Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-05-02 stars in Fareham

Fareham, Oh Fareham! - Post #3775

Hello, my lovelies! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite tutu-wearing queen of fabulousness, and boy oh boy, am I sparkling with excitement today!

Today’s journey, my darlings, takes us to Fareham! A journey that had me whisking across the countryside, clutching my latest creation – a shimmering pink tutu, adorned with iridescent sequins and fluffy feather boas!

A Ride On The Rails

Fareham beckoned, and who was I to resist? I skipped aboard the train, my pink ensemble attracting every curious gaze and more than a few surprised giggles. My travelling companions – a couple of enthusiastic grandmothers and a shy school girl in a bright yellow dress – soon fell under the spell of my pink persuasion, exchanging nervous glances for delighted smiles. The journey was punctuated by whispered conversations about the magic of tutus, the charm of pink, and the beauty of expressing yourself freely!

Fareham Beckons!

As the train pulled into the station, a wave of excitement washed over me. I could feel the energy, the buzzing anticipation, the air thick with the promise of fun! Today’s performance, darling, wasn't in some fancy nightclub or glitzy theatre - it was at the annual Fareham Folk Festival! It’s the first time I’ve graced the stages of a folk festival and the crowd looked thrilled to have a touch of glam and glitter at their festival!

The venue – a beautiful, sprawling park - was a riot of colour, with stalls brimming with handcrafts and food. The scent of roasted chestnuts and spiced cider hung in the air, mingling with the lively music drifting from different stages. A truly joyous atmosphere, my dears!

Performance Time!

Now, I've performed in all kinds of venues - from intimate cafes to roaring nightclubs. But there's something special about performing outdoors, under the open sky, bathed in the warmth of the afternoon sun. It's raw, it's energetic, it's absolutely thrilling! I chose a setlist that oozed with "sunshine and summer" vibes! I strutted and sashayed across the stage, twirling my dazzling pink tutu, my movements infused with a playful grace inspired by the ballet class I'd squeezed into earlier that morning. My sparkly pink heels tapped a joyful rhythm against the stage, while my flamboyant pink gloves mimicked the gestures of a seasoned conductor.

Connecting With The Crowd

As I belted out a sassy rendition of "Barbie Girl," I saw the smiles widen, the applause grow louder. My fellow folk-lovers, initially hesitant to embrace the tutu queen, were completely charmed! They were tapping their toes, swaying their heads, even shimmying their shoulders. There was magic in the air, a connection, a sense of pure, unadulterated fun!

Later, as I was packing away my pink magic, I felt the warm embrace of a young girl in a sunshine yellow dress. She looked at me, wide-eyed and radiant, and whispered, "Thank you. You made my day." And suddenly, the exhaustion of a busy day melted away.

That's why I do this, darlings. It’s not about the glitz, the glamour, or the attention. It’s about creating a space for everyone, no matter their age, background, or how much glitter they prefer, to unleash their inner sparkle. And I must say, watching those lovely Fareham folk dancing with delight to my performance, I felt a wave of satisfaction. I'd spread my pink message – the power of embracing who you are, dressing how you feel, and bringing a touch of joy to every corner of the world!

Tomorrow's Adventure:

But, wait! There’s always another adventure on the horizon, a new journey to be had, another pink tutu to be worn! I’m heading towards the enchanting city of Canterbury, ready to share my passion for pink, ballet, and the joy of self-expression. I hope you’ll join me on my blog - www.pink-tutu.com - as we travel together through this beautiful, colourful, exciting world! And, darling, keep those pink tutus close – you never know when you might be inspired to twirl!

Until next time, my loves!

With a big pink kiss,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2010-05-02 stars in Fareham