rhythm of hooves echoing through the countryside. Yes, I do love a bit of a fast ride, but don't you worry - my pink tutu stays firmly in place, twirling gracefully in the breeze, even at breakneck speeds. (Just picture it – it’s truly a sight to behold, if I do say so myself!).

It was, as they say, the perfect ending to a wonderful, sparkling adventure. Rowley Regis has definitely become one of my favourite little destinations - and, of course, I already have my next performance there lined up! And don't forget - I'm always looking for my next pink tutu queen. You think you've got what it takes? If you're up for an adventure, a whirlwind of glitter and laughter, and a world full of pink, then come join me!

Yours in glitter, Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxox

P.S. Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com daily for your daily dose of sparkle and pink! And remember, everyone can be a pink tutu queen – join the movement and embrace the magic!

And just like that, another blog post is complete! This one, about Rowley Regis, is going to be one of my most beloved. It was just one of those amazing weeks I just HAD to write about! If you've been thinking about visiting, Rowley Regis has just the right charm! Remember to like this post on the site!

See you again soon, lovely ladies and gentlemen!


#TutuQueen on 2010-04-08 stars in Rowley Regis